Food Fight

Lately, I’ve been working out like crazy. I’ve been combining Zumba with cardio exercises throughout the day. It is only fitting that I nourish myself with the right food, such as this delicious adobo flakes kare-kare from Figaro. 


I also had lemonade and coffee to keep me awake for a day of working and burning calories.  


For dessert, I had this choco banana ice cream crepe from Crazy Crepes. So good!


Before going home, I got to have my glasses for astigmatism adjusted to better fit my face.  


Life isn’t always easy, but with the right workouts and nourishment, we will have a more balanced existence. Here’s to having it all without compromising our values, one day at a time. 

Day 6: Magnetized


I have been through a lot of changes in the past year. I launched my blog in a low-key manner, became a freelance researcher while looking for career options, continued exercising, and attended some awesome seminars and conferences as a form of continuing education. I realized that it was way too easy to get lost in all of these transitions, but I chose to remain centered through my wellness through mindfulness battlecry. 


I have made a commitment to living deliberately. It is a process which I am undertaking because I want to make better choices from now on. I would like to have more blessings in my life, so I read Bo Sanchez’s book How to Be a Blessing Magnet. Do you also want to design your life with the intention of attracting more blessings? 

Let me teach you how! 

This book reinforced my belief in *magic*. You see, I have always seen wishing as more than just a fairytale storyline. I believe that wishes can come true, especially since miracles have been present in my life. Of course, we have to have a healthy dose of reality in the wishes we make (ex. I cannot wish to become invisible!). So I was glad that Bo wrote in this book that “wishing has power”, because the impact created through wishing releases energy which attracts blessings. 

To begin attracting blessings, you have to live with a thankful heart.

Wealth is a feeling. It does not matter how much you have in your bank account or how successful you are in your career. If you feel like a winner, you internalize the perception that you are rich. And when you live like a winner, you will be grateful. You will thank God more! And you will aspire for incredible things and opportunities because you know by now that you deserve more. 

Do extraordinary things.  

Take initiative. If there is nothing happening in your life right now, create opportunities! For instance, my blog has become my full-time job when I resigned from work. And guess what- having my own website has become a dress rehearsal for being my own boss! By learning how to manage my website, plan content and write my blog entries every single day, I learned how to be my own boss and by doing so, I am also becoming a better worker. 

By the time I will be employed again, I will be a better follower because I learned first-hand how it is to direct myself and to be responsible for something that is entirely my own. I look forward to applying this sense of responsibility to my next job.  

So I urge you to begin something extraordinary today for yourself and you will be surprised on how it will give you clarity on what you truly want in life. Let that clarity help you attract the right blessings.  

Create your own miracles.  

Take a look back and reflect on your challenges. List down what you have learned from your struggles and use them to propel you forward.  And use your suffering to have compassion for others so that you will not just attract blessings, you will also share your blessings!

Failure is a redirection.  

Change your strategy if your life needs to be fixed at the moment. Again, reflect on your setbacks and strategize on how you can rise from your challenges. Remember, you can only redirect your path if you act on your plans. So go ahead and keep moving forward!

Be hopeful.  

Remember this formula to sum up Bo’s powerful promise that your future can be beautiful: 

+ Hope = + Happiness

Increase your hope, and it will lead to an increase in happiness. Once you are hopeful, you begin to have a sense of gratitude which enables you to live with intention. When you are able to fulfill your dreams, you become happier. And when you give hope, you make other people happy too!  

So act on your dreams and say this powerful declaration at the start of each day:

I’m God’s beloved and it’s His great pleasure to bless me. God’s river of blessings is flowing to me at every single moment of my life. Everything I need comes to me. I’m a blessing magnet.  

-Bo Sanchez  


“How to Be a Blessing Magnet” by Bo Sanchez is available at National Bookstore. I bought my copy from the Shepherd’s Voice booth at the 2017 Manila International Book Fair. It is also available online at


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Day 2: Vision Boards

I made a couple of vision boards when I was still working in the BPO industry. I kept these boards with me, and they still inspire me until now.

My love for vision boards boil down to the process of making one. 

I find the process therapeutic, and I get to map out my dreams in a tangible way. With the exception of the virtual professionals phrase, I can say that my vision boards are still current. 


For now, I am focusing on building a corporate career. I am also seeking balance in my life. I have recently let go of difficult people in my life and I am attracting growth. Like what I have learned from Roma Agsalud last Saturday, “growth takes time”. I am now focusing on what I invest in and using my time wisely. That way, I am building a future for myself that is secure and full of opportunities. 


You might be wondering why I prefer to make old school vision boards when I can easily do so online. I am a strong believer that handmade is better. The process gives me a tangible connection to the visual representation of my dreams. You might think that they are just mostly makeup, accessories, and clothes, but these items inspire me to work hard. And of course, my vision boards will never be complete without my advocacies and faith.

