For My Grandpa

Please include in your prayers my late grandfather, Cedric Bernardez. He passed away last January 15th due to cardiac arrest.

It was from him that I learned to appreciate fine wine, beer, eyewear, and Manila. I will forever be grateful to this OG influencer who used to hold office at Escolta.



Everyday Hero

Yesterday, I treated my helper again to lunch. It was a holiday in the Philippines (Day of Valor), and it was just fitting to share a meal with the person who makes life easier for me and my family. She is our everyday hero, and I’m grateful that she’s in our lives. 


I also had coffee with her at Starbucks because I found out that she’s never had a frappe in her entire life. It’s remarkable to share firsts with friends, and I’m happy to have been privileged to buy coffee for my helper. 


Let’s continue celebrating our daily heroes who never cease to simplify our lives. 

Mabuhay po kayo! 

Closet Cleanup

Yesterday, I cleaned my room and edited my closet. I ended up donating 8 bags of old clothes to H&M for recycling.  


I got 15% discount vouchers for regular items in exchange for my clothes (note: I also donated a similar amount of clothes to another charity). 


Cleaning out my closet has allowed me to focus on what I use on the regular. I also got to buy new pairs of jeans using the voucher and the gift certificate that I got for another store.  


May 2019 be a well-edited year that’s light on my being and good for my soul.  

Christmas Eve 2018

Yesterday, I got to eat lunch with my Lucas relatives. I wore my new Sunnies Specs glasses from Sunnies Santa and applied Sunnies Face Glowboss on my cheekbones for some extra sparkle. 


We chose Katherine’s Cafe at Vertis North as they had a wide range of food for our varied tastes. Since I was craving for pasta, I ordered this Vigan longganisa and salted egg number. It was delicious!


My goddaughter Kate was ready to eat pizza and bring some Christmas cheer that only kids could give. 


I gave her kid’s toiletries from my Human Nature online store. You may still purchase last minute presents and have them delivered straight to your doorstep! Shop now!


I also got her a special toy from Toys R Us. 


I received some lovely presents and I am grateful to be part of my relatives’ shopping lists!


There are still plenty of blessings to be grateful for. Amidst all the challenges that my family is facing, I am still thankful that we get to celebrate Christmas together this year.

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!


I recently won the @dearsunniessanta giveaway hosted by eyewear brand Sunnies Studios. I was one of 100 winners. 

Photo from @dearsunniessanta 

Photo from @dearsunniessanta 

I wished for a brand new pair of Sunnies Specs as my old Harlow pair already had moldy temples (I’m hyperacidic). 

 Photo from @sunniesspecs

 Photo from @sunniesspecs

 Photo from @dearsunniessanta

 Photo from @dearsunniessanta

So yesterday, I claimed my Sunnies Santa goodie bag from Sunnies Specs SM North Edsa, and it was magical! 


I received festive merch aside from my specs.  


And choosing my new pair turned out to be challenging because Sunnies Specs has so many options! 


I finally chose a nude acetate pair, which I will claim after 24 hours.  

To give thanks and continue praying for my personal intentions, I proceeded to St. Clare Monastery.  


I went to Mendiola to continue praying and pose by CEU’s famous pink wall.  


No trip to Mendiola is complete without a stopver to St. Jude.  


Then, I went to St. Joseph at Anonas.  


My last stop for the day was Cinema ‘76 to buy my Goyo DVD. Special thanks to relatives who generously gave me Christmas money to buy presents for myself.  


I am really thankful for all the blessings that I continue to receive. Christmas is best enjoyed when there is hope for the future. Winning the Dear Sunnies Santa competition has inspired me to dream and to keep my eyes on the prize- that is, a brighter tomorrow. Here’s to us who dream, and to us who never stop believing!

Bright Gray

I love the color gray, and I own a lot of clothes in that color palette. I finished knitting a gray scarf, and it was a process that took me from coffee to dessert


I finished this scarf in less than a week as I used chunky yarn purchased from my favorite yarn store, The Attic Yarn and Craftery.  


The result was this beautiful graphic scarf that wraps warmly around the neck.  


Before going home, I managed to snag a pair of white sneakers from local brand So Fab! at 50% off during the 12.12 sale. I am thankful for the cash gift from a relative which I have used to buy these shoes.  


I stictched the scarf together by the time I got home. 


And I made it into an infinity scarf for easier wearing!


Before going to bed, I started a new scarf using yarn from the same store


Gray may be a drab color to some, but for me, its simple elegance makes it a versatile hue to work with. I am inspired to keep on knitting, as I enjoy life with coffee and things that matter. 

