Cups and Chaos


I went back to my favorite Sunday Market this morning. I needed to be surrounded by my vintage things, and it did not disappoint. I dropped by my usual stall selling classy china and table wares, and I could not resist takin g this photo. I am a coffee and tea drinker, so I fancy a fine cup or mug for my perusal. Of course, it should have character. It should tell a story. It should elevate my coffee break to something more than a space between tasks and errands. It should inspire me through design while keeping my drink warm. Lastly, it should remind me of happy memories, as I plot my next plan while intaking caffeine.

I usually sort out the chaos of my life through coffee. Cups should bring me warmth and joy, so I choose people to have coffee or tea with wisely. I dislike hanging out with people who bring more chaos and destruction. I prefer to have someone with plans and principles. Such is my dream for my future over coffee. I want to have someone who thinks positively and who plans for the future while enjoying the present. 

For now, I am enjoying my coffee solo. I have let go of some chaos in my life, and I am replacing it with cooler memories which are better for my character.