If you have extra time and some old magazines, I highly recommend making vision boards. You will need a pair of scissors, glue stick, illustration board, and an outline of what you are looking for. If you prefer doing without the outline, that is also fine. You will definitely be inspired and your vision boards can be your visual guides to the dreams you want to fulfill.

Good luck!

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Lessons on FinTech

I always have a photo taken by the auditorium  

I always have a photo taken by the auditorium  

Legit pass! 

Legit pass! 

Simple breakfast at the cafeteria 🍳 

Simple breakfast at the cafeteria 🍳 

But first, coffee ☕️  

But first, coffee ☕️  

I have shared yesterday about the novelty of joining a conference online for the first time. I had quite an information overload on the first day of the 2nd Asia Finance Forum, yet I was eager to livestream the second day of the conference. So imagine my surprise when I received an email that my registration has been confirmed for days two and three. I was floored because while I did appeal for a chance to join the conference in person, I was not expecting any outcome because I was aware of the large delegation for this year’s forum. I was happy to be given this rare chance to be a visitor of the Asian Development Bank, and if there is anything that I have learned even before signing up at the reception area, it would be the value of asking. I asked for a chance to attend the conference even if I was told that I could only livestream it, and I was granted a seat for the rest of the conference. There is value in asking for another chance, because it is where possibilities and opportunities are realized. 

Being here is a dream come true

Being here is a dream come true

Let the light in 💡  

Let the light in 💡  

I have learned from yesterday’s sessions that the opportunities far outweigh the risks.  

Hanging out at the ADB Library

Hanging out at the ADB Library

FinTech is highly vulnerable to security risks, but the transformative power it has enables companies to take a leap of faith. Balancing risk and innovation is essential to ensure that development is sustainable.

In FinTech and in life, it is important to assess the risks involved and to keep on going, as long as the possibilities outweigh the hurdles along the way. 


It is important to innovate, but it should be partnered with empathy every step of the way. Design thinking should be applied to solve problems, especially when it comes to including the unbanked in FinTech progress. To be people-centric involves research and in-depth community immersion. Without knowing the needs of the people it aims to serve, FinTech companies cannot say that they innovate in a sustainable and inclusive manner.  

Another surprising turn was a lunchtime talk at the library which featured news anchor and public speaking coach Steve Dawson. He spoke on Storytelling for Presenters. I have learned the following from his insightful talk:  

  1. Nerves are good! Being nervous is an indication of focus. Just do not let your nerves distract or rattle you.  
  2. Storytelling is about digression. Explore your topic by including related details that could add humor and spice to your subject. For example, Steve spoke about his daughter’s triumph over dyslexia, and the astounding fact that she is now on her way to Australia for university. While speaking about his daughter, he became emotional and his feelings as a father became evident. It added interest to his story though, and it hooked his audience on his daughter’s journey from struggle to graduation. 
  3. Know your audience. Never underestimate the power of research when it comes to understanding who your listeners are.  
  4. Storytelling is about sharing. It is the art of connecting with your audience that makes you an effective speaker. Simplify complex information to make it easier for you to share. Make it entertaining too so your story could resonate with your listeners. 

I had a productive day and I was able to appreciate how innovation could personally motivate me to assess risks and seek opportunities. I also got inspired to communicate better by adopting a storytelling approach. I look forward to tomorrow’s talks with an open mind that is ready to innovate. 

The auditorium  

The auditorium  

Matcha muffin and quiche for morning coffee snacks

Matcha muffin and quiche for morning coffee snacks

Sketching helps me absorb information

Sketching helps me absorb information



Lunchtime learning at the library! 

Lunchtime learning at the library! 

Chocolate bread pudding with vanilla sauce

Chocolate bread pudding with vanilla sauce

Cocktail food

Cocktail food

Cocktail food

Cocktail food

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food

Cocktail food


Solo Enjoyment

I have written about solo dining in Manila, which only shows how much I believe in the empowering effect of going out alone. I have always enjoyed my own company, and this is practically a given as I am an only child. I think exploring places alone is a joyful experience. I was never scared to walk on my own, even in malls or restuarants where couples and groups are the norm. This is why even if I am in a happy relationship, I still find time to go out alone. 

Are you afraid to spend time alone? Or are you just looking for activities you can enjoy by yourself? Here are a few regular things I do alone.  



