I Am Enough

Yesterday, I continued journaling using the prompts from Abbey Sy’s book Always Be Creating which I have started last Saturday. I also shared some of my journaling using the book last Sunday, and it was empowering to both finish the book and realize these powerful reflections. 


Turns out, my power word is enough. I can’t wait to fulfill all the plans and opportunities that are waiting for me this 2019, and yes, I will always keep in mind that I am enough


After journaling, I had brunch at Falafel Yo at SM North Annex. It was delicious and filling! I really am a falafel fan to begin with, so eating this sandwich was a guiltless treat that made me smile. 

I also have a thing for floors, and I couldn’t resist their pretty tiles.  


Later, I bought a leather mini makeup bag to store my tiny essentials inside my handbag. I also used the 15% discount voucher that I received from donating clothes the other day at H&M. 


Then, I prayed at St. Joseph’s Shrine at Anonas. I prayed for my terminally-ill dad, my mom, and for myself- that I will have a good job, a kind boss, more opportunities this year, and a great relationship. 


I dropped by Anonas gem Baker’s Garden to buy bread for snack. 


This is my favorite spot at Anonas: where the sky meets the train station, the church, and the microcinema. 


I finally got to watch Kung Paano Siya Nawala at Cinema ‘76 and it was worth the commute! It was light and entertaining. I also liked that they featured one of my favorite charities, PAWS! 


My thing for floors continues. 


I ended my day with a hearty dinner: a steaming hot bowl of malunggay noodle soup with mushroom balls. Yum! 


I work hard, I pray hard, and I eat right. Here’s to the best year of my life! After all, I am enough.