Bread and Coffee

It’s already the middle of week three under enhanced community quarantine. I am the family tribute so to speak. I am the one buying food for the household. This is not a problem for me as I am naturally a foodie. And I’ve been missing the outside world a lot.


I am lucky to have a bakery and coffee shop inside our neighborhood. The cafe is run by a charity that employs people with special needs, so this makes me really happy.


I bought bread for the week and also got myself a coffee jelly. It was lovely to have barista-made coffee after three weeks at home. It was simply amazing.


I will never take food and coffee for granted again.

My Little Mermaid Scarf

I finally finished crocheting this scarf in shell stitch. The blue, green, and red yarns were specifically chosen as they match the color palette of The Little Mermaid


I used the shell stitch to make this scarf. It was a technique I learned from YouTube, and I was fascinated with how relaxing and quick the process was. 


I bought my yarns for this project from The Attic Yarn and Craftery . It is important to me that I support local suppliers to sustain my handmade lifestyle. In the case of the The Attic, they were able to extend personalized customer service when I was selecting my yarns and Furls crochet hook. And since I bought from their online store instead of their stockist at the mall, I was able to save money.


I am proud of this scarf because I crocheted it during my commute to and from work, during my breaks, and on weekends. I will definitely make more scarves, and I am happy that I am able to integrate fiber arts into my daily grind. Here’s to more stitches in between adulting, and fairy tale inspiration to take me further!

God’s Perfect Timing

I started working at my new employer yesterday, and it was fantastic! I was ecstatic to be back in an office, and I even wore red as it was a color that made me feel confident. I am still adjusting and committing names and processes to memory, but I will definitely get the hang of it.

You see, I consider the date of my return to work important because it is a testament to how faithful God is.

I prayed for a new job immediately after resigning from my previous corporate role last year. My last day there was on July 21, 2017. I asked God to give me work and opportunities for learning as I looked for employment.  

And I asked Him to give me a job before July 21, 2018. 

I was realistic with my expectations, as I was aware of the job market. I attended interviews and turned down offers if the company did not reflect my values and work ethics. I enhanced my skills by attending seminars, conferences, workshops, and webinars. 

I even learned how to knit at the Banaue Rice Terraces and I got to reflect on my jobhunting situation as I whipped up scarves and beanies.


Knitting has taught me to be patient, as I had to pull out my stitches and begin again if I committed a mistake. It was a frustrating process, but I am glad that I began again because my projects look better.

What I am trying to say is that I learned how to remain faithful to God as I was looking for employment. I continued attending seminars every month in institutions such as the ADB and AIM. I prayed and visited churches. I worked out, read books, and listened to podcasts.

I felt that God was making me begin again, every single day. 

And just like with my knitting stitches, I learned how to patiently wait for the right opportunity for me.


I was already feeling frustrated with my corporate offers because pre-employment takes ages in banks. So when this company called me for an interview, I did not hesitate to try it out. I passed their assessment and exams, and I got an offer to work with them as an Office Manager.

I signed the offer on July 19, 2018. I was set to begin on July 23, 2018. 

I was stunned. God simply wanted me to wait, be a good daughter and help my dad with his work, and attend learning opportunities as I knitted and blogged on the side. But He was faithful, because He gave me a job before my “gap year” was up. 

God is a faithful God. His timing is perfect, and His blessings are on point. I look forward to a fruitful career in my new company. I may have to minimize my blogging when work gets busier, and I have to respect my company’s confidentiality clause so I cannot write about my job or my office. But I will still blog about my story, because my life is entirely my own.

If there is any doubt in your heart right now, think of how God faithfully answered my prayers for the right job, at the right time. I hope that He will bless you too, and that His timing will persuade you to keep the faith! 

Thankful for UA&P

Yesterday, I visited my alma mater, UA&P. I was in the area to settle documents with my new job. 

But first, I needed to say hello to my uni and former office.  


I was happy to find more PC workstations at the CAS library. 


I crossed the street for some Food Channel shawarma rice. 


It’s still delicious!


I dropped by my former office, the School of Sciences and Engineering. 


After chatting with old friends and sipping UA&P’s famous milk tea (which is still yummy!), I went to the mall to buy myself a new watch strap. 


I rewarded myself for a year of work and blogging. 