After a chair Zumba class

After a chair Zumba class

With little Ella

With little Ella

  1. Watch a movie. You might think that movies are best enjoyed with a date. I do watch movies with A, but there are times when I am compelled to spend time appreciating film alone. This applies to indie films and other movies which are not as conventional. Yesterday, I watched Loving Vincent. It broke my heart. It was so sad! But it was a visually stunning film as it is completely hand painted. “Starry starry night...” 
  2. Workout. I join Zumba classes at a local park. I am not even naturally coordinated, but Zumba gives me life! I enjoy dancing to Latin music and forgetting about my worries along the way. It is healthy to burn calories, and really, working out is unbeatable when it comes to bringing out the best in you. My best ideas come to me while I am exercising, and most of them are for my blog. So why not try a workout today and you might even be inspired to write, draw, or create! 
  3. Visit a pet cafe. Manila is now home to numerous dog and cat cafes. I frequent Barkin Blends because the dogs are trained to be playful with humans, even those who are not used to living with dogs. The staff are also helpful and efficient, so I always get a peaceful couple of hours with my favorite dog Ella, who is a chiweenie. I personally feel destressed after each visit. Cuddling a dog (or cat, if that’s more your thing) can give you a semblance of calmness, especially if the said dog snores on your lap! Not to mention, pet cafes serve coffee, so you can also get your caffeine fix while hugging your furry friend. 

These are just three examples of activities I enjoy alone. You should try at least one of them, as going out alone is therapeutic. Who knows, you might even learn more about yourself along the way. It should never be terrifying or lonely to be solo. As long as you are comfortable with your own company, you will definitely feel the incomparable joy of exploring the city by yourself.  

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Have a Little Faith


Lately, I have been facing some tough times. I had to leave two jobs within a year due to circumstances beyond my control. However, I realized that I have full control of what I feel, act, and do. So, I have resolved to carry on with blogging, job hunting, and my weekly routine, which includes visiting a place of worship each week.


I have already visited St. Clare’s monastery last Thursday, but I have decided to make this week a little extra by swinging by the National Shrine of St. Jude in Mendiola, Manila. It is his feast day today, and I could not let this week go by without thanking him for his constant intercession. I also have many favors to pray for, so it was an easy decision to make.

To go there, I simply ride the MRT to Cubao then transfer to the LRT going to Legarda. From there, it is a leisurely walk to St. Jude.


I offer candles, which cost Php2.00 each right beside the church. Prayer cards such as those for exams and for job seekers are sold by street vendors surrounding the church. I also visit the other statues there, such as Padre Pio. It is a one-stop shrine for all your desperate needs.

St. Jude is after all the patron of hopeless cases, and I have experienced his unwavering support. In 2016, he granted me a huge favor around the time of his feast day. And now, I have returned, a year later and stronger from all the challenges I have endured.

It is also admirable to witness faith in person. I am inspired to pray when there are multitudes of faithful churchgoers around me. I feel that having a little faith is not a solo endeavour after all. It is also prayer in action, as the trip to St. Jude is not easy, considering that public transportation in Metro Manila is not efficient. But it is a trip I have made whenever I can, and it is a blessing to be with St. Jude during his fiesta time.


I pray that A and I will soon find the right jobs for us. I pray that we will always be in excellent health. I pray that our families will always be blessed. And I pray that my blog will continue to inspire me to live a life of wellness through mindfulness, so that I can lead others by example. 


What are you praying for? Let me know if you want me to pray for your special intentions when I get to visit a church again. Let us continue praying for each other!

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Personal Prosperity Perspective

Try saying my post’s title in succession ten times. It’s quite a tongue twister, isn’t it? 


Like the way our speech gets confused whenever we attempt to say tongue twisters in succession, I have noticed that we have an innate tendency to dwell on what we lack. We tend to notice that we lack confidence, intelligence, schooling, privilege...the list goes on. 

But what if we can rewire our minds to naturally veer towards prosperity? 

I have candidly blogged about my unemployment. Not so long ago, my posts sounded pleading and almost defeatist. However, I applied design thinking into my personal development. Empathy is a key factor in this thought process. I felt that I was doing myself a disservice whenever I blogged about being unemployed, struggling with money, and running out of hope. 

I downloaded some podcasts, such as The Lavendaire Lifestyle and Pursuit with Purpose.  I spent the weekend listening to these insightful lessons and I learned that I lean towards negativity.

In order to create opportunities for myself, I have to have a Prosperity Perspective. 

Surrounding yourself with love helps too! 

Surrounding yourself with love helps too! 

It may sound unthinkable to imbibe a personal mindset that I am experiencing blessings during a time of emptiness. However, that is exactly why we should rethink how we view prosperity. It does not just happen to those who are already employed, successful, and living the life. In fact, prosperity belongs to everyone. It is just a matter of making it personal in order to enjoy the benefits firsthand.

Let me give you a couple of examples when the mindset that I am broke caused me to miss a couple of opportunities. I was at a museum in Singapore to view a popular exhibit, but I was told by the guide that I needed to donate a small amount of money. My disappointment took over and I told him that I was sorry because I was broke. I had missed the chance to view this exhibit because I felt that I did not have enough funds to do so, when in fact, I could have just donated money to enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime art experience. I ended up being sad because I missed that opportunity, and you would think that I have already learned my lesson, right?

