Lessons from Unemployment

I have been unemployed for three months now. I have chosen to be as positive as I can be in these trying times, but I also realized that I should be authentic here on my blog. I feel negative on some days, and I know that there are people out there who might learn a thing or two from my ordeal.

I have been working out everyday in order to be the healthiest that I can be. I owe it to myself to be in shape. The endorphins keep me centered and calm. Also, my best ideas usually occur while I am doing cardio. As I was working out today, I realized that I should share with you some lessons that I have learned from unemployment. Here they are:

Keep on praying! 

Keep on praying! 

  1. Haters are everywhere.  There will always be those negative people who will put you down. Don’t listen to them. You should know by now who to trust.
  2. If someone makes you feel instinctively bad, stay away from that person.  Chances are, your instinct is correct. There will always be people who have hidden agenda for their personal gain. They will use your vulnerability as a reason for you to comply. If someone makes you feel iffy, stop seeing that person and move on.
  3. Prayer is faith in action. Now is the best time to offer prayers. If possible, go to church. The mere act of kneeling down in front of an altar already demonstrates your resolve to improve your condition and overcome unemployment.
  4. Nothing beats self-care. Find your routine to relax and unwind. Job hunting can be stressful, so learn how to take care of yourself so you can bounce back with fierceness. I have a budget for toiletries, and I have rituals like scrubbing, applying face masks, and cooling lotion. These are little luxuries that can go a long way in maintaining your confidence and overall well-being.
  5. Update your CV. Attend seminars, conferences, trainings, workshops, and even online courses. Any form of learning can boost your chances of getting hired. List them down on your CV and keep your online employment profiles up to date. 
  6. Listen to those who love you. They know what is best for you.  
This cup of Sagada coffee from Papa Diddi’s soothed my soul while awakening my weary body. 

This cup of Sagada coffee from Papa Diddi’s soothed my soul while awakening my weary body. 

If you are losing hope right now, I suggest that you take a step back and examine the bigger picture. Is there anything you can do right now to improve your circumstances? It could be a workout, a shower, a hot meal, or a cup of coffee. Now is the best time to reflect and take care of yourself. Unemployment is not a permanent status. It is a short break, so make sure that you relax, keep fighting, and continue job hunting.

 ***Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***

Have a Little Faith


Lately, I have been facing some tough times. I had to leave two jobs within a year due to circumstances beyond my control. However, I realized that I have full control of what I feel, act, and do. So, I have resolved to carry on with blogging, job hunting, and my weekly routine, which includes visiting a place of worship each week.


I have already visited St. Clare’s monastery last Thursday, but I have decided to make this week a little extra by swinging by the National Shrine of St. Jude in Mendiola, Manila. It is his feast day today, and I could not let this week go by without thanking him for his constant intercession. I also have many favors to pray for, so it was an easy decision to make.

To go there, I simply ride the MRT to Cubao then transfer to the LRT going to Legarda. From there, it is a leisurely walk to St. Jude.


I offer candles, which cost Php2.00 each right beside the church. Prayer cards such as those for exams and for job seekers are sold by street vendors surrounding the church. I also visit the other statues there, such as Padre Pio. It is a one-stop shrine for all your desperate needs.

St. Jude is after all the patron of hopeless cases, and I have experienced his unwavering support. In 2016, he granted me a huge favor around the time of his feast day. And now, I have returned, a year later and stronger from all the challenges I have endured.

It is also admirable to witness faith in person. I am inspired to pray when there are multitudes of faithful churchgoers around me. I feel that having a little faith is not a solo endeavour after all. It is also prayer in action, as the trip to St. Jude is not easy, considering that public transportation in Metro Manila is not efficient. But it is a trip I have made whenever I can, and it is a blessing to be with St. Jude during his fiesta time.


I pray that A and I will soon find the right jobs for us. I pray that we will always be in excellent health. I pray that our families will always be blessed. And I pray that my blog will continue to inspire me to live a life of wellness through mindfulness, so that I can lead others by example. 


What are you praying for? Let me know if you want me to pray for your special intentions when I get to visit a church again. Let us continue praying for each other!

 ***Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***

How to Turn Unemployment Into an Opportunity

Strive to be positive even when you don’t feel like it.  

Strive to be positive even when you don’t feel like it.  

I’m sure most of us have gone through unemployment. The worst part about being in between jobs is not knowing what’s next. It is agonizing to wake up each morning without a fixed schedule. However, there is another way to view this period in our lives.  

