Dressing the Part

I am easing my way into the daily grind at work. One of the things that motivates me to hustle everyday is fashion. I am not addicted to dressing up per se, but I just find clothes to be the right catalyst in setting the tone for my day. For instance, I find myself pumped up for a workout when my Zumba gear is on point. For work, dressing up according to my mood, the weather, and my plans helps me get into girlboss mode. 


I saw this sign that at the restaurant while I was eating breakfast. It really resonates with me because I have an unceasing appetite for life. The same goes for my outfits. I am determined to excel at work so I am also driven to dress the part. I am crediting this to my hunger for a better life. 


I am currently enjoying my morning coffee breaks. It keeps me awake as I learn office processes and begin new assignments. 


Here’s to productive work days and more opportunities to dress up as I speakoutsam!