Rainbow Scarf

I knitted this rainbow scarf while attending conferences, at a coworking space, at a focus group discussion, and while reading books and listening to music at home. I am fond of unplugging from social media from time to time and just allow myself to knit. The handmade pastime keeps me busy as I process my thoughts on work, the challenges I am facing, and everything in between. 


I am straight, but I respect people of all genders. It is my hope that by knitting this rainbow scarf, I can continue embracing diversity and the colorful future that awaits me.  


The joy that knitting gives me is priceless. Having a hobby that keeps your hands busy will reward you with a better attention span, the best sparks of brilliance (I’ve experienced having creative ideas while knitting and crocheting!), and a renewed appreciation for the simplicity of handmade. 

I hope that you will also discover the joys of knitting or any handmade hobby soon! 

Simple Design

Yesterday, I started my day by dropping off some snail mail. As an avid philatelist and analog fan, I still send letters to loved ones here and abroad to let them know that they’re in my thoughts. Snail mail can never be replaced by email or instant messaging. There’s a joy in waiting for a letter to arrive, and writing one’s good wishes on paper. It’s a practice that I will continue observing even in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 


After my morning meeting, I had a simple lunch at Megamall. I had Kipp’s chicken burger steak and Quickly coffee 2 (it’s iced coffee with choco pudding). So good!


Then, I went to CITEM for a quick meeting.  


I am inspired by design thinking, so being in this office drives me to be a better problem solver in my day-to-day activities. I have attended CITEM’s design thinking conferences in the past, and my favorite was the IDC in 2017. I hope to attend more design thinking workshops and conferences in the future, and I am proud to see the Philippines excelling by design. 

I have a thing for doors, so I had to take a photograph before I left the building.  


My next stop was St. Clare Monastery. I prayed for work, more projects and partnerships, as well as for my terminally-ill father’s health. 


I capped my day by watching Samantha Lee’s Billie and Emma for the second time. I love this movie even if I am straight. It’s a simple love story that resonates with everyone. 


There is no better time for me to claim opportunities that are aligned with my values and ideals. At the same time, there will always be ways for me to squeeze in a film, some food trips, and prayer. Life is getting better, and I’m so in.  


Yesterday, I stayed home to knit while listening to podcasts. 


I later whipped out my copy of Abbey Sy’s Always Be Creating because I was craving for some inspo to jumpstart the new year. 


I was inspired to get my new journal to answer some journaling prompts in the book. 

This pretty notebook was a surprise present from the kindhearted ladies behind my favorite local yarn store, The Attic Yarn and Craftery


I went back to Abbey’s book and answered the prompts on passion points. 


Turns out, my passion points have not changed at all since childhood, and the same things still make me happy as an adult. 


Given my limited resources and packed schedule, I am able to pursue my usual habits with ease because I know myself well after all. 


I am still in the middle of the book, but I can say that it’s worth purchasing! It’s helpful especially if you are feeling the need to infuse creativity into your life. Also, it pays to have a journal on hand so that you can answer journaling prompts not just in this book, but from other influencers as well (you may search for prompts on the internet). The possibilities are endless once you commit to a creative life- and the best part is finding yourself in the process. 

Snail Mail Faith

I received a Christmas card from my godmother in the US. It’s charming to receive greeting cards by snail mail because it is no longer customary in the age of social media and text messaging. 


I also got this letter from the Pink Sisters Convent. I am touched that they keep me in their prayers, and that my family is also remembered in their masses. 

I keep the faith through analog traditions such as snail mail which restores my faith in humanity in an automated age.

Here’s to more reasons to be grateful, and to believe more in prayer and family. 

Staying Crafty

Yesterday, I claimed my blood test results from the hospital. I was surprised with their festive holiday setup, which added cheer to my day. 


Thankfully, my thyroid test results were good!


I celebrated with a stuffed crinkle from The Craft Central Cafe.  


It was the best crinkle I’ve ever had outside of ADB!


Then, it was time for me to buy Christmas presents at Human Nature. I also got a bag of garlic banana chips, which is a guiltless snack of mine!


After paying for my gifts, I sipped some coffee while listening to Christmas songs in-store. 


Human Nature still accepts usable toys to be donated to GK kids! Please donate your old toys at any Human Nature store. 

You may also support me and my family by making a purchase from my Human Nature online store. Thank you and God bless you! 


I went to Papemelroti to check-out their new stationery. 


I ended up buying this pocket calendar, which I need to plan my events and obligations on the go. 


It is perfect with my analog planning style. 


I took a Grab ride and knitted to my destination. 


Finally, it was time for dinner at Bonchon. 


And I was able to squeeze in some shopping at Daiso before calling it a day. 


I am managing my tasks one day at a time. I use tools like my handy analog planner, rewards like stuffed crinkles, and to keep myself afloat, I spend my earnings from my Human Nature online store. Please continue to support my business, so that I can carry on with life knowing that I am also helping GK communities with every product sold. 

Online Seller and Old Books

Yesterday, I was blessed with the opportunity to learn more on my online business with Human Nature. If you still do not know where to buy affordable and quality natural products, please check out my online store and support my little business! Thank you in advance and may God bless you!


After my training, I went to UP Town for lunch. Then, I proceeded to Biblio, a secondhand bookshop with a fine selection of vintage books.  


These handsome books are beautiful and in good condition.  


Look at how old these books are! 


I purchased an economics book for an uncle born in 1966. The book was published on the year he was born so it will definitely be a unique present as he has just started on a new job assignment. 

Since my purchase met their minimum requirement of Php300, I was able to enjoy a fresh cup of brewed barako coffee on the house! I knitted while sipping my cuppa and it was awesome to do so inside a beautiful bookshop.  


I may be an online businesswoman, but I do crave for analog experiences. I hope you will also visit Biblio for your next book purchase and who knows, you might also capture a vintage book that speaks to your heart beyond the words on its pages. 

Cups and Chaos


I went back to my favorite Sunday Market this morning. I needed to be surrounded by my vintage things, and it did not disappoint. I dropped by my usual stall selling classy china and table wares, and I could not resist takin g this photo. I am a coffee and tea drinker, so I fancy a fine cup or mug for my perusal. Of course, it should have character. It should tell a story. It should elevate my coffee break to something more than a space between tasks and errands. It should inspire me through design while keeping my drink warm. Lastly, it should remind me of happy memories, as I plot my next plan while intaking caffeine.

I usually sort out the chaos of my life through coffee. Cups should bring me warmth and joy, so I choose people to have coffee or tea with wisely. I dislike hanging out with people who bring more chaos and destruction. I prefer to have someone with plans and principles. Such is my dream for my future over coffee. I want to have someone who thinks positively and who plans for the future while enjoying the present. 

For now, I am enjoying my coffee solo. I have let go of some chaos in my life, and I am replacing it with cooler memories which are better for my character.