Tied Down

Yesterday, I had a difficult day as I encountered problems in the bank. I had to discuss my status quo with the manager, who didn’t seem to grasp the urgency of my situation at first. She did help me after my explanation, and I am awaiting the full resolution of the issue within the week.  


Having said that, I decided to unwind with some cheap thrills at the mall: a sizzling burger steak and iced coffee shake.  


I also got to watch Tayo sa Huling Buwan ng Taon, which is the sequel to one of my favorite local indie films, Ang Kwento Nating Dalawa. 

It was beautifully acted and very sad.  


I stayed at the hospital with my terminally-ill father, and I found him restrained to his bed to prevent him from removing his respirator. It was sad to see him this way, so I have to keep myself strong in the coming days.

I just have to find ways to be happy amidst the darkness of my current situation.