Day 14: #30GratefulDays | Reunion with High School Friends

I was happy to spend dinner with some of my high school friends at Vikings last night. It has been a long time since I saw my St. Anne friends. Our friend Stephanie is a veterinarian based in Norway and she’s in town for a few days. We arranged a buffet get-together to welcome her and catch up. Just like that, it is high school all over again and these people were just as welcoming as they were to me all those years ago. 

It warms my heart that my friends and I are still in touch even to this day. We keep things real and there is no dull moment between us. Our lives are interesting and it is a joy to see each other succeed in our chosen fields. I am also excited for our next get-togethers. High school never ends; in fact, it only gets better as we grow up. 
