Stability Eats

Yesterday, I experienced driving through really strong rains. By the time I parked my car, I was starving! I decided to eat breakfast at Jollibee while waiting for the P2P bus to take me to Ortigas. 


I enjoyed my “stopover” meal of breakfast burger steak and coffee. 


I also bought hot calamansi juice to sip while inside the P2P bus.  


I got some work done in the morning, then I went to UA&P to check out the new caf inside MPC.  


I had chicken siomai with java rice.  


And I also had my favorite Chillers fresh avocado shake!  


For early dinner, I checked out Ça Va at Podium. It’s a newly opened creperie and floral atelier. 


I invited Anne, the lady behind 11*11 Handmade  to join me! I really enjoyed catching up with her over good food and coffee.


My sriracha meatballs rice bowl was amazing! It went well with my flat white.  


Food is my love language, but I prefer to eat it rather than cook it! I find joy in comfort food and coffee. I know that even when the skies are not blue, I will still be okay for as long as I know what truly makes me happy.  


I turned 32 yesterday! I started my day by crocheting... 


 ...getting work done...


 ...and hearing mass at my alma mater’s beautiful chapel. 


For lunch, I had this chocolate cake and latte from Starbucks.  


I was able to spend lunch time with Karen, my friend from work.  


  I also received a small cake from the office. 


I managed to crochet a bit in school before taking the train back north. 


Then, I had this delicious violet bread for snack. 


And before I knew it, it was time for dinner with my family and friends at Botejyu!


I had an amazing day and it was fabulous to spend it with the people I love and the food I enjoy. Here’s to more beautiful memories as I embark on my 32nd year of life! 

My Little Mermaid Scarf

I finally finished crocheting this scarf in shell stitch. The blue, green, and red yarns were specifically chosen as they match the color palette of The Little Mermaid


I used the shell stitch to make this scarf. It was a technique I learned from YouTube, and I was fascinated with how relaxing and quick the process was. 


I bought my yarns for this project from The Attic Yarn and Craftery . It is important to me that I support local suppliers to sustain my handmade lifestyle. In the case of the The Attic, they were able to extend personalized customer service when I was selecting my yarns and Furls crochet hook. And since I bought from their online store instead of their stockist at the mall, I was able to save money.


I am proud of this scarf because I crocheted it during my commute to and from work, during my breaks, and on weekends. I will definitely make more scarves, and I am happy that I am able to integrate fiber arts into my daily grind. Here’s to more stitches in between adulting, and fairy tale inspiration to take me further!

Simple Work Moments

I have simple ways to unwind in between work tasks. For instance, I love Rodic’s tuna sisig, so I drove to Maginhawa to eat it for dinner one night. 


I also love chocolate sundae, and I was happy to stumble upon this Davao chocolate swirl-all-you-can at Lawson. 


I also love Lawson’s cappuccino and the snacks being sold by the vendor at my office building. Here are two of my favorites from his merch- pancake and puto flan. 


Lastly, I make myself comfortable while working. I enjoy lounging on bean bags or on the couch while getting things done. 


My time in this current work project is coming to an end, and I am now looking for another work opportunity. This time, I am hoping that I will get a job that is ideal for my credentials and qualifications. I am positive that I will find a suitable role soon, and that my simple joys will help me balance my life one I start working again!

Posing Patiently

It has become my tradition to pose for selfies first thing on Monday mornings. It sets the tone for my busy week ahead. It helps motivate me not just to slay, but to also stay poised throughout every challenge that I encounter on a day-to-day basis.


I am not afraid to be judged for my self-timer pictures. I don't mind the stares whenever I take these photos. I simply focus on posing and hope that the shots will turn out fine.


I am quirky that way. and it is in posing patiently through each take that I get photos that can set the tone for the rest of my week. I am still a newbie at work, but I am learning fast. By posing patiently on the job, I am slowly enjoying the fruits of my labor. I am building rapport among my colleagues. And I find myself looking forward to another day at work.

Here's to more patience, more selfies, and more slaying- both at work and play!

