Day 28: #30GratefulDays | Prayer and Breakfast


I am thankful to have spent a morning with St. Clare. I randomly visited her after my workout. It was refreshing to say my prayers at her monastery, since it gives me a sense of peace and renewal whenever I am there. I know that action is what gets me forward, but I also believe in the power of prayer. I do not have a set day of the week to visit her. However, I try to drop by weekly to offer eggs and pray. 

Prayer in itself is therapeutic for me. When it is coupled with the practice of visiting a monastery or a shrine, there is a tangible connection for me to behold. It may not sound right for some people, but it is important for me to have a physical presence of my intercessors. That way, I am able to pray in front of their respective images, and I practice my faith in a way that involves action and commitment. 


I usually have breakfast after my morning visits to St. Clare, and as it has been more than a month since our family trip to Singapore, I have decided to have some kaya toast, soft boiled eggs, and kopi. Having a hearty breakfast in a lovely cafe has helped me put things into perspective. I was able to reminisce about a happy vacation, savor delicious food, and drown all my negativity in piping hot coffee.

Knowing that I began my day with prayer and breakfast was motivating, and I was able to continue with the rest of the day with positive vibes and determination with blogging, job hunting, and enjoying my free time. 

I look forward to more productive mornings and breakfasts. For now, I am treasuring my leisurely moments and I am sure that with positive action comes rewarding results!