As I begin a new chapter with my new employer, I look forward to more rewarding experiences. 


I ended my day with more adulting at a nearby hospital, with a charming chapel. 


I prayed for better days ahead, and more opportunities to spread my wings. I am thankful for UA&P, and it’s time to apply all that I have learned both as a graduate and a former employee. 

It’s time for me to speakoutsam and rock on! 

Faith and Crafting

Yesterday, I carried on with my auditing duties. I went to Pasig City Hall, and I stopped by their chapel after completing my tasks.  


It was fun to say hello to images of my patron saints, St. Clare and Padre Pio. 


They also had a beautiful image of St. Joseph.  


I also had to pose with their summery entrance! 


Then, I revived my old planner and jazzed it up with fresh kikki.K inserts, and various sticky notes, stickers, and washi tapes. 


Then, I took my paints out and sketched some food I recently had.  


I stamped the wrong date. It was supposed to be the 12th of July already. Handmade does have its imperfections! 


I was also able to finish this cowl using cotton yarn from Dreams Yarnshoppe and my Furls hook purchased from The Attic Yarn and Craftery. 


And just like my status quo, I ended my productive day on a high note- by beginning again, with fresh yarn in a fresh aqua green shade.  


Scheduling Joy

I dealt with errands yesterday morning, and I must say that I adulted with only good vibes in mind. 


I crocheted again in between my meetings. I am beginning to understand why so many people are hooked on crocheting, pun intended! It is a time warp, and it feels good to hold the yarn in my hands while stitching this scarf.  


Then, I had lunch at Yoshinoya. Their Go Solo meal was a delicious combo consisting of their beef bowl, coffee jelly, and iced tea. 


After accomplishing another round of errands, I went crazy at the stationery section of Landmark Department Store. They have so many cute and affordable stuff for planner girls like me!


They have washi tapes and sticky notes! 


Van Gogh notebooks were available in various prints and sizes.  


Thankfully, I exercised some restraint and just bought three washi tapes and three books of sticky notes.  


Then, I went to The Craft Central.  


I bought more planner essentials: two washi tape holders, one frosted divider, and a ruler divider.  


I am so excited to fill my planner with new schedules! For now, I am buying the basics. 


I am reviving my planner journey with washi tape!


I wrapped-up my day with dinner at Ok Street, the new Korean food court at Vertis North. 


I ordered their kimchi fried rice. It was tasty and filling! I’ll definitely go back.  


I am building my planner because even if I am constantly blogging on the go, I still prefer using pen and paper to organize my life. By buying these bits and pieces, I am giving myself room to customize my agenda. Having a planner lets me enjoy a tangible experience of “fixing” my day. In the next few weeks and months, I will be going through changes which will surely make me learn, improve, and grow. For now, I am planning, hooking, and scheduling things. 

There will always be room for happiness, one day at a time.  

Day 11: Weekend Feel-Good Project

The past week has been a roller-coaster ride for me. I was able to land a promising opportunity which will come into fruition by the New Year. I was busy preparing for this to be finalized and with my freelance research work, so I made sure that I was in top form. I worked out, ate right, and published entries on self-improvement. I also attended a women-empowerment event at the ADB, where I was inspired to decide for myself. I made up my mind regarding a few personal matters, and I had to take action on a major part of my life. I had to let it go because it was no longer empowering me. By the time the weekend arrived, I was yearning to unwind and spend some time to cheer myself up. 

Any self-improvement process involves time to decompress. Rest is essential towards achieving a balanced life, so this weekend was all about chilling out.  

I began my weekend with a visit to Barkin Blends Dog Cafe

With Bernadette, the GirlBoss behind Barkin Blends

With Bernadette, the GirlBoss behind Barkin Blends


I had dinner with my best friend.  


I watched a concert which featured all of my favorite Filipino rockstars back when I was still in uni.  

I goofed around at the photobooth  

I goofed around at the photobooth  



Barbie Almalbis

Barbie Almalbis

I wasn’t able to take a photo of Rivermaya because their set was so much fun! I was jumping to their songs. 

Ebe Dancel

Ebe Dancel

My favorite, Ely Buendia 

My favorite, Ely Buendia


I watched the concert alone! 

I watched the concert alone! 

I had my pixie trimmed at a new salon near my house.  

