
Yesterday, I stayed home to knit while listening to podcasts. 


I later whipped out my copy of Abbey Sy’s Always Be Creating because I was craving for some inspo to jumpstart the new year. 


I was inspired to get my new journal to answer some journaling prompts in the book. 

This pretty notebook was a surprise present from the kindhearted ladies behind my favorite local yarn store, The Attic Yarn and Craftery


I went back to Abbey’s book and answered the prompts on passion points. 


Turns out, my passion points have not changed at all since childhood, and the same things still make me happy as an adult. 


Given my limited resources and packed schedule, I am able to pursue my usual habits with ease because I know myself well after all. 


I am still in the middle of the book, but I can say that it’s worth purchasing! It’s helpful especially if you are feeling the need to infuse creativity into your life. Also, it pays to have a journal on hand so that you can answer journaling prompts not just in this book, but from other influencers as well (you may search for prompts on the internet). The possibilities are endless once you commit to a creative life- and the best part is finding yourself in the process. 

Knitting Pink

I continued knitting after missing it for a while. I have been dealing with adulting lately, and crochet has proved to be a quicker craft to provide faster results. However, there is something deeply satisfying about knitting that brings me joy. Even finishing a simple beanie the other day has sparked a love for knitting which brings be back to my Banaue trip last February

I have come a long way since learning how to knit earlier this year. I still prefer knitting without a pattern, but I like seeing my growth as I process my thoughts, one stitch at a time. Being a knitter has allowed me to have conversations with myself while making scarves and beanies. And as I finished this bright pink beanie, I was able to make peace with myself. I was able to forgive myself too.  

Consider knitting as a hobby! It is great for thinking things through and reflecting on your life. It is also an excellent craft to take along with you. I bring my works in progress to events and it has helped me focus too. Do it for yourself, and start searching for tutorials or workshops today. You won’t regret it.  



Knitting On

After ticking off my obligations this week, I finally found some time for fiber arts. I finished crocheting a millennial pink scarf for my mom, and I also completed the prism scarf which I have been knitting for the past two months

So I continued knitting, and this time, I binged on some episodes of one of my favorite podcasts, Wake Up with Jim and Saab.  While laughing along to the podcast, I knitted this beanie in deep sea.

The ball of yarn from The Attic Yarn and Craftery could make two knitted beanies, so I saved some for later and began knitting another one. This time, I chose a bright pink yarn from Dreams Yarnshoppe.

I carry on with life because I know what makes me happy. I like making things, so I will continue doing so. I intend to hustle and balance that with my handmade lifestyle. That way, I will always know what truly matters, and I will also have a scarf or beanie to remind me of how strong I really am.


Technology, Jobs, and Knitting

I just finished knitting a blue-and-pink scarf which I have been working on during a particularly difficult time with a friend. I have previously shared that it was painful to complete it because I remembered talking to this person, whom I have trusted through the years. Now that circumstances have been unfavorable with this individual due to variables beyond my control, I have decided to move on by stitching it to completion. Seeing it done was bittersweet, because it was tangible proof that I am resilient enough to complete tasks even if the story behind it was an unhappy one. Nevertheless, knitting it was a process that started with a sad conversation, and ended with the realization that I am stronger than I think I am.

Having said that, I began knitting another scarf yesterday, using new needles and a Sweet Roll branded variegated yarn. It was thrilling to begin again, so to speak, with new notions and the determination to move on. While knitting this new project, I have also listened to the Technology and Jobs podcast produced by the Asian Development Bank, or the ADB.


It is a four-episode podcast series which tackled the future of work in the upcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is ironic that I was listening to the series while knitting, which is a handmade craft that takes time, effort, and dedication. While I am doing this as a hobby, I am aware of how technology is rapidly changing work today, both for better, and for worse.

Screenshot from ADB’s Soundcloud page, as hyperlinked above.

Screenshot from ADB’s Soundcloud page, as hyperlinked above.

