Day 1: #30GratefulDays Launch with Brekkie

My life has been a roller coaster ride of late. I have resigned from my job, resumed my daily workouts at the park, blogged everyday as always, and sent my CV to companies that are hiring.  It is easy to lose my bearings and focus. To be honest, there are days when I just want to give up and mope around. However, I have since learned that owning my narrative is key to overhauling my life. If I cannot take responsibility for my own existence, even for things that are beyond my control, then I will end up going nowhere. And since I want to get back on my feet, I have decided to own my joblessness, my hypothyroidism, my fitness goals, my jobhunting, and my thirst for knowledge. Speaking of thirst for knowledge, I do not have money to enroll in graduate school. I also cannot commit to a fixed term knowing that I may have a full-time job soon. I am dying to join a life coaching or passion project boot camp but my lack of funds is preventing me from doing so. As a result, I am reading and buying books to educate myself and keep my mind abreast with the latest trends, lingo, and possible endeavors. 


I recently purchased a book entitled "You Can Be Happy Again" by Edwin S. Soriano. The author is a life coach and while I am still halfway through the book, I have already picked up plenty of positive tidbits to keep me going. One of these learnings is the importance of gratitude. Having a thankful attitude changes everything. To improve my life (as the author has dared me to do so), I am launching #30gratefuldays which will document my life here on my online diary but with a thankful twist. Instead of focusing on my need for employment, fulfillment, and what have you, I will spend the next month highlighting what I am grateful for. I am eager to see how this turns out.

For day one, I am thankful for my quick breakfast at Mister Kabab, a cult favorite here in Quezon City. I always have their special chicken chelo kabab and brewed coffee. It may have been a fast meal after my workout, but it did wonders to elevate my day from blah to fabulous. It really helps to diversify my schedule every once in a while, as long as it does not break the bank. I am thankful that I was able to have a delicious brekkie and I was able to finish the novel "The Ugly Sister" by Jane Fallon, which was a funny Brit wit chick flick while doing so. I look forward to the next thirty days and who knows, I may really improve my perspective by focusing on what to be grateful for.