My pixie got a trim and I got to cuddle Barney at Barkin Blends afterwards.  

My pixie got a trim and I got to cuddle Barney at Barkin Blends afterwards.  

I also got to spend time with my family, read a novel, and workout as I normally do.  

I had a relaxing weekend (yes, a rock concert can be relaxing!) and I look forward to enjoying time on my own for now and eating out by myself

Restful weekends lead to productive weekdays. I am excited to diversify my life and discover more ways to enjoy my weekends.  

Let me know if you have anything to suggest regarding weekend ideas! Hit me an email at  

Have a meaningful week ahead! 

Day 3: Hard Skills

I have decided to continue my self-improvement journey by discovering what my hard skills are. These are skills which are standard employable traits, such as computer programming and report writing. I have shared with you how I discovered my soft skills the other day, so now, I am going to teach you how to determine what your hard skills are. 

I am on my second day of the free four-day course from The Bucketlist Bombshells. You may also take it as it could help you probe into your untapped skill set and dormant dreams regarding your career. Do not be derailed by their business model, which is to educate women on how to put up online businesses so they could travel the world full-time. Their free course and ideas work even to those (like me) who do not plan to be a creative nomad but would like to amp up their careers. Be sure to download the worksheets which are included in the course (I opted to use a notebook though to answer the worksheets). Lastly, have a notebook, pen, and highlighter (or coloured pencils) so you can take notes and answer the questions!

I am being 100% real here, so I am sharing with you my actual notes from the exercise.  


The exercise includes Mind Mapping, which is an effective tool to determine what tasks you are capable of doing. I have included some of my mind maps here to serve as examples. The middle box will state your role and the outer boxes will correspond to each task and sub task that you have. You have to make a mind map for every work, school, and passion project role you’ve had.

Once you have made your mind maps, use a highlighter or coloured pencil to highlight the tasks which you have enjoyed doing. Once you are finished, list down all your enjoyable tasks to make it easier for you to consider when you are looking for a job or putting up your own business.


You will then have to find the common theme among these enjoyable tasks and determine what made you enjoy them. 

After doing so, you will have to go back to your 16Personalities test result from yesterday’s lesson and see if any of these tasks correlate with your personality profile. 


I hope that today’s lesson has inspired you to apply your skills more effectively at work or while pursuing your passion project. And who knows, you might even end up being a Bucketlist Bombshell yourself! I know that I am a corporate girl for now, so I am on the self-improvement train to help me build a better career.  

Tomorrow, I will share another self-improvement lesson so do stick around and learn from (and with) me!

 ***Comments are welcome at***


Day 2: Vision Boards

I made a couple of vision boards when I was still working in the BPO industry. I kept these boards with me, and they still inspire me until now.

My love for vision boards boil down to the process of making one. 

I find the process therapeutic, and I get to map out my dreams in a tangible way. With the exception of the virtual professionals phrase, I can say that my vision boards are still current. 


For now, I am focusing on building a corporate career. I am also seeking balance in my life. I have recently let go of difficult people in my life and I am attracting growth. Like what I have learned from Roma Agsalud last Saturday, “growth takes time”. I am now focusing on what I invest in and using my time wisely. That way, I am building a future for myself that is secure and full of opportunities. 


You might be wondering why I prefer to make old school vision boards when I can easily do so online. I am a strong believer that handmade is better. The process gives me a tangible connection to the visual representation of my dreams. You might think that they are just mostly makeup, accessories, and clothes, but these items inspire me to work hard. And of course, my vision boards will never be complete without my advocacies and faith.

If you have extra time and some old magazines, I highly recommend making vision boards. You will need a pair of scissors, glue stick, illustration board, and an outline of what you are looking for. If you prefer doing without the outline, that is also fine. You will definitely be inspired and your vision boards can be your visual guides to the dreams you want to fulfill.

Good luck!

***Comments are welcome at*** 

New Perspectives

There are days when we are forced to abandon people/plans/routines/habits in order to move forward. Sometimes, a temporary break can do the trick. However, it is best to have a clean break (for good) in other cases. You have to discern what will apply depending on the situation.  

I am going through a lot right now. Routine-wise, I am changing habits and letting go of bad ones.  

