Money & Me

I recently finished reading Money & Me by Sha Nacino. I read this book because I wanted to improve my spending habits while I am staying at home for now due to the lockdown. I am glad that I read this because I learned some key takeaways which I could apply to my life:

  1. Money is simply a tool to buy our basic needs. In order to make it grow, we should use it to invest in ourselves. One of the ways that we can improve ourselves through self-investment is through seminars. I personally believe in this because seminars have enabled me to learn, network, and develop my skills.

  2. We can all recover from credit card debt. I have never experienced this, but I believe that this chapter is important because so many people my age are in credit card debt.

  3. Happiness can be achieved if we learn that money is not the only way to achieve it. Living within our means is one of the ways that we can achieve happiness and peace of mind.

I recommend this book to everyone who would like to improve their financial literacy. Get this book here and learn more on how money can help you invest in yourself!