What if you could turn unemployment into a time of opportunity and positive change?

There was a time not so long ago when I had no purpose and zero direction. I was worried about having insufficient resources. I was pessimistic about what’s next. 

Until I realized that unemployment could be an important time of self-development!  

I then made an inventory of what’s readily available to me. I started with this blog, and I vowed to myself to write more positive content. I motivated myself to apply to seminars and conferences, using my blog as my brand and company to represent.  

I prayed, but I also took action. I went online to apply for jobs.  

I worked out each day. I never missed the chance to experience my daily endorphins.  

I downloaded podcasts that focused on mindfulness and creating opportunities for yourself. They helped keep me on the right track, especially when I felt like giving up. 

I shared my website whenever I was in seminars. I learned that it was the perfect icebreaker! It also helped me overcome my shyness whenever I was in a room of professionals. 

Before long, I have noticed that I no longer dreaded waking up each day. I learned how to bullet journal, so that gave me a tangible connection to the rolling of days and errands to accomplish. I listened to music and I realized that I am a creature of habit. So I cultivated new habits such as blogging each day and sharing them online. Producing output on a daily basis reinforced my belief in myself. My blog became my work, while I am still looking for the right job for me. 

I do recommend blogging if you are unemployed. Research on topics that interest you and write about your expertise. Stick to a writing schedule and commit to it! And while I advocate using paid blogging platforms, you may begin with a free one  while you are still starting. Get the feel of writing for yourself, and before you know it, you already have enough confidence to purchase a domain name, website package, and set up your own little space on the interwebs. 

I also recommend working out! There are plenty of free workout videos on YouTube. Utilize them. Learn which types of exercise work for you and commit to working out thirty minutes a day. It will do wonders to your health and well-being.  

Most of all, believe in yourself. You should never give up on your ability to turn emptiness to something great. Use your free time in between jobs for self-improvement! By the time you get employed, your boss and colleagues will be lucky to have you, because you have built your own brand and surpassed the negative vibes that tend to cloud your mind when you don’t know what’s next. 

***Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***

Day 28: #30GratefulDays | What Makes Me Amazing

Finding my place under the sun isn’t easy, but I’m 100% committed.  

Finding my place under the sun isn’t easy, but I’m 100% committed.  

Yesterday, I had a chat with an industry leader about my job hunting journey. The question I was asked struck me.

I was asked why I am amazing.

I immediately recited my job experiences, the responsibilities I have fulfilled and those which I still handle now, my ability to compartmentalize different factors of my life, and of course, I shared my blog. However, I was told that those things do not describe why I am amazing. I was advised to package myself better by reflecting on this question. I sat down with myself, and after careful thought, I decided that the best way to answer this question would be to blog about it. So, without further ado, here are the reasons why I am amazing. 

  1. I work within office hours and I do not believe in overtime. I have learned how to prioritize tasks over the years, and I care about the time I spend in the office. I do not go beyond the time prescribed to me, as I intend to maximize my work hours and commit 100% of myself to my job when I am in the office. 
  2. I am battling hypothyroidism but I do not let it get in the way of my life. I refuse to let my condition drag me down. I have managed my weight, my moods, and I continue to do so by giving myself the best conditions to live a healthy lifestyle. 
  3. I am committed to applying design thinking in my blog, work, and lifestyle. I think problem solving will be improved when there is empathy in each creative ideation.  
  4. My blog has challenged me to tell my story to the world. Now, it is my turn to help convey my potential employer’s story through my work.  
  5. I believe in lifelong learning, and I am always on the lookout for opportunities to improve myself. While experience is the best teacher, I believe that I cannot rely solely on what the daily grind can teach me. I am a fan of books, talks, podcasts, conferences, seminars, and symposiums.  
  6. I always support an advocacy. I can never live without helping a community, a social enterprise, or my World Vision sponsored child. Supporting these causes bring a more dynamic perspective into my view of work and concept of love. 
  7. I believe that it is important to motivate myself first before I can lead others. By being the best version of myself, it will be easier to lead by example and spark conversations on causes that matter to me, such as feminism, civility, and innovation. 

I must admit that this is only the beginning. I was taken aback when I was asked what makes me amazing, and I still need to dig deeper into myself. For now, I am happy to have started this conversation with myself. That way, I can package myself better moving forward.  