Core Advocate Forever

I have been selling Human Nature products for five years now, and I have been an online seller of their natural products this year. My Human Nature online store continues to be a blessing to my life, as I am able to earn extra by selling products which I personally use and have transformed the lives of many Filipinos. Please support my store by making a purchase today!


To my regular customers, and to all of you who have made a purchase by reading my blog entries, thank you! It is because of you that I continue to believe in Human Nature and its effective products. 


More importantly, your support has enabled me to believe in myself. And because of this, I have supported Human Nature’s fundraising initiative for Marawi this Christmas. In exchange for my support, I received this beautiful bracelet by Silverworks.  


My life continues to be blessed, thanks to brands like Human Nature that allow me to give back with every purchase and product sold.  

Walang Iwanan! 


I got a surprise in the mail the other day. My favorite yarn store, The Attic Yarn and Craftery, sent me a replacement for my Furls 4mm Blackwood crochet hook. They also sent me a brand new journal which totally fits my style! 


Furls does have a solid customer support reputation, but still, The Attic still coordinated to them for me. They also shipped it to me for free, which was unexpected since I was prepared to shoulder the expenses. 

However, I truly appreciate their kind gesture. My hook accidentally got broken, and they were able to assist me in having it replaced.  


The journal and kind note also made me smile. 


I appreciate it when my favorite brands and the people behind them become my friends in real life.  There are a number of yarn stores in the country today, but The Attic has been kind enough to help me during a difficult time in my family’s life (we are caring for a sick family member). I am grateful for their kindness and generosity. I pray that they will have more loyal customers in the future!

Kindness and Direction

Yesterday, my car had a flat tire. Luckily, I was able to drive to the mall and park properly. 


I was assisted by the guards at Vertis North. They expertly changed my flat tire and assured me that everything will be alright. They even refused the tip that I was giving. They were polite, professional, and kind. My faith in humanity has been restored. 


I then proceeded to the Ayala Museum for the Insulae Indiae Orientalis exhibit of antique maps and prints. 


I was so excited for this as I am a map nerd at heart! I simply had to catch it on its first day of exhibition. 


I was greeted by the rarest maps which stirred my feelings of nationalism. 


Finally, I was able to reach the Murillo Room, which showcased an assortment of extremely rare Murillo Velarde Philippine maps from the 18th century. 


It was a beautiful exhibition! The maps were breathtaking, and the corresponding materials were interesting companions to the stars of the show. I am fascinated with antique maps mainly for their beauty, but now, I also see them as significant tools for nation-building. I hope that you will also be able to appreciate antique maps, and get the chance to view them whenever they are exhibited to the public. 



I turned 32 yesterday! I started my day by crocheting... 


 ...getting work done...


 ...and hearing mass at my alma mater’s beautiful chapel. 


For lunch, I had this chocolate cake and latte from Starbucks.  


I was able to spend lunch time with Karen, my friend from work.  


  I also received a small cake from the office. 


I managed to crochet a bit in school before taking the train back north. 


Then, I had this delicious violet bread for snack. 


And before I knew it, it was time for dinner with my family and friends at Botejyu!


I had an amazing day and it was fabulous to spend it with the people I love and the food I enjoy. Here’s to more beautiful memories as I embark on my 32nd year of life! 

Friday Resilience


I walked through really strong rains last Friday morning. Good thing I was wearing boots and a blazer along with some tough clothes. I felt a bit shaken though because it was my first time to walk in strong rains in a long time. But I was happy that I got to work on time.

I was sad to hear yesterday that a friend of mine lost her house to a fire. It was devastating as she lost everything, and nothing was saved. At least she and her family survived the ordeal, and plenty of people have raised funds to help her.

When I experienced chills earlier after the rain. I realized that I am still fortunate. I have warm clothes, a job, and coffee. I am still very luck. And there is always something to be thankful for.

Powering Through


As a new employee, I am challenged to face existing processes and enforce new ones in my workplace. I am still learning and adjusting. I recently faced a challenge, which was thankfully resolved because I was working with a competent team. It also helps that my superiors are a call or email away to guide me through.

I feel valued, and that is why I am also compelled to be a valuable member of my team. I cannot attain progress alone, so I reach out to people more. It is a win-win solution because I get to improve my interpersonal skills while getting things done!

And as always, the right outfit helps me slay.