Well, it took a second missed opportunity for me to grasp the meaning of having a prosperity perspective. A legendary cultural figure was invited by the government agency which was conducting a trade fair last week. I have successfully registered for a conference beside the said trade fair, and I was attending to represent my blog in various creativity workshops. Because I was concerned about being broke, I told the secretariat (who offered me a paid ticket to the said trade fair upon discovering that I was a delegate to the conference next door) that I could not afford it. Upon seeing the finished output of the legendary artist, I felt disappointed with myself. I could have paid the entrance fee with my savings in order to experience another once-in-a-lifetime artistic experience! The conference was insightful, but the opportunity to meet a living legend does not happen everyday. Besides, I could have returned to my seat at the conference anytime. It was a wasted chance, all because I was focused on being broke.

If I had my personal prosperity perspective in order, I could have seen the value of the opportunities being presented to me.  I could have said yes instead of missing out on these chances to broaden my artistic point of view. I could have enriched my life, but I chose to be conveniently broke.

From now on, I will no longer let the broke mentality blind me from the value of opportunities. My prosperity perspective will be personal in such a way that I will make it my own truth. In turn, I will eagerly await opportunities to come my way, and this time I will say yes!

You can try saying personal prosperity perspective  again and again, but the message is best understood by practicing this mindset. Shift towards prosperity and abandon your broke mentality today! Do it one day at a time, and tell me how it goes. I’d love to hear your stories.

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Why I Blog Now

Blogging has made me open to more experiences, even simple joys like checking out a Mini Cooper exhibit! 

Blogging has made me open to more experiences, even simple joys like checking out a Mini Cooper exhibit! 

Most people ask me why I still blog. I guess it is surprising to see that I am still writing a blog entry each day. I have enjoyed the process of telling my story, and this has led to a daily habit of writing something on my blog. It is noteworthy that I am not usually blogging on big events or monumental happenings. When I am asked what my blog is all about, I was never shy to admit that it is mostly about my daily journey with hypothyroidism. I am proud that I have learned how to defy my condition and managed to live a meaningful life, but that it not the only reason why I blog. I have decided to dedicate today’s entry on why I blog now, and maybe it could also inspire you to start your own blogging journey. 

Last night’s Word of Mouth event at BGC High Street

Last night’s Word of Mouth event at BGC High Street

  1. Blogging has become my job. I have learned that it is not healthy to describe myself as jobless. Through listening to mindfulness podcasts, I have realized that the brain does not know the difference between imagination and reality. If I will imagine myself as being employed now, then I will believe that I am fulfilled. Now, I am not hallucinating here. I am not thinking that I am employed because I am not- yet! However, I have a blog, which I have committed to write to every single day. Thus, it has become my duty to myself to compose a short essay, even when I do not necessarily feel like sharing my thoughts. And yes, it has become a...
  2. Habit. Blogging has become my habit! And it is a healthy one at that. I realized that even the mere act of powering up my Squarespace app has motivated me to put my thoughts on the Internet. Writing has led me to explore more, even when I have limitations such as budget. Having my blog has blurred these limitations. I got invited to some awesome events, such as Word of Mouth. Speaking of awesome events...
  3. Blogging has earned me access to conferences. Seminars and conferences sponsored by prestigious institutions are usually inaccessible, but thanks to my blog, I have been qualified to become a delegate to these educational events. I have motivated myself to attend seminars to educate myself and enhance my content with the knowledge I will gain. With conferences hosted by the DTI, Asian Institute of Management, and Philippine Business for the Environment, I was able to listen to industry insights and trends in creativity and innovation. If you want to qualify for these events, make sure that your blog has quality content, with no offensive topics. Organizers do screen blog and website content in advance to ensure the quality of their delegation. And once you do qualify, by all means, attend as many as you can! Network, connect, and learn while you are there.
  4. Blogging has affirmed my belief in myself. One of the reasons why I write everyday is that my subscription to my website package (URL, web hosting, design) is PAID. Back when I was still employed, I have prioritized in building this website. Since I am aware that my hard work is powering this blog, I am affirming my labor by writing my story, one entry at a time. I believe in my ability to keep this website up and running, while updating my content and checking on the quality of my posts. I do believe in the power of having a paid service, as this makes me appreciate what I have built more, and in my capacity as a writer and my own brand. 
  5. Blogging has created an opportunity for myself. I have learned from my conferences that it is up to me to create my own opportunities. Of course, it is natural to feel down because I am still looking for a job. However, since I have treated my blog as my work, I have also created a medium for me to present my writing to the world. This has opened doors for me, may it be to conferences, events, and even job leads. When I get employed, I plan to continue blogging as this has already helped me build my identity, which is separate from any job I will ever have. 

