Cupcake Beanie

Today’s my blog anniversary! I started two years ago when I had a job in IT. I was the program officer of my alma mater’s IT department for during that time, and I felt that I needed to have something for myself that was related to my field. I am not a coder or a programmer, so a blog was the most logical choice for me to set up. 


I enjoyed blogging so much that I ended up doing it everyday. I got to share about my interests such as knitting and crochet. Incidentally, I just finished knitting this beanie for my goddaughter. So, if there’s anything that I can say today, it’s that you can blog about anything that makes you happy. If you have a hobby, then you can share about that. If you have a job that enriches your life with skills and training, you may also apply your learnings in your blog. 

It is also my first day at my new job. It’s at an IT company again. As my blog turns two, I am thankful for blessings that come my way, and for opportunities that lead me to where I'm meant to be.  

Here’s to more years to speakoutsam!