Day 23 | #30GratefulDays: Here For Me


I would like to thank my family for being here for me in this time of my life. The past few months have been exhausting, but they never left my side. To my friends who sent me links, messaged me, asked me how I am, advised me on blogging, work, prayer, and even books, I would like to say thank you! And of course, I am thankful to have A in my life, because he chooses to love me every single day, even when I am not loveable.  

I am grateful that I received love and light when I needed it most. I am happy that my blog helps me connect to those who pushed me forward. Now, let me assure you that I am never giving up, and that following your advice, I am moving onward. 

To you dear reader, thank you for dropping by my home here on the interwebs. Thank you for reading my story. This is just a beginning, and there will be more plot twists to watch out for.  

The whole point of life is to live according to what we think will make us happy. For now, blogging keeps me happy and connected to myself. My eyes have never left my goals, but my heart continues to beat to the rhythm of the present. I will never give up. Happiness is indeed a choice, which I have decided to fight for every single day.  

I hope that you too will fight for your dreams. They are valid, but if you experience setbacks, never lose hope. Just ask for help, and you will be surprised that there will always be people who will be there for you.