I am happy to have invested in myself with this blog. It is a journey I choose to continue everyday. There are no bad days for blogging because each day is an opportunity to start afresh and to renew my commitment to myself. After all, I can only be a great worker if I have already found myself. I can say that I have found myself in writing, and by the time I do get employed, I will be a better worker because I am my own person. 

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Day 29: #30GratefulDays | Cookie Cake


I had this warm cookie cake at Cool Beans Cafe  and it was a glorious experience. The chewy cake was moist and gooey, just the way it is supposed to be. It was a warm treat to remind me of simple childhood weekends spent in front of the TV, while a Disney video is playing on the VHS player.

I used to munch on Chips Ahoy! while watching movies. This cookie cake brought me back in time. I was reminded of how lucky I was to have simple childhood memories, and how I am still fortunate to be able to have treats to savor every now and then. I may not have much, but when I do indulge in delicious food, I appreciate what I have more.

There is something magical about food that gives me a sense of wonder, of being fortunate, and optimistic. I look forward to more epicurean delights soon, as I remain positive amidst all the uncertainty. 

Day 28: #30GratefulDays | Prayer and Breakfast


I am thankful to have spent a morning with St. Clare. I randomly visited her after my workout. It was refreshing to say my prayers at her monastery, since it gives me a sense of peace and renewal whenever I am there. I know that action is what gets me forward, but I also believe in the power of prayer. I do not have a set day of the week to visit her. However, I try to drop by weekly to offer eggs and pray. 

Prayer in itself is therapeutic for me. When it is coupled with the practice of visiting a monastery or a shrine, there is a tangible connection for me to behold. It may not sound right for some people, but it is important for me to have a physical presence of my intercessors. That way, I am able to pray in front of their respective images, and I practice my faith in a way that involves action and commitment. 


I usually have breakfast after my morning visits to St. Clare, and as it has been more than a month since our family trip to Singapore, I have decided to have some kaya toast, soft boiled eggs, and kopi. Having a hearty breakfast in a lovely cafe has helped me put things into perspective. I was able to reminisce about a happy vacation, savor delicious food, and drown all my negativity in piping hot coffee.

Knowing that I began my day with prayer and breakfast was motivating, and I was able to continue with the rest of the day with positive vibes and determination with blogging, job hunting, and enjoying my free time. 

I look forward to more productive mornings and breakfasts. For now, I am treasuring my leisurely moments and I am sure that with positive action comes rewarding results! 

Day 28: #30GratefulDays | What Makes Me Amazing

Finding my place under the sun isn’t easy, but I’m 100% committed.  

Finding my place under the sun isn’t easy, but I’m 100% committed.  

Yesterday, I had a chat with an industry leader about my job hunting journey. The question I was asked struck me.

I was asked why I am amazing.

I immediately recited my job experiences, the responsibilities I have fulfilled and those which I still handle now, my ability to compartmentalize different factors of my life, and of course, I shared my blog. However, I was told that those things do not describe why I am amazing. I was advised to package myself better by reflecting on this question. I sat down with myself, and after careful thought, I decided that the best way to answer this question would be to blog about it. So, without further ado, here are the reasons why I am amazing. 

  1. I work within office hours and I do not believe in overtime. I have learned how to prioritize tasks over the years, and I care about the time I spend in the office. I do not go beyond the time prescribed to me, as I intend to maximize my work hours and commit 100% of myself to my job when I am in the office. 
  2. I am battling hypothyroidism but I do not let it get in the way of my life. I refuse to let my condition drag me down. I have managed my weight, my moods, and I continue to do so by giving myself the best conditions to live a healthy lifestyle. 
  3. I am committed to applying design thinking in my blog, work, and lifestyle. I think problem solving will be improved when there is empathy in each creative ideation.  
  4. My blog has challenged me to tell my story to the world. Now, it is my turn to help convey my potential employer’s story through my work.  
  5. I believe in lifelong learning, and I am always on the lookout for opportunities to improve myself. While experience is the best teacher, I believe that I cannot rely solely on what the daily grind can teach me. I am a fan of books, talks, podcasts, conferences, seminars, and symposiums.  
  6. I always support an advocacy. I can never live without helping a community, a social enterprise, or my World Vision sponsored child. Supporting these causes bring a more dynamic perspective into my view of work and concept of love. 
  7. I believe that it is important to motivate myself first before I can lead others. By being the best version of myself, it will be easier to lead by example and spark conversations on causes that matter to me, such as feminism, civility, and innovation. 

I must admit that this is only the beginning. I was taken aback when I was asked what makes me amazing, and I still need to dig deeper into myself. For now, I am happy to have started this conversation with myself. That way, I can package myself better moving forward.  