Day 21: #30GratefulDays | Work with Sam Page


I have created a page here on my website to make it easier for potential employers to view my credentials and download my CV. 

My Work with Sam page will be regularly updated as I attend trainings, conferences, and workshops. It will also have social media links to my Instagram, LinkedIn, and email.

This will also facilitate a more efficient screening process for my potential employers. I am thankful to have received positive feedback for my blog, so I am utilizing it to store my updated CV with a link for downloading. It is also possible to view my CV using mobile. This will integrate my blog, qualifications, and work experience.

I am thankful that my website's platform, Squarespace, allows this function within my blog. I have used my free time to read on how-to articles on the process, and I was able to put up my career page with ease. I hope that this will foster more job options for me. I also look forward to a more comprehensive way of introducing myself to potential employers and collaborators. 

 ***Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***

Day 19: #30GratefulDays | Unemployment


​Let’s talk about unemployment.

I have been job hunting for the past two and a half months. I have utilized two job hunting apps to navigate the world of job seeking. It has been a treacherous ride. I had to update my resume, attend various seminars to increase my CPD points, take skills tests, and click on “Apply” to various openings near my place of residence until my eyes are already too heavy from sleepiness. Most days are quiet because I just go about with my workouts, books, and jobhunting routine. My phone is always in my hand, waiting for a call or text from some company’s HR.

It has been more than two months and I still do not have a job. ​

The seminars I have been attending are mostly free. I still have to pay for transportation and parking though. It is expensive to learn and sharpen the saw without an income stream.​

I lost a job opportunity because an HR Officer called me in the middle of a seminar. When I told her I was in a conference and I cannot speak at that time, she remarked, “it says here you are unemployed. How come you are able to attend seminars”? I told her that I was qualified and I received a confirmation of my attendance from the organizer. She said that we could not push through with the opportunity anymore.

I also had two instances wherein the phone was hung up by two separate HR Officers. When I called them back, I was told that they do not entertain questions from jobseekers.​

Another time, I received a call from an HR Officer but I was in the middle of a personal concern. When I asked for another call, she said that there is no second chance to discuss the job opening then the line went dead.​

Finally, I asked around for openings near my house. I expressed my experience in finance, banking, risk management, and writing. It was disheartening to be told Hindi mo naman kailangan eh (you do not need the job anyway). Friends, I need a job. My family may live comfortably, but I am living off my small savings and the well is running dry. I desire to work and it pains me that people do not want to help me out because they think I can live without working. Honest work gives me a sense of pride and dignity. I hope that before I am told that I do not need to work, you will also realize that work is for everyone who wants to earn a living. It is not dependent on apparent social standing. Work is a necessity, and if someone needs a job, I hope you can extend a helping hand.​

​Please help me find work. I am aiming for a corporate job in Ortigas or Quezon City in the fields of finance, banking, journalism, and risk management. I would be happy to send my CV upon request.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon!​

*​**Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***

Day 8: #30GratefulDays | Hypothyroidism Sucks


Hypothyroidism has been in my life since my diagnosis at the age of thirteen. I was a hormonal teenager with a chronic autoimmune condition, and at that time, it became my worst enemy. Over the years, I had to learn how to befriend my condition and now, I can say that yes, hypothyroidism sucks, but it does not mean the end of the world (at least for me). It has become more of a frienemy, so to speak. The yo-yo weight became a pain to live with, as I needed to watch my diet and eventually, live with the mean comments of people around me that I have lost/gained/lost weight. As a result, I have embraced exercise and now, I make sure to workout daily. It has helped me with weight control and emotional stability. 

I am also jobless. I am looking for a job which is dayshift, within Ortigas and Quezon City, has no Saturday work, Corporate, and with HMO. My health condition has left me with no choice but to limit my work location to those near my residence. Also, I cannot do shifting and graveyard work because my hormonal deficiency will get messed up if I live against the usual daily routine. Weekends are my only time to accompany my parents and I badly need HMO coverage. In the past couple of months that I have been unemployed, I have felt desperate, needy, sad, and angry. After reading a book on life coaching, I have learned that taking responsibility even for things beyond my control can ease me into acceptance and eventually, into taking action. 

So here I am now, accepting my hypothyroidism and owning up to my unemployment. I am continuously working out, eating right, and jobhunting. Routine has become my ally. This is my life, and it has totally become my journey.