God’s Perfect Timing

I started working at my new employer yesterday, and it was fantastic! I was ecstatic to be back in an office, and I even wore red as it was a color that made me feel confident. I am still adjusting and committing names and processes to memory, but I will definitely get the hang of it.

You see, I consider the date of my return to work important because it is a testament to how faithful God is.

I prayed for a new job immediately after resigning from my previous corporate role last year. My last day there was on July 21, 2017. I asked God to give me work and opportunities for learning as I looked for employment.  

And I asked Him to give me a job before July 21, 2018. 

I was realistic with my expectations, as I was aware of the job market. I attended interviews and turned down offers if the company did not reflect my values and work ethics. I enhanced my skills by attending seminars, conferences, workshops, and webinars. 

I even learned how to knit at the Banaue Rice Terraces and I got to reflect on my jobhunting situation as I whipped up scarves and beanies.


Knitting has taught me to be patient, as I had to pull out my stitches and begin again if I committed a mistake. It was a frustrating process, but I am glad that I began again because my projects look better.

What I am trying to say is that I learned how to remain faithful to God as I was looking for employment. I continued attending seminars every month in institutions such as the ADB and AIM. I prayed and visited churches. I worked out, read books, and listened to podcasts.

I felt that God was making me begin again, every single day. 

And just like with my knitting stitches, I learned how to patiently wait for the right opportunity for me.


I was already feeling frustrated with my corporate offers because pre-employment takes ages in banks. So when this company called me for an interview, I did not hesitate to try it out. I passed their assessment and exams, and I got an offer to work with them as an Office Manager.

I signed the offer on July 19, 2018. I was set to begin on July 23, 2018. 

I was stunned. God simply wanted me to wait, be a good daughter and help my dad with his work, and attend learning opportunities as I knitted and blogged on the side. But He was faithful, because He gave me a job before my “gap year” was up. 

God is a faithful God. His timing is perfect, and His blessings are on point. I look forward to a fruitful career in my new company. I may have to minimize my blogging when work gets busier, and I have to respect my company’s confidentiality clause so I cannot write about my job or my office. But I will still blog about my story, because my life is entirely my own.

If there is any doubt in your heart right now, think of how God faithfully answered my prayers for the right job, at the right time. I hope that He will bless you too, and that His timing will persuade you to keep the faith!