Day 23 | #30GratefulDays: Here For Me


I would like to thank my family for being here for me in this time of my life. The past few months have been exhausting, but they never left my side. To my friends who sent me links, messaged me, asked me how I am, advised me on blogging, work, prayer, and even books, I would like to say thank you! And of course, I am thankful to have A in my life, because he chooses to love me every single day, even when I am not loveable.  

I am grateful that I received love and light when I needed it most. I am happy that my blog helps me connect to those who pushed me forward. Now, let me assure you that I am never giving up, and that following your advice, I am moving onward. 

To you dear reader, thank you for dropping by my home here on the interwebs. Thank you for reading my story. This is just a beginning, and there will be more plot twists to watch out for.  

The whole point of life is to live according to what we think will make us happy. For now, blogging keeps me happy and connected to myself. My eyes have never left my goals, but my heart continues to beat to the rhythm of the present. I will never give up. Happiness is indeed a choice, which I have decided to fight for every single day.  

I hope that you too will fight for your dreams. They are valid, but if you experience setbacks, never lose hope. Just ask for help, and you will be surprised that there will always be people who will be there for you.  

Day 20: #30GratefulDays | Free Time


My boyfriend drove me to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima last Sunday. The experience was a refreshing change from my routine of working out, reading, and jobhunting. I prayed for a miracle with my career. Having no job has left me frantic because my savings for my unemployment period is almost empty. Being in a holy place has given me hope for better things. It has also encouraged me to carry on with my routine. 

I am working out and eating healthful food because I want to be he healthiest version of myself. I do not want to be a slob. I still wake up early (around 5AM everyday) to exercise. By following my morning routine, my body clock is still used to my work schedule. That way, I am ready to continue with my dayshift once I get a job. 

My free time may give me the license to be lazy, but I choose not to. I am constantly on the lookout for conferences and seminars for free. I want to sharpen the saw without spending, and I am thankful that events are now posted on Facebook. I only spend on transportation and parking. I aim to learn as much as I can, get useful content for my blog, and network on the side. I am also fascinated with central business districts, so attending conferences gives me the feel of being in an office complex. I love the energy and it inspires me to dream big even when I barely have anything left. 

I am also reading! Thank God for Amazon which allows me to preview books first before buying those that I like. Ebooks are cheaper than paperbacks, and I get to read them even when I am trying to fall asleep. I am happy to free my mind from the pressure of jobhunting while exploring a protagonist’s journey through life.  

I am thankful too for the radio. I bought a radio/MP3 player before I resigned, so I just plug my earphones and listen to 99.5 PlayFM for Top40 hits, 98.7DZFE for classical music, and Jam 88.3 for my alternative soundtrip. Getting free music keeps me upbeat while going about my day. Pop music is part of my routine because it keeps me young and motivated to dance to the beat!

While my financial limitations has kept me at home most of the time, I am thankful that social media is now prevalent. It allows me to keep up with my friends and relatives. I also go jobhunting online using apps. While I used to do it almost the whole day, now I just limit it to an hour in the morning and another hour at night. I realized that jobhunting all day is unhealthy. By limiting myself, I get to economize on time and really applying during the time I set for myself and not checking Facebook while doing so. Once the time is up, I focus on reading and my other priorities.  

I am thankful for the support I have received during this difficult time. I am grateful for the direct messages, texts, and job leads I have received since I posted my blog entry on unemployment yesterday. I hope to finally land a job soon so I can have a better life and a merrier Christmas! 

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Day 19: #30GratefulDays | Unemployment


​Let’s talk about unemployment.

I have been job hunting for the past two and a half months. I have utilized two job hunting apps to navigate the world of job seeking. It has been a treacherous ride. I had to update my resume, attend various seminars to increase my CPD points, take skills tests, and click on “Apply” to various openings near my place of residence until my eyes are already too heavy from sleepiness. Most days are quiet because I just go about with my workouts, books, and jobhunting routine. My phone is always in my hand, waiting for a call or text from some company’s HR.

It has been more than two months and I still do not have a job. ​

The seminars I have been attending are mostly free. I still have to pay for transportation and parking though. It is expensive to learn and sharpen the saw without an income stream.​

I lost a job opportunity because an HR Officer called me in the middle of a seminar. When I told her I was in a conference and I cannot speak at that time, she remarked, “it says here you are unemployed. How come you are able to attend seminars”? I told her that I was qualified and I received a confirmation of my attendance from the organizer. She said that we could not push through with the opportunity anymore.

