River Beer

Yesterday, I decided to do three of my usual relaxation rituals. I went to Fred’s Revolucion Escolta for some Boondocks Brewing dubbel. It’s my favorite dark beer, and it really is worth the trip to Manila. Not to mention that Escolta has an assortment of heritage architecture and history for those who want to add some culture to their day.


Then, I crocheted inside the Pasig River Ferry. It’s safe, clean, and efficient. There’s just something about river commuting that calms my mind.


I capped off my day with a sausage dinner at UP. It was a warm night, so I bought a scrunchie from a street vendor. I used it to tie my hair in a ponytail, and it freaked me out because it was my first time to do so in six years.

So if I can start river commuting and growing out my pixie, then I am indeed ready for big changes and better things to come. Bring it on, universe!