New Perspectives

There are days when we are forced to abandon people/plans/routines/habits in order to move forward. Sometimes, a temporary break can do the trick. However, it is best to have a clean break (for good) in other cases. You have to discern what will apply depending on the situation.  

I am going through a lot right now. Routine-wise, I am changing habits and letting go of bad ones.  

This is not easy. But it is doable. There are days when I don’t feel brave, when it is easier to just go back to the way things were. So I have devised some ways to keep me going so I will not regress.  

  1. Develop self-care routines. I get monthly haircuts, leg waxing, and I have a weekly at-home spa experience using a natural body scrub. You may think that it’s just pampering, but self-care is a big deal during transition periods. Give it a try and see how it can help you. 
  2.  Have a balanced diet. Food can truly improve your state of mind and health. Make sure that you have a balanced diet to help you welcome positive change in your overall well-being. 
  3. Explore a new restaurant each month. There are cafes, restaurants, and food parks everywhere. Try a new place to eat each month, or if budget permits, do so on a weekly basis. It will diversify your palate.
  4. Meet new people. It pays to be open to meeting different people. It will grow your network and give you new insights. 
  5. Embrace technology. For me, it is as simple as finally getting addicted to podcasts and using my blog app to write on the go. You can also try using a new app every week and see which ones will work for you. Anyway, you can always delete them from your device!

I am excited to broaden my horizons with the help of my loved ones and friends. I am giving myself a chance to grow, because I want to build a better life for myself. I hope that you will be patient with me as I blog my way through this journey.  

Change takes time, and my time begins now.