I also had two instances wherein the phone was hung up by two separate HR Officers. When I called them back, I was told that they do not entertain questions from jobseekers.​

Another time, I received a call from an HR Officer but I was in the middle of a personal concern. When I asked for another call, she said that there is no second chance to discuss the job opening then the line went dead.​

Finally, I asked around for openings near my house. I expressed my experience in finance, banking, risk management, and writing. It was disheartening to be told Hindi mo naman kailangan eh (you do not need the job anyway). Friends, I need a job. My family may live comfortably, but I am living off my small savings and the well is running dry. I desire to work and it pains me that people do not want to help me out because they think I can live without working. Honest work gives me a sense of pride and dignity. I hope that before I am told that I do not need to work, you will also realize that work is for everyone who wants to earn a living. It is not dependent on apparent social standing. Work is a necessity, and if someone needs a job, I hope you can extend a helping hand.​

​Please help me find work. I am aiming for a corporate job in Ortigas or Quezon City in the fields of finance, banking, journalism, and risk management. I would be happy to send my CV upon request.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!​

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Day 18: #30GratefulDays | Grocery Run


Yesterday, I was craving for coconut water, brewed coffee, and my usual donut. That would normally set me back by Php90. With only Php65 in my wallet, I decided to stop the self-pity party and do something about this craving of mine. I rushed to the supermarket to buy a tetra pack of coconut water, bottled iced coffee, then a honey glazed donut from Dunkin Donuts. Everything cost only Php65, which is the price of the regular donut and large brewed coffee combo from Dunkin Donuts. I finished my snack with my own water from the food court dispenser. It may have been far from my usual luxurious merienda, but it was satisfying. I failed to appreciate the simple joys that a jumbo buko pandan juice and a steaming large cup of brewed coffee could bring. I even neglected the taste of choco butternut donuts, which I can no longer afford because each piece costs Php35. A regular honey glazed donut costs only Php20. This will do for now, and yes, everything was delicious and satisfying.

I should have been more thankful when I was still gainfully employed. Now that I am jobless, it is difficult to enjoy the simple pleasures I had on a daily basis back in the day. Snacks at the mall are a rare treat, and I am living frugally now as I am dependent on what little savings I have left. Rather than seeing this period in my life as a deprivation, I am seeing it as a journey of appreciation and thankfulness.

If you are jobless like me, do not lose hope. Continue living within your means and do not hesitate to ask for help. If you are employed and feeling overwhelmed, think of how blessed you are! Whether you are jobless, employed, or whatever, find your happiness and never compromise your principles. Enjoy the simple things and be grateful. As always, I am only a message or email away if you have comments or suggestions. Let us continue being kinder to each other.

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Day 15: #30GratefulDays | ResTart


Today, I was tasked by my family to buy Pablo cheese tarts. I personally do not like cheese tarts but it was fun lining up for freshly baked goodness. I hope they will survive the commute home and make the effort worthwhile.  

I used to resent going on errands, but as I grew older, I realized that these errands make life worth living. The mundane inspires us to explore the creative side of life. Buying cheese tarts may be a chore, but I was inspired to hope for better days ahead so that next time, I can treat my family to something wonderful. For now, I am enjoying my free time, as I run errands and hope that the right opportunity for me is just around the corner.  

Day 13: #30GratefulDays | Coffee with a Conscience


Yesterday was the first workday of the month, and it also meant that it was my shopping day at Human Nature, a brand which I have been supporting since 2013. I am now a Core Advocate, which means that I am not just a dealer, I am also a partner in spreading the word about their Pro-Philippines, Pro-Environment, and Pro-Poor advocacy. I patronize the brand by purchasing almost all my toiletries from them. Every purchase in their branches entitles the customer to a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and I am a fan of their local cuppa. I always bring my own mug or tumbler though, and yesterday, I brought my pink one from Craftsmith Living. As I sipped my coffee, I reflected on the years I have been supporting Human Nature and how I have switched from using imported, chemical products to all-natural, Philippine-made essentials. 


Human Nature prides itself in sourcing the best raw materials from Mother Nature. What’s more, these wonder ingredients are mostly found in the Philippines. Like the oils shown in the photo, each raw material has a purpose to heal, renew, and restore. I am a huge fan of their products as most of them are infused with sunflower oil, which is kind to my sensitive skin. From sleeping with their sunflower oil on my face to using baby lotion with the same oil, I am making sure that my skin only receives the best care from the brand’s organic items. 

I am using Human Nature products even when I am jobless. They have affordable price points so I can still enjoy using my essentials even when I am on a budget. I am glad that I am also able to relax at home with my favorite spa-quality products like their body scrub and cooling gel.

Indeed, there is no need to splurge for natural products. Human Nature has given me the best local essentials which are kind to my skin, wallet, and social conscience. I get to have a cuppa or two as well after shopping. Coffee with a conscience has never been more in style.  