This is not easy. But it is doable. There are days when I don’t feel brave, when it is easier to just go back to the way things were. So I have devised some ways to keep me going so I will not regress.  

  1. Develop self-care routines. I get monthly haircuts, leg waxing, and I have a weekly at-home spa experience using a natural body scrub. You may think that it’s just pampering, but self-care is a big deal during transition periods. Give it a try and see how it can help you. 
  2.  Have a balanced diet. Food can truly improve your state of mind and health. Make sure that you have a balanced diet to help you welcome positive change in your overall well-being. 
  3. Explore a new restaurant each month. There are cafes, restaurants, and food parks everywhere. Try a new place to eat each month, or if budget permits, do so on a weekly basis. It will diversify your palate.
  4. Meet new people. It pays to be open to meeting different people. It will grow your network and give you new insights. 
  5. Embrace technology. For me, it is as simple as finally getting addicted to podcasts and using my blog app to write on the go. You can also try using a new app every week and see which ones will work for you. Anyway, you can always delete them from your device!

I am excited to broaden my horizons with the help of my loved ones and friends. I am giving myself a chance to grow, because I want to build a better life for myself. I hope that you will be patient with me as I blog my way through this journey.  

Change takes time, and my time begins now. 

Sustaining Inspiration

Start your day with positivity ➕ 

Start your day with positivity ➕ 

Breakfast at the caf

Breakfast at the caf

Networking coffee

Networking coffee

How do you sustain inspiration? For me, it simply means that I have to continue acquiring knowledge. I continuously read books and magazines, attend seminars, and participate in conferences such as the 2nd Asia Finance Forum, which ended yesterday. I shared how the talks have inspired me to seek opportunities that far outweigh the risks. I felt inspired because I was a Risk Management practitioner. The challenge lies in finding these opportunities and to ensure that they develop in a sustainable manner. 

 My Rags 2 Riches bag at the ADB Library

 My Rags 2 Riches bag at the ADB Library


I think the answer lies in innovation. 


It is my goal to continuously innovate. I write about achieving wellness through mindfulness, and doing so entails a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy working out and eating a balanced diet, but I also incorporate mindfulness so that living with meaning becomes a conscious process. Yes, I thrive in routine, but I amp things up by including my passions for reading, writing, music, art, film, and food in my life. By making my blog an extension of my life, I am inspiring myself to carry on. And it is in this inspiration that I am constantly practicing innovation.

I can always settle for being a lifestyle blogger, but I want to be more than that. By attending this conference, I have learned that taking risks is the beginning of infinite possibilities.

Coffee break snacks

Coffee break snacks

Technology can thrive along with Finance. The world is more connected now more than ever. And by taking a risk with blogging, I am embracing opportunities in communication, meaningful pursuits, and a balanced life. 

Happy to have A with me today! 

Happy to have A with me today! 

I am thankful that I was able to join this conference. It warms my heart that institutions like the ADB organize events for the public, and I look forward to joining more conferences to enrich my life. I am excited for new beginnings, and I am definitely giving myself the chance to innovate both online and offline.

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery 

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery 

Lessons on FinTech

I always have a photo taken by the auditorium  

I always have a photo taken by the auditorium  

Legit pass! 

Legit pass! 

Simple breakfast at the cafeteria 🍳 

Simple breakfast at the cafeteria 🍳 

But first, coffee ☕️  

But first, coffee ☕️  

I have shared yesterday about the novelty of joining a conference online for the first time. I had quite an information overload on the first day of the 2nd Asia Finance Forum, yet I was eager to livestream the second day of the conference. So imagine my surprise when I received an email that my registration has been confirmed for days two and three. I was floored because while I did appeal for a chance to join the conference in person, I was not expecting any outcome because I was aware of the large delegation for this year’s forum. I was happy to be given this rare chance to be a visitor of the Asian Development Bank, and if there is anything that I have learned even before signing up at the reception area, it would be the value of asking. I asked for a chance to attend the conference even if I was told that I could only livestream it, and I was granted a seat for the rest of the conference. There is value in asking for another chance, because it is where possibilities and opportunities are realized. 

Being here is a dream come true

Being here is a dream come true

Let the light in 💡  

Let the light in 💡  

I have learned from yesterday’s sessions that the opportunities far outweigh the risks.  

