Day 19: #30GratefulDays | Unemployment


​Let’s talk about unemployment.

I have been job hunting for the past two and a half months. I have utilized two job hunting apps to navigate the world of job seeking. It has been a treacherous ride. I had to update my resume, attend various seminars to increase my CPD points, take skills tests, and click on “Apply” to various openings near my place of residence until my eyes are already too heavy from sleepiness. Most days are quiet because I just go about with my workouts, books, and jobhunting routine. My phone is always in my hand, waiting for a call or text from some company’s HR.

It has been more than two months and I still do not have a job. ​

The seminars I have been attending are mostly free. I still have to pay for transportation and parking though. It is expensive to learn and sharpen the saw without an income stream.​

I lost a job opportunity because an HR Officer called me in the middle of a seminar. When I told her I was in a conference and I cannot speak at that time, she remarked, “it says here you are unemployed. How come you are able to attend seminars”? I told her that I was qualified and I received a confirmation of my attendance from the organizer. She said that we could not push through with the opportunity anymore.

I also had two instances wherein the phone was hung up by two separate HR Officers. When I called them back, I was told that they do not entertain questions from jobseekers.​

Another time, I received a call from an HR Officer but I was in the middle of a personal concern. When I asked for another call, she said that there is no second chance to discuss the job opening then the line went dead.​

Finally, I asked around for openings near my house. I expressed my experience in finance, banking, risk management, and writing. It was disheartening to be told Hindi mo naman kailangan eh (you do not need the job anyway). Friends, I need a job. My family may live comfortably, but I am living off my small savings and the well is running dry. I desire to work and it pains me that people do not want to help me out because they think I can live without working. Honest work gives me a sense of pride and dignity. I hope that before I am told that I do not need to work, you will also realize that work is for everyone who wants to earn a living. It is not dependent on apparent social standing. Work is a necessity, and if someone needs a job, I hope you can extend a helping hand.​

​Please help me find work. I am aiming for a corporate job in Ortigas or Quezon City in the fields of finance, banking, journalism, and risk management. I would be happy to send my CV upon request.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!​

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