Day 12: #30GratefulDays | Sustainable Storytelling

Coffee while blogging  

Coffee while blogging  

Having a blog has helped me explore life as a storyteller. What began as a brain dump for my writing class output became my home in the interwebs. I challenged myself to write on a daily basis and after completing my 100 Day Project,  I realized that writing could be a lifestyle. It was at this moment that I evolved from becoming an occasional blogger to a storyteller. 

Hypothyroidism is one of the cornerstones of my journey. I would not have the hunger to be healthy without this health condition. Choosing to be unstuck from this reality motivated me to eat more healthful food, exercise, and just keep moving! Sharing my story only happened when social media became inseparable with mainstream communication. I realized that the only way to be understood better as a hypothyroidism patient is to tell my story. Of course, we all know that stories have a beginning, middle, and end. I can say that my beginning was my diagnosis at thirteen. My middle is my continuous journey with the condition I have embraced as my own. And the end is my battlecry, which is wellness through mindfulness.  

I refuse to succumb to the reality that hypothyroidism is a limiting disease. Rather, I am applying sustainability in my storytelling to ensure that I continue to push boundaries and surpass normal expectations. I plan to sustain my journey by selecting activities to participate in. My advocacy for propagating design thinking is a huge factor, and I am actively engaging in events which could enrich my knowledge on the matter. I am also driven to innovate so that I can cultivate an attitude of discontent. By constantly choosing to better myself and improve my craft, I am not just becoming healthier. I am also becoming a stronger storyteller. It has been said that work should not be about working harder, it is about working smarter. As I embark on job hunting, I am embracing storytelling in my blog SPEAKOUTSAM as a full-time role. It is my obligation to myself to be a sustainable storyteller, with innovation as my main motivator!

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Day 6: #30GratefulDays | Coffice Moments


Yesterday, I had the chance to plan for my blog, read, do some jobhunting, research for my website, and listen to music while satisfying my craving for eggs ben. I hung out at a cafe and ended up enjoying it. It has been a while since I consciously parked myself at a coffee shop to have an "office day" and I now understand why the coffice (coffee + office) trend is becoming ubiquitous these days. I have observed many coffice warriors surrounding me yesterday and it was comforting to be part of a collective, so to speak. Immersing myself in an air of productivity was inspiring, and I did get to do things quickly without me knowing it. I enjoyed the "company" and the busyness around me. While the lunch was sponsored by my family (my mom had a lunch event so I was able to have noon to myself), I owned that free time by maximizing it and basking in a work environment. While coffee shops are a third place for most people (with the home and the office as the first and second places, respectively), I put myself first during my coffice lunch and promoted myself through jobhunting, researching possible blog ideas, and finishing a novel. It was fabulous and I felt renewed afterwards. I look forward to more coffice moments and yes, I think this is a wonderful way to recharge!

Sam's Singapore


Singapore for me is an easy place to unwind and relax. As an urbanite, I find more tranquility in city noise and ​busyness. Being on holiday amidst a progressive and modern city is my kind of paradise. Here are a few vacation tips I have if you are planning to visit SG. 


1. Go to the library@orchard for a free! If you are a bibliophile ​like me, you will definitely enjoy spending hours reading in this gorgeous space known for its wave-shaped bookshelves. There are also comfortable seats and nooks for you to plug your gadgets and your mind. 


2. There are ice cream uncles selling cheap ice cream sandwiches for only SG$1.20. My favorite flavors are durian and mint chocolate chip. Do ask uncle to serve it in bread. 


3.​ If you like quality stationery, drop by Kikki.K at iON Orchard for Swedish-designed leather notebooks, planners, paper, and office supplies. You will fall in love with the simplicity of each piece. You will find yourself eager to plan ahead with their planners and paper inserts. 


​4. Never skip a visit to the National Museum. The story of Singapore is creatively told for each visitor to understand the determination of this island nation to succeed amidst insurmountable challenges. 


5. Another museum worth visiting is the National Gallery. You will be blown away by its extensive collection of definitive exhibitions featuring the best of Southeast Asian art. Do appreciate the beautiful architectural details as well which can be found all throughout the gallery. ​


6. Take the MRT! It is reliable, safe, and easy to grasp via Google maps. Singaporeans are also helpful and polite so do not hesitate to ask questions if you need directions or assistance with train stations and lines. 

7. If you are too exhausted to take the MRT, you may also ride a car using Uber and Grab. ​


8. Do workout everyday and walk as much as you can! 

9. It is advisable to exercise the day after landing home to ensure that all the delicious food from your vacation is efficiently burned.  

10. Do unpack immediately to effectively transition yourself to your life back home. 

Those were my tips for making your SG holiday memorable. If you get tired, you may want to chill out with a cup of Kopi (coffee with evaporated milk) which can be found along any hawker food hall or food republic court. Make the most out of each moment and just enjoy yourself in SG!