Technology, Jobs, and Knitting

I just finished knitting a blue-and-pink scarf which I have been working on during a particularly difficult time with a friend. I have previously shared that it was painful to complete it because I remembered talking to this person, whom I have trusted through the years. Now that circumstances have been unfavorable with this individual due to variables beyond my control, I have decided to move on by stitching it to completion. Seeing it done was bittersweet, because it was tangible proof that I am resilient enough to complete tasks even if the story behind it was an unhappy one. Nevertheless, knitting it was a process that started with a sad conversation, and ended with the realization that I am stronger than I think I am.

Having said that, I began knitting another scarf yesterday, using new needles and a Sweet Roll branded variegated yarn. It was thrilling to begin again, so to speak, with new notions and the determination to move on. While knitting this new project, I have also listened to the Technology and Jobs podcast produced by the Asian Development Bank, or the ADB.


It is a four-episode podcast series which tackled the future of work in the upcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is ironic that I was listening to the series while knitting, which is a handmade craft that takes time, effort, and dedication. While I am doing this as a hobby, I am aware of how technology is rapidly changing work today, both for better, and for worse.

Screenshot from ADB’s Soundcloud page, as hyperlinked above.

Screenshot from ADB’s Soundcloud page, as hyperlinked above.

I have learned key insights from this series, such as the need for companies to ensure that technology will not replace human labor, the importance of continuous training in skills, and the message for BPO employees to enter the outsourcing industry, but not stay there for long. As a former BPO employee, I am grateful for half-a-decade’s worth of training and work experience. However, I am also glad to have exited before I felt the burnout due to the repetitive nature of my role. Now that I am looking for a job in the corporate sector, I am constantly training and enriching myself through reading, listening to podcasts, and attending seminars and conferences.


Knitting has also helped me grasp the importance of handmade crafts. While a machine may replace a pair of knitting needles, it could never replace the skill of working hands. There is love and dedication that is poured out to every hand-knitted project. The same goes with technology and jobs.

As a jobseeker, I blog everyday to share my thoughts on relevant topics and self-improvement. I maximize the technology available to me to update my website, I use the internet to communicate with my peers and to coordinate with individuals who are capable of organizing learning events and opportunities. Still, the ideas are all my own. Technology merely helps me get my message out into the world.

As I continue knitting, job seeking, reading, and listening to podcasts, I hope that I will be able to stay relevant and up-to-date with today’s trends and opportunities. May the paradox of my handmade lifestyle and digital blogging encourage you to also pursuit your passions and to always be yourself! Because at the end of the day, what makes us human is something that technology will never, ever be able to replace.