Day 5: Online Skills

Yesterday, I shared with you how I design my life with intention. One of the cornerstones of living deliberately is practicing discernment in EVERY choice I make. As I am now building my career trajectory in the corporate world, I have to be mindful of the skills which I already have. That way, I get to apply them more effectively and make excellence a habit. 

It is remarkable though that even in a corporate setting, my personal growth is made possible through skills which are valuable in online businesses. Corporations have an online presence, and knowing which online skills I innately have is going to make me a more valuable asset to my employer.  

Are you curious to know which online skills will enable you to thrive beyond the interwebs? Let me teach you how! 


I am on the third day of The Bucketlist Bombshells mini-course which I have shared with you a few days ago. I found out through the video class that I am proficient in tech skills more than graphic design, and it is an area where I can develop my potential to have an online tech business. This does not necessarily mean that I will be setting up my own tech business. It could simply mean that I could diversify my role in the company I will belong to by applying my innate skills in project management, web content strategy, writing, and blogging should there be opportunities in their online campaigns. I have also learned that I can grow and expand my tech skills by learning more about social media management and coding in the future.

To determine if you are more of a graphic designer or a tech professional, take the Day 3 video class in the mini course. You should also reflect on what excites you. Do you like browsing through typography, colour schemes, and mood boards online? Then you are most likely to be a graphic designer at heart. If you are more excited about managing online content, writing blog posts, and thinking of practical solutions to everyday tech problems, then you are more of a tech whiz. You do not have to be a coder or developer to work in tech. In fact, you can simply write content and have a potentially fruitful career online if you continuously research and study on ways to amp up your skills.

There are plenty of online courses to teach you how to acquire graphic design or tech skills, and there are also affordable classes in schools, univeristies, and even co-working spaces. Choose what works best for you and focus on the skills you want to develop, learn, and apply!

As always, I am being real and sharing with you my actual answers to the worksheet provided in the video course. I hope that this will inspire you to uncover which online skills could help you setup your own online side-hustle or diversify your current role in your company. Who knows, you might even have a more meaningful life in the process. Let me know how it goes, and tomorrow, I will teach you another lesson on self-improvement which you should not miss!

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