I have learned key insights from this series, such as the need for companies to ensure that technology will not replace human labor, the importance of continuous training in skills, and the message for BPO employees to enter the outsourcing industry, but not stay there for long. As a former BPO employee, I am grateful for half-a-decade’s worth of training and work experience. However, I am also glad to have exited before I felt the burnout due to the repetitive nature of my role. Now that I am looking for a job in the corporate sector, I am constantly training and enriching myself through reading, listening to podcasts, and attending seminars and conferences.


Knitting has also helped me grasp the importance of handmade crafts. While a machine may replace a pair of knitting needles, it could never replace the skill of working hands. There is love and dedication that is poured out to every hand-knitted project. The same goes with technology and jobs.

As a jobseeker, I blog everyday to share my thoughts on relevant topics and self-improvement. I maximize the technology available to me to update my website, speakoutsam.com. I use the internet to communicate with my peers and to coordinate with individuals who are capable of organizing learning events and opportunities. Still, the ideas are all my own. Technology merely helps me get my message out into the world.

As I continue knitting, job seeking, reading, and listening to podcasts, I hope that I will be able to stay relevant and up-to-date with today’s trends and opportunities. May the paradox of my handmade lifestyle and digital blogging encourage you to also pursuit your passions and to always be yourself! Because at the end of the day, what makes us human is something that technology will never, ever be able to replace. 

Day 1: Skills Discovery

I have decided to commit to self-improvement by listening to podcasts. You might be thinking that this is not an effective strategy to overhaul my personal life and career trajectory, but I would like to prove that podcasts can positively impact my journey. I will share with you my notes and even my lessons so that you too can change your life. 

My favorite podcast right now is Pursuit with Purpose. It is hosted by Melyssa Griffin, who gives easy and actionable steps to self-improvement. I find her show engagingly practical, and she features guests who share their strategies in building their brands and careers. I learned that it is possible to improve your life and career through finding your purpose. 

Let me show you how.  

Today, I will teach you how to discover your skills based on what I have learned from two of Melissa’s guests on her podcast.

The first one is Susie Moore of the Side Hustle Academy. By listening to the podcast episode on How to Create a Successful Side Hustle and Life, I have learned that it is possible to work full-time and still pursue a passion project. By doing so, it could positively impact my life and give me a sense of accomplishment. I also received a free workshop on starting your own side hustle which you can also participate in just by accessing this link. I started the workshop yesterday, and the first module is about determining which skills you have using her ingenious Skill Distiller Formula

I applied the formula and reflected on my own journey so far. Here’s what I have uncovered: 


By using the Skill Distiller Formula to unlock my unique strengths, I managed to validate myself. I was able to solve problems and innovate along the way. Most of all, I can apply my skills to new ways. I have then decided to listen to another episode of Melyssa’s podcast to discover more of my skills.

Enter Cassie + Shay of The Bucketlist Bombshells.  They are two best friends who travel the world while teaching other women how to run their own online businesses so they can do the same. Their guesting on Melyssa’s show resonated with me because (while I intend to work in corporate for now) I want to know what skills I can capitalize on and how I can develop them as I go along. I started taking their free online course on how to be a girl boss. It takes four days to complete, and I finished the first module yesterday.

The first day consisted of uncovering my soft skills. Here’s what I have learned: 


I already took the 16Personalities test for an interview, and I revisited the results to determine what my soft skills are. I never focused on them until now, and I learned that my weaknesses are basically my strengths on steroids. I have a Commander personality, which makes me an analyst who thrives in social engagement. By focusing on my soft skills and combining them with a closer look at my career path and workplace habits, I landed on career options that I can consider. This is invaluable as I am currently pursuing a corporate role while managing my website.

Can you imagine how amazing skills discovery can be for your life and career? You can innovate and diversify in your current role, or level up by taking a side hustle or becoming an entrepreneur. The choice is yours, and it is made easier through today’s lesson. I hope that you enjoyed learning with me, and I will be back tomorrow with Day Two of my self-improvement lesson! 

 ***Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***