I am powering through each day with faith, grit, and a lot of coffee. I am determined to make things work as I grow as an individual. And while I have a great team, I also rely on a generous God. It is the combination of hard work and unwavering faith that gets me through each new day!


Niche at Work

I have been holding up well at work these past few days. It is my first time to work with a lean team, so I had to adjust fast. Also, we have an open plan office so I am getting used to working on a family-style table rather than on an assigned cubicle. 

I am enjoying it so far in the office, and the collaborative environment encourages me to interact with my colleagues. I am getting by with food, coffee, and a lot of self-determination. Yes, my model for thriving at work is similar to how I carry on with my workouts.


I see colors in the middle of monotonous palettes, and the same goes with the daily grind. I find joy in processes. I listen to music whenever the silence becomes deafening. In no time, the music motivates me, and I already have my own jam at work.

Rather than rely on life hacks in the long run, I prefer to set up systems for my job crafting journey. I am on it at the moment, and I am also becoming more flexible with organizing my tasks and assignments.


I am also helping myself get in the mood for work by dressing the part. As I have discovered in almost nine years of working, the right outfit can serve as an armor. It is my battle gear. And it really helps me focus on my tasks when I know that my getup is put-together and professional.

For sleeveless tops and dresses, I usually pair them with jackets or blazers as office air conditioning can get too cold. For short skirts, I wear tights or stockings if needed. I just like making sure that I look professional and not sloppy.

And whenever I have free time, I knit, crochet, read, or blog. I like keeping my mind active and alert.

I really think that my niche at work is something that I have already discovered. I just have to keep the faith that my work will continue to serve my own values too. I take 100% ownership of my work. I hope that I will continue writing my story as I speakworksam!

God’s Perfect Timing

I started working at my new employer yesterday, and it was fantastic! I was ecstatic to be back in an office, and I even wore red as it was a color that made me feel confident. I am still adjusting and committing names and processes to memory, but I will definitely get the hang of it.

You see, I consider the date of my return to work important because it is a testament to how faithful God is.

I prayed for a new job immediately after resigning from my previous corporate role last year. My last day there was on July 21, 2017. I asked God to give me work and opportunities for learning as I looked for employment.  

And I asked Him to give me a job before July 21, 2018. 

I was realistic with my expectations, as I was aware of the job market. I attended interviews and turned down offers if the company did not reflect my values and work ethics. I enhanced my skills by attending seminars, conferences, workshops, and webinars. 

I even learned how to knit at the Banaue Rice Terraces and I got to reflect on my jobhunting situation as I whipped up scarves and beanies.


Knitting has taught me to be patient, as I had to pull out my stitches and begin again if I committed a mistake. It was a frustrating process, but I am glad that I began again because my projects look better.

What I am trying to say is that I learned how to remain faithful to God as I was looking for employment. I continued attending seminars every month in institutions such as the ADB and AIM. I prayed and visited churches. I worked out, read books, and listened to podcasts.

I felt that God was making me begin again, every single day. 

And just like with my knitting stitches, I learned how to patiently wait for the right opportunity for me.


I was already feeling frustrated with my corporate offers because pre-employment takes ages in banks. So when this company called me for an interview, I did not hesitate to try it out. I passed their assessment and exams, and I got an offer to work with them as an Office Manager.

I signed the offer on July 19, 2018. I was set to begin on July 23, 2018. 

I was stunned. God simply wanted me to wait, be a good daughter and help my dad with his work, and attend learning opportunities as I knitted and blogged on the side. But He was faithful, because He gave me a job before my “gap year” was up. 

God is a faithful God. His timing is perfect, and His blessings are on point. I look forward to a fruitful career in my new company. I may have to minimize my blogging when work gets busier, and I have to respect my company’s confidentiality clause so I cannot write about my job or my office. But I will still blog about my story, because my life is entirely my own.

If there is any doubt in your heart right now, think of how God faithfully answered my prayers for the right job, at the right time. I hope that He will bless you too, and that His timing will persuade you to keep the faith! 

Paper Cranes and Puppers

Yesterday, I went back to the hospital to run some errands. I was pleasantly surprised to find this paper crane tree, as it symbolized wishes coming true. As I embark on a new chapter in my career, I am excited to fulfill my personal goals and help my company grow. 


I then proceeded to my happy place, Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe for some R&R over milk tea... 


...and my favorite doggo, Ella! 


Life is all about perspective. Right now, I am facing tough challenges, but I see them as opportunities. I am excited to see myself learning, adjusting, and growing. I am also eager to balance my life, through recreational activities like visiting the dog cafe.  

