Day 25: #30GratefulDays | What I Did Wrong

Skye from Barkin Blends says 😋

Skye from Barkin Blends says 😋

I have been blogging everyday since went live in May. I had some doubts in the beginning, because I never had the discipline to write an entry on a daily basis. However, I surprised myself and managed to write a blog entry every single day. I had both good and bad days, and of course, my blog is far from perfect. I committed mistakes which propelled me forward. Looking back, these errors sparked my best plans of attack without pulling me backwards. So without further ado, here’s a comprehensive list of What I Did Wrong...and what I have learned so far.

  1. Do not sound desperate. I have always advocated being real on my blog, but sounding too desperate during tough times will turn your readers off. Do keep in mind that your primary reader is yourself, so when you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and assess how to be real with blogging about your challenges without sounding helpless. 
  2. Help yourself first.  Blogging is first and foremost, a personal journey. You have to help yourself first before extending a hand to other people. Make sure that your priorities are addressed before tackling other issues. That way, your content will still shine without sounding like a plea for help.
  3. Never assume that you are alone. Blogging is a creative outlet, and believe it or not, you have readers out there. Never assume that you are all alone in this journey. Ask for advice from fellow bloggers, readers, and even recruit some friends to edit your blog. You will be surprised with your eventual growth once you realise that you are not alone.
  4. Keep on trying. Your blog is entirely yours. If you get negative feedback, do not be discouraged! Take them constructively, and keep on trying. A new day = another chance to start over.
  5. Writer’s block is a myth. There is no such thing as spacing out when you are trying to write. You just have to be consistent with churning out quality content. Personally, I am productive when I am on the go, so I blog using the Squarespace blog app. Develop a writing system that works for you and stop judging yourself.  

Someday, your blog will be your legacy. You can have a good laugh while reading your blog entries from difficult times. The only way to learn from your mistakes is to keep on going with the wisdom behind each error guiding you to do better. Focus on your story and tell the world about it. But before telling the world, tell it to yourself first. You are your primary reader. Blog for yourself, and never let what went wrong prevent you from blogging. Tomorrow is another chance to write better.

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