Hanging out at the ADB Library

Hanging out at the ADB Library

FinTech is highly vulnerable to security risks, but the transformative power it has enables companies to take a leap of faith. Balancing risk and innovation is essential to ensure that development is sustainable.

In FinTech and in life, it is important to assess the risks involved and to keep on going, as long as the possibilities outweigh the hurdles along the way. 


It is important to innovate, but it should be partnered with empathy every step of the way. Design thinking should be applied to solve problems, especially when it comes to including the unbanked in FinTech progress. To be people-centric involves research and in-depth community immersion. Without knowing the needs of the people it aims to serve, FinTech companies cannot say that they innovate in a sustainable and inclusive manner.  

Another surprising turn was a lunchtime talk at the library which featured news anchor and public speaking coach Steve Dawson. He spoke on Storytelling for Presenters. I have learned the following from his insightful talk:  

  1. Nerves are good! Being nervous is an indication of focus. Just do not let your nerves distract or rattle you.  
  2. Storytelling is about digression. Explore your topic by including related details that could add humor and spice to your subject. For example, Steve spoke about his daughter’s triumph over dyslexia, and the astounding fact that she is now on her way to Australia for university. While speaking about his daughter, he became emotional and his feelings as a father became evident. It added interest to his story though, and it hooked his audience on his daughter’s journey from struggle to graduation. 
  3. Know your audience. Never underestimate the power of research when it comes to understanding who your listeners are.  
  4. Storytelling is about sharing. It is the art of connecting with your audience that makes you an effective speaker. Simplify complex information to make it easier for you to share. Make it entertaining too so your story could resonate with your listeners. 

I had a productive day and I was able to appreciate how innovation could personally motivate me to assess risks and seek opportunities. I also got inspired to communicate better by adopting a storytelling approach. I look forward to tomorrow’s talks with an open mind that is ready to innovate. 

The auditorium  

The auditorium  

Matcha muffin and quiche for morning coffee snacks

Matcha muffin and quiche for morning coffee snacks

Sketching helps me absorb information

Sketching helps me absorb information



Lunchtime learning at the library! 

Lunchtime learning at the library! 

Chocolate bread pudding with vanilla sauce

Chocolate bread pudding with vanilla sauce

Cocktail food

Cocktail food

Cocktail food

Cocktail food

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food 

Cocktail food

Cocktail food


Blind Inspo

Having a good brekkie is also part of self-care. Naked longganisa from Oinkster.  

Having a good brekkie is also part of self-care. Naked longganisa from Oinkster.  

Yesterday, I went to one of those affordable blind spas and got myself a one-hour acupressure foot massage. I workout everyday, so it is natural to have painful feet every now and then. I usually go to have Thai foot massage, but I have been frequenting the blind spa of late because I am inspired by the blind therapists who treat me. 

They are all talented, and I never had an unpleasant experience with a blind masseuse. They never felt entitled to more tips just because of their condition. In fact, I feel cared for whenever I am in a blind spa, and the therapists instinctively know where it hurts, where I need extra pressure, and how to relieve my lower back pain due to my scoliosis. If I am only getting a foot massage at a blind spa, they go straight to my tired feet. It is admirable that they do not use tools such as the wooden sticks which are used in Thai or Chinese foot spas. They merely use their hands, and the pressure (hard for me) is maximized on certain zones that need TLC. I am amazed that they always know where it hurts. It is a talent that sighted therapists in other spas will never have. 

I am inspired because these blind therapists earn a decent living and they never make their condition as an excuse. If they can work and support their families, then I am certain that I can also find the right job for me. I am not saying that hypothyroidism is similar to blindness, but my condition does limit me to jobs within reasonable commuting distance from my home, and with manageable stress. Whenever I am massaged by a blind therapist, I have a renewed faith in humanity, and even in myself. 

I hope I can find the means to earn a living so that I can support myself and visit the blind spa again. 

Day 28: #30GratefulDays | What Makes Me Amazing

Finding my place under the sun isn’t easy, but I’m 100% committed.  

Finding my place under the sun isn’t easy, but I’m 100% committed.  

Yesterday, I had a chat with an industry leader about my job hunting journey. The question I was asked struck me.

I was asked why I am amazing.

