Posing Patiently

It has become my tradition to pose for selfies first thing on Monday mornings. It sets the tone for my busy week ahead. It helps motivate me not just to slay, but to also stay poised throughout every challenge that I encounter on a day-to-day basis.


I am not afraid to be judged for my self-timer pictures. I don't mind the stares whenever I take these photos. I simply focus on posing and hope that the shots will turn out fine.


I am quirky that way. and it is in posing patiently through each take that I get photos that can set the tone for the rest of my week. I am still a newbie at work, but I am learning fast. By posing patiently on the job, I am slowly enjoying the fruits of my labor. I am building rapport among my colleagues. And I find myself looking forward to another day at work.

Here's to more patience, more selfies, and more slaying- both at work and play!