Friday Resilience


I walked through really strong rains last Friday morning. Good thing I was wearing boots and a blazer along with some tough clothes. I felt a bit shaken though because it was my first time to walk in strong rains in a long time. But I was happy that I got to work on time.

I was sad to hear yesterday that a friend of mine lost her house to a fire. It was devastating as she lost everything, and nothing was saved. At least she and her family survived the ordeal, and plenty of people have raised funds to help her.

When I experienced chills earlier after the rain. I realized that I am still fortunate. I have warm clothes, a job, and coffee. I am still very luck. And there is always something to be thankful for.

Powering Through


As a new employee, I am challenged to face existing processes and enforce new ones in my workplace. I am still learning and adjusting. I recently faced a challenge, which was thankfully resolved because I was working with a competent team. It also helps that my superiors are a call or email away to guide me through.

I feel valued, and that is why I am also compelled to be a valuable member of my team. I cannot attain progress alone, so I reach out to people more. It is a win-win solution because I get to improve my interpersonal skills while getting things done!

And as always, the right outfit helps me slay.

I am powering through each day with faith, grit, and a lot of coffee. I am determined to make things work as I grow as an individual. And while I have a great team, I also rely on a generous God. It is the combination of hard work and unwavering faith that gets me through each new day!


Slowly Improving

I remember having this portrait of me sketched four years ago.  

A lot has changed since then.  

  • I have since donated my hair to make wigs for cancer patients
  • I have kept my hair short since October 2014
  • I have switched careers and I am now the Office Manager for an American BPO
  • I have kept my face makeup-free
  • I now have this blog to document my life

These changes did not occur overnight. In fact, I have initiated these changes slowly, but the results have appeared fast. I believe that achieving positive impact happens when I set the stage for all circumstances to work in my favor.  

I blogged, I attended seminars, I applied for good jobs, and continued supporting my advocacies. In no time, I was able to see changes in my life, and I have also improved my outlook as a whole. 

I hope that my life will continue to get better, and that I will keep on aspiring for greatness. For now, I am focusing on getting things done, and blogging about the things that make me speakoutsam! 

Shifting Perspectives


I am currently shifting perspectives in terms of work. From getting used to working in my own cubicle, I am now in an open plan office. From consulting, I am now recommending. And from simply getting things done, I am implementing processes to streamline tasks.

I am really happy with the direction of my career so far. While the learning curve is steep, I am able to manage because I am not alone. I work with a competent team. And I really appreciate the collaborative nature of my job especially during crunch time.

Things do not have to be difficult now that I have systems in place. I hope that by shifting my perspectives, I can also increase my productivity. So far, that has been the case and I am really pleased.

I will definitely continue updating this blog as I speakworksam!

Niche at Work

I have been holding up well at work these past few days. It is my first time to work with a lean team, so I had to adjust fast. Also, we have an open plan office so I am getting used to working on a family-style table rather than on an assigned cubicle. 

I am enjoying it so far in the office, and the collaborative environment encourages me to interact with my colleagues. I am getting by with food, coffee, and a lot of self-determination. Yes, my model for thriving at work is similar to how I carry on with my workouts.


I see colors in the middle of monotonous palettes, and the same goes with the daily grind. I find joy in processes. I listen to music whenever the silence becomes deafening. In no time, the music motivates me, and I already have my own jam at work.

Rather than rely on life hacks in the long run, I prefer to set up systems for my job crafting journey. I am on it at the moment, and I am also becoming more flexible with organizing my tasks and assignments.


I am also helping myself get in the mood for work by dressing the part. As I have discovered in almost nine years of working, the right outfit can serve as an armor. It is my battle gear. And it really helps me focus on my tasks when I know that my getup is put-together and professional.

For sleeveless tops and dresses, I usually pair them with jackets or blazers as office air conditioning can get too cold. For short skirts, I wear tights or stockings if needed. I just like making sure that I look professional and not sloppy.

And whenever I have free time, I knit, crochet, read, or blog. I like keeping my mind active and alert.

I really think that my niche at work is something that I have already discovered. I just have to keep the faith that my work will continue to serve my own values too. I take 100% ownership of my work. I hope that I will continue writing my story as I speakworksam!