I immediately recited my job experiences, the responsibilities I have fulfilled and those which I still handle now, my ability to compartmentalize different factors of my life, and of course, I shared my blog. However, I was told that those things do not describe why I am amazing. I was advised to package myself better by reflecting on this question. I sat down with myself, and after careful thought, I decided that the best way to answer this question would be to blog about it. So, without further ado, here are the reasons why I am amazing. 

  1. I work within office hours and I do not believe in overtime. I have learned how to prioritize tasks over the years, and I care about the time I spend in the office. I do not go beyond the time prescribed to me, as I intend to maximize my work hours and commit 100% of myself to my job when I am in the office. 
  2. I am battling hypothyroidism but I do not let it get in the way of my life. I refuse to let my condition drag me down. I have managed my weight, my moods, and I continue to do so by giving myself the best conditions to live a healthy lifestyle. 
  3. I am committed to applying design thinking in my blog, work, and lifestyle. I think problem solving will be improved when there is empathy in each creative ideation.  
  4. My blog has challenged me to tell my story to the world. Now, it is my turn to help convey my potential employer’s story through my work.  
  5. I believe in lifelong learning, and I am always on the lookout for opportunities to improve myself. While experience is the best teacher, I believe that I cannot rely solely on what the daily grind can teach me. I am a fan of books, talks, podcasts, conferences, seminars, and symposiums.  
  6. I always support an advocacy. I can never live without helping a community, a social enterprise, or my World Vision sponsored child. Supporting these causes bring a more dynamic perspective into my view of work and concept of love. 
  7. I believe that it is important to motivate myself first before I can lead others. By being the best version of myself, it will be easier to lead by example and spark conversations on causes that matter to me, such as feminism, civility, and innovation. 

I must admit that this is only the beginning. I was taken aback when I was asked what makes me amazing, and I still need to dig deeper into myself. For now, I am happy to have started this conversation with myself. That way, I can package myself better moving forward.  

Day 27: #30GratefulDays | Rise Against Hunger


I joined the Rise Against Hunger meal packing event at Conrad Manila yesterday because I wanted to help our brothers and sisters in Lanao del Sur. While I do not have much to contribute, I knew that my time and voice online would help somehow. I knew very little about this organization, as I just stumbled upon their events on Facebook. However, I was impressed with the way they engage the public by holding meal packing shifts that anyone could join. I eventually signed up for their meal packing event and I was excited to be a volunteer for a day. 


Now that I am unemployed, there is a tendency for me to feel overwhelmed with the endless job hunting and limitations I am facing. This meal packing event reminded me of how fortunate I am to eat thrice a day. I am getting sufficient nourishment, while there are so many who are starving. I must admit that I felt ashamed of how pessimistic I could be. Packing these rice-soy bags made me appreciate what I have, and what I still could be. 


While I was ranting about not earning an income, there are Filipinos who are hungry. While I am job hunting, there are those who sleep at night with an empty stomach. I hope that there will be more initiatives to feed the hungry and provide assistance to those who lack access to their basic needs.  

I encourage you to join their upcoming events. You won’t regret a few hours of doing good. 

Photo from Rise Against Hunger Philippines  

Photo from Rise Against Hunger Philippines  

Day 25: #30GratefulDays | What I Did Wrong

Skye from Barkin Blends says 😋

Skye from Barkin Blends says 😋

I have been blogging everyday since went live in May. I had some doubts in the beginning, because I never had the discipline to write an entry on a daily basis. However, I surprised myself and managed to write a blog entry every single day. I had both good and bad days, and of course, my blog is far from perfect. I committed mistakes which propelled me forward. Looking back, these errors sparked my best plans of attack without pulling me backwards. So without further ado, here’s a comprehensive list of What I Did Wrong...and what I have learned so far.

