Faith and Healing

Yesterda, I had the remarkable opportunity to be in the presence of Healing Priest, Fr. Fernando Suarez. It was a privilege to meet him. I asked him to pray for me and my dad.  


I had some religious articles blessed by the esteemed priest. These were my pasalubong for my family.  


The mass left me in tears. Just like when I was in the presence of Pope Benedict the XVI, I felt the holy power of this priest. I was moved to tears as I prayed for my intentions.  


After the mass, I went for a blind massage.  


And before going home, I had an Assam milk tea with pearls and pudding. 


I believe that miracles are possible in my life, and in my family. I keep on praying for healing for my dad, a good job for me by March, and strength for my mom. I am also praying for the recovery of my best friend, Luti.  

May God bless us all!