Hope and Hunger

Okay, I’m serving you some real talk today. I had difficulty starting my car right before my GK Enchanted Farm tour last Saturday. I was left my car at a safe parking spot and joined my friends at the van we rented. I was able to drive to dinner at Breakfast Bin, and back home afterwards. Starting the car was a struggle, but I made it home. 

Fast forward to yesterday morning, and I couldn’t start my car at home. My battery is dead.  

I realized that how fortunate was that I was able to go home and not have car problems on the road- or in the middle of Maginhawa Street, post-dinner. God still looks after me after all.  


After hearing mass with my family yesterday, I ate this glorious chicken ala Kiev from Conti’s. Then, I proceeded to my derma appointment. I took Grab coming home. 


I wore my new handmade earrings from GK Enchanted Farm social enterprise Hiblahi. As always, this is not a sponsored post. I simply like supporting social enterprises and wearing local pieces with pride. 

I am lucky that I was able to go home safely. Here’s to a restored faith that enables me to hope for better things and a hunger for opportunities!