  1. Do not sound desperate. I have always advocated being real on my blog, but sounding too desperate during tough times will turn your readers off. Do keep in mind that your primary reader is yourself, so when you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and assess how to be real with blogging about your challenges without sounding helpless. 
  2. Help yourself first.  Blogging is first and foremost, a personal journey. You have to help yourself first before extending a hand to other people. Make sure that your priorities are addressed before tackling other issues. That way, your content will still shine without sounding like a plea for help.
  3. Never assume that you are alone. Blogging is a creative outlet, and believe it or not, you have readers out there. Never assume that you are all alone in this journey. Ask for advice from fellow bloggers, readers, and even recruit some friends to edit your blog. You will be surprised with your eventual growth once you realise that you are not alone.
  4. Keep on trying. Your blog is entirely yours. If you get negative feedback, do not be discouraged! Take them constructively, and keep on trying. A new day = another chance to start over.
  5. Writer’s block is a myth. There is no such thing as spacing out when you are trying to write. You just have to be consistent with churning out quality content. Personally, I am productive when I am on the go, so I blog using the Squarespace blog app. Develop a writing system that works for you and stop judging yourself.  

Someday, your blog will be your legacy. You can have a good laugh while reading your blog entries from difficult times. The only way to learn from your mistakes is to keep on going with the wisdom behind each error guiding you to do better. Focus on your story and tell the world about it. But before telling the world, tell it to yourself first. You are your primary reader. Blog for yourself, and never let what went wrong prevent you from blogging. Tomorrow is another chance to write better.

  ***Comments are welcome at***

Communicating with Guys


I am in a stable relationship with A. We have worked out our issues through counseling and we have discovered that building our life together is not a one-time deal. It is a journey that constantly needs care, attention, and mutual respect. While we are not married yet, we are both improving ourselves. I am fond of reading books that resonate with me, either through self-help or inspiration. These books provide the perfect balance to my fictional novels which make my life interesting and colorful.

Last week, I bought this affordable book at Nationals Bookstore. I was browsing through it when I realized that it is the ideal book for me. I am not daydreaming that A should marry me right this moment. Rather, I know that like any working relationship, we need to communicate effectively with each other if we want to grow and mature together.  

I have just finished reading it and it is a goldmine of wisdom for any woman who is in a relationship. I now understand why A tells me that I am a nagger. I believed that I was only asking him to do something, but thanks to this book, I have learned that it is the approach that makes men think that a woman is nagging. Once a man thinks that a woman is nagging or forcing him, he shuts down. In the same manner that when a man makes insulting comments to a woman, she also shuts down. There were many points of interest in this book, and I highly recommend it. It is an easy read and it is a wise investment for your relationship. I guarantee you that it will strengthen your bond and improve how you and your partner communicate with each other. 

Curry Cure


Lately, I have been feeling discouraged because I am still unemployed. I am looking for work in Ortigas or Quezon City, with normal office hours (dayshift), and fixed weekends and holidays off. As I mentioned in a previous post, my savings are already running low. I am currently relying on support from family, like today's kimchi curry lunch at Coco Ichibanya. I realized that even if I am uneasy about my current circumstances, I am still fortunate to have loved ones who feed me. I am lucky to have enough for workouts and necessities. I am also glad that my lifelong love for reading has kept me entertained for so little. I felt cured from the sadness I sometimes feel from being unemployed. Really, sometimes, a great meal is the answer to life's difficult circumstances. 

Ten Years with World Vision


I received this card in the mail today. I was reminded of my decision to sponsor a child back in 2007, when I was still finishing my junior year in college. I used my allowance to send monthly fees and back then, they still relied on faxed deposit slips to confirm my payment. Now, I send the payment from my salary (or savings, as is the case with my current unemployment) and email for confirmation. A lot has changed since the past decade, but my commitment to my sponsored child remains the same. Sharing my blessings to further the education of one little girl has given me a sense of responsibility. It dignifies my work since there is the spirit of advocacy which is priceless. On a personal level, I am determined to look for a good job now so I can keep on supporting my girl and uphold the values imparted to me by World Vision. It is my prayer that I will be blessed with a job soon and I look forward to supporting this worthy organization for many years to come.

Zumba and Cake


​I started my day with my workout. I danced away last night's ramen and cake dinner with my besty, Fe. We met up as Monday is her day-off. It was a lovely break from my usual schedule with my family. I got to catch-up with her. She is a doctor and balances her career with a fun social life and occasional travels. She is also one of the most level-headed people I know, so talking to her is a real joy. 


I am happy to balance my workout with hearty food which I occasionally feast on. It is still my birthday month so I have decided to reward myself with my favorite food. I am blessed with loved ones and possibilities. I hope that I can find my place in the sun soon, just like how I found myself in Zumba and cake. ​