I hope that you will also find ways to turn challenges into opportunities for growth, one day at a time.  


Yesterday, I began my day with a workout. 


Then, I had a hearty brekkie.  


I proceeded to a meeting which was so productive, I was moved to go to St. Clare to give thanks.  


I am thankful for the opportunities that are pouring into my life right now. 

I celebrated with bopis at Rodic’s.  


And I continued crocheting with this cool turquoise yarn.  


I took a couple of selfies through the power of self-timer.  


I purchased new kicks from local leather sandal brand Renegade Folk. 


Finally, I had Sunnies funfetti and a flat white at a Sunnies Cafe.  


I carried on with my crocheting.  


And I ended my day with some neon selfies at the cafe’s infamous selfie powder room. Hahahahaha  


I am overwhelmed with all the blessings in my life right now. I realized that the best way to celebrate is by continuing my regular routine of prayer, crafting, and selfies. There is empowerment in being able to take one’s own selfies without a man’s help. If I can be my own Instagram husband, then I can surely power through life. 

I can hardly wait! 

Saturday Finds

Yesterday, I woke up before the alarm clock was supposed to ring. I headed to my Zumba class with zest and energy which I haven’t felt in ages. 

I must say, this morning person project has really motivated me to get moving! 


I also walked around the weekend tiange or bazaar. 

I saw some colorful bags.  


And I found a stall that sells Japanese surplus ceramics. 


By the time I got home to freshen up, I was already looking forward to do some creative journaling. 

I sketched this part of our townhouse on my Traveler’s Notebook. 


Later during the day, I had this Dos Espesyal breakfast meal from Via Mare, which I also sketched.  


I had a fabulous Saturday. My finds inspired me to think of a more charmed life for myself. I also realized that food and home mean more to me now that I have been sketching them on my journal! Here’s to a more meaningful life, one that is sketched and painted in bursts of color.  

Faith and Fitness

Yesterday, I started my day with another workout at 6am. 


I finally got the hang of waking up at 5am, so I can say that I have already adjusted to my plan to become a morning person. 


I ate breakfast again at Tropical Hut, and I had their corned beef breakfast meal.  


For lunch, I had the Salisbury steak with egg at Steak Break.  


Then, it was time for my thanksgiving church tour! A favor which I have been praying for has recently been granted. For my first stop, I dropped by St. Joseph’s Shrine at Anonas, Quezon City.  


Their giant statue of the sleeping St. Joseph always reminds me to stop worrying and lift it all up to God.  


Next, I offered eggs at St. Clare Monastery.  


I was able to spot my lucky number, 13! I queued at that platform number, because while I believe in God, I also think that creating my own luck is important. This blog has been an opportunity that I have created for myself. All the events, conferences, and offers which I have attended and received were because of my blog, and that is why I think that luck is merely claiming the chances which I have allowed to happen. 


Then, I visited the National Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus. 


I viewed their collection of reliquaries.  


And for last stop, I went to the Our Lady of Montserrat Abbey.  


It is overwhelmingly beautiful.  


For dinner, I had the limited edition herb and bacon pizza from S&R. 


I enjoyed working out, eating well, sketching my food, and touring churches! I hope that I will continue to create more opportunities for myself in the coming days. For now, allow me to carry on with mindful living as I ease my way into the daily grind.  

Prayer and Hope

Yesterday, I had a meeting in Ortigas. I knitted while waiting for it to commence, and as always, knitting was able to give me a sense of purpose and calmness. 


It turned out to be a productive morning filled with promising opportunities! Before proceeding to the rest of my day’s agenda, I dropped by Padre Pio’s relic and statue at St. Francis of Assisi Parish to give thanks. I also prayed for wisdom in discernment and guidance as I embark on changes in my life. 


I had the creamy cheesy penne, donut, and coffee combo from Mister Donut. It was a delicious and comforting lunch on a rainy day. I recommend that you try this combo as well, not just on rainy days! The pasta was indeed cheesy and creamy. And their donuts and coffee are always on point. 


I wrapped up all my tasks for the day and had dinner at Breakfast Bin. I opted for my go-to meal there: the toasted naked longganisa, with a runny fried egg, talangka brown rice, and spiced vinegar. 


I hope that you will never be afraid of exploring opportunities! Prayer works, and it helps in thinking things through. Meanwhile, knitting keeps my mind sharp with every stitch. 

And as always, food nourishes me and warms my soul.  

May you have a great weekend ahead, friends!