Father’s Hey


It wasn’t easy celebrating the first Father’s Day since my dad’s passing last month. I felt very sad, but also lucky to still be alive and able to commemorate an important day with my family. I spent time with my mom and maternal grandfather, and we grabbed lunch at a coffee shop that we frequent in his area. I had a beer and crocheted while waiting for our food.

Life is a constant battle against ourselves. I could have wasted the day and simply refused to commemorate my late father’s memory. However, I chose to get over my sadness and celebrated with my grandfather, who’s still alive.

May we never forget to spend time with those who are still with us, and to create meaningful memories.


Lately, we’ve been having water interruptions in our city. We have adjusted to the schedules, and in my case, changed my lifestyle to ensure that I am able to keep up with the shortages. I make sure that I have enough water to keep myself clean and hydrated. Our household is doing its best to live with dignity amidst the status quo. 


This was why the lunch celebration we had to celebrate an uncle’s birthday yesterday was a welcome relief from the challenges we are facing. It was held in Amici, where I had this delicious plate of Spaghetti Pomodoro. I loved it, and I’ll order it again when I’m in the restaurant soon. 

Life may throw many challenges my way, but I’m strong enough to face them and keep my family afloat. They are simply tests to strengthen my faith and keep me going. For now, I will keep on hustling, fighting, and collecting enough water for the next few days and weeks.