Fitness Goals at Banaue

I am now back at Manila, but my heart is still in Banaue. Looking back on my trip gives me joy as I recall all the happy memories during that trip. My group may have only spent three days there, but it felt like we stayed there longer because we did plenty of things together. I am grateful to have met new friends among the locals and within my tour group. I feel blessed that Knitting Expedition has organized a special tour to the rice terraces. It was truly worth it!


Working out is already part of my lifestyle. While I did not prepare for this trip in particular, I did find myself enjoying my daily brisk walks at a nearby park. I also continued doing Zumba and cardio exercises at home. Keeping fit has enabled me to survive the trip with ease.  

As I share with you these photos taken during my last day at this magical place, I hope that you too will be inspired to travel to a destination you have always wanted to visit. I hope that you will also integrate exercise into your daily life. And while there is no way to determine which destination will truly bring you joy, I hope that you will find that special venue which could reignite your dreams and inspire you to envision a better life for yourself. 

When I was still planning for this trip, the few people who knew about it worriedly asked me if I was doing this to find myself. It is a popular travel theme after all. While I do not question people who travel for this reason, I have made it clear from the start that I did not go to Banaue to find myself. I was a research assistant to Mitzie Icasiano more than a decade ago, and it was because of her studies in Ifugao culture that I found fascination, innate joy, and yes, I found myself. I already did that many years ago. This trip is merely a realization of a longtime desire to see Ifugao culture up close, and what better way to do that than through a tour which supports the local knitting community and tourism industry.  

These photos of me with the majestic Banaue Rice Terraces were taken as a tribute to the rich Ifugao culture, and the joy I found in studying it. By keeping fit and enjoying the whole tour, I was able to realize my dream to travel to Banaue. And by becoming my own “fitspiration”, I kept myself going. 

I hope that you too will find your Banaue. May your heart be filled with happiness beyond this month of love, and may the coming years be kind to all of us. May God bless us all.