Faith and Healing

Yesterda, I had the remarkable opportunity to be in the presence of Healing Priest, Fr. Fernando Suarez. It was a privilege to meet him. I asked him to pray for me and my dad.  


I had some religious articles blessed by the esteemed priest. These were my pasalubong for my family.  


The mass left me in tears. Just like when I was in the presence of Pope Benedict the XVI, I felt the holy power of this priest. I was moved to tears as I prayed for my intentions.  


After the mass, I went for a blind massage.  


And before going home, I had an Assam milk tea with pearls and pudding. 


I believe that miracles are possible in my life, and in my family. I keep on praying for healing for my dad, a good job for me by March, and strength for my mom. I am also praying for the recovery of my best friend, Luti.  

May God bless us all! 

A Fresh Start

Back when I was still working at Ortigas, I would have lunch at Juju Eats Podium. Their pesto pasta salad was my favorite as it was filling and refreshing! 

For my last lunch of the year, I had it again. I love their sticker: GOOD JUJU!  


I missed this salad so much!


It brought me back to the good old days. As I welcome 2019, I remain optimistic that the days will be good, bearable, and blessed. 


I knitted while having coffee.  


Then I had a chair massage after running some errands! 


I am welcoming the new year with a new bag and wallet. I chose local brand Heartstrings because all of their bags are designed and made in the Philippines! Also, this colorful rainbow design is cheery and bright. I am straight, but rainbows just resonate with me. 


I know that it’s up to me to make 2019 better than the last! So with a growth mindset and optimism, I know that I got this!

Remembering My Name

The past month has been incredibly challenging. My schedule has been hectic, so I tended to forget myself when I’m busy with errands or tasks. It was a good thing that I finally received my order for this bespoke necklace with my blog name on it. 

I have coined up “speakoutsam” back in uni. I needed a new gmail address, so I came up with it, and the rest is history.  


I’ve always received compliments for my email address, and it eventually became my Instagram handle and blog url. I’ve embraced it through the years, and I took it to heart too- as I do so here on my blog, where I can speakoutsam everyday!


Remembering my name has enabled me to be strong amidst trials, to walk tall even when I’m scared, and to care for myself even when I’m exhausted.  


Eating right is indeed a form of self-care, and this plate of chicken chelo kabab from Mister Kabab has perked me up.

So friends, whenever you are down, a personalized item and a hearty meal always does the trick! Try it and see the difference this combo can make. 

Day 12: #30GratefulDays | Sustainable Storytelling

Coffee while blogging  

Coffee while blogging  

Having a blog has helped me explore life as a storyteller. What began as a brain dump for my writing class output became my home in the interwebs. I challenged myself to write on a daily basis and after completing my 100 Day Project,  I realized that writing could be a lifestyle. It was at this moment that I evolved from becoming an occasional blogger to a storyteller. 

Hypothyroidism is one of the cornerstones of my journey. I would not have the hunger to be healthy without this health condition. Choosing to be unstuck from this reality motivated me to eat more healthful food, exercise, and just keep moving! Sharing my story only happened when social media became inseparable with mainstream communication. I realized that the only way to be understood better as a hypothyroidism patient is to tell my story. Of course, we all know that stories have a beginning, middle, and end. I can say that my beginning was my diagnosis at thirteen. My middle is my continuous journey with the condition I have embraced as my own. And the end is my battlecry, which is wellness through mindfulness.  

I refuse to succumb to the reality that hypothyroidism is a limiting disease. Rather, I am applying sustainability in my storytelling to ensure that I continue to push boundaries and surpass normal expectations. I plan to sustain my journey by selecting activities to participate in. My advocacy for propagating design thinking is a huge factor, and I am actively engaging in events which could enrich my knowledge on the matter. I am also driven to innovate so that I can cultivate an attitude of discontent. By constantly choosing to better myself and improve my craft, I am not just becoming healthier. I am also becoming a stronger storyteller. It has been said that work should not be about working harder, it is about working smarter. As I embark on job hunting, I am embracing storytelling in my blog SPEAKOUTSAM as a full-time role. It is my obligation to myself to be a sustainable storyteller, with innovation as my main motivator!

  ***Comments are welcome at***

Exercising Happiness


I have observed that it has become more challenging for me to be motivated if I stick to one kind of workout routine. I have decided to give myself a variety of options by following a different workout video each day. I have noticed that my body responds well to barre and Zumba so I rotate videos from different instructors featuring both workouts. I also make sure to exercise at my local park when I can afford it. It is cheap, but since I am still unemployed, I have to be mindful of my spending. I am prioritizing health and wellness, specifically my food and fitness expenses. I have hypothyroidism, so it will be more expensive in the long run if I neglect my health and settle for an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Working out has given me good vibes especially now that I am still facing the uncertainty of job hunting. Money cannot buy happiness, but it could pay for workouts so it is really the same thing for me! If there is no budget for that, then I can still follow my workout videos. Either way, I get to stay fit, healthy and happy.