River Beer

Yesterday, I decided to do three of my usual relaxation rituals. I went to Fred’s Revolucion Escolta for some Boondocks Brewing dubbel. It’s my favorite dark beer, and it really is worth the trip to Manila. Not to mention that Escolta has an assortment of heritage architecture and history for those who want to add some culture to their day.


Then, I crocheted inside the Pasig River Ferry. It’s safe, clean, and efficient. There’s just something about river commuting that calms my mind.


I capped off my day with a sausage dinner at UP. It was a warm night, so I bought a scrunchie from a street vendor. I used it to tie my hair in a ponytail, and it freaked me out because it was my first time to do so in six years.

So if I can start river commuting and growing out my pixie, then I am indeed ready for big changes and better things to come. Bring it on, universe!


I adore independent shops. It makes me happy to explore small businesses and last Sunday, I dropped by The Wander Space along Maginhawa (I swear this street will always have a special place in my heart). I was planning to buy something handmade to add to my collection, and I was not disappointed. 


How dreamy is their storefront?


Their door was a gateway to a traveler’s hideout. It also houses a cafe which serves light meals like pasta, pastries, and strong coffee. 

I stumbled upon this adorable hand-knit beanie from String Strand Strund and I just had to have it. 


It is actually a kitty beanie!


Their shelves are packed with handmade pieces to make you look like the traveler that you are.  


Obviously, I couldn’t wait to wear my new hat.  


The have a teepee! And it’s for sale.


This is their cafe area. It gives me life.  


I enjoyed writing blog entries in the cafe as their internet connection is high-speed. Plus, their playlist is perfect for reading and writing. 


If you love local, handmade, and traveler’s souvenirs, do check-out The Wander Space. It will brighten up your day and wardrobe!

Sakaling Hindi Makarating 2018

Last Saturday night, I watched Sakaling Hindi Makarating by Ice Idanan at Cinema Centenario. I have previously been to this microcinema at Maginhawa, and of course, it was perfect to view one of my favorite local films in my new hangout. 

I first watched SHM back in 2016, during its gala screening at Shangri-La Plaza. I was fresh from a breakup then, so the movie resonated with me. I watched it for the second time last year during its nationwide commercial release, and back then, I was in a relationship so the movie had a different feel for me. This time around, it is already 2018. I am single once more and I am determined to be happy by myself. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to be with someone soon. But it is also important to realize that happiness begins with myself.  

SHM in 2018 was the ultimate reminder to self that a breakup is not the end of the world, but the beginning of a newfound love.  

This love is for myself, which is dedicated to pursuing new experiences. I will no longer dwell on the heartbreak. Rather, I would rather focus on moving forward with a zest for life and adventure. 

After the screening, the director Ice Idanan had a forum to answer questions regarding her movie. I learned that the film was inspired by her own heartbreak many years ago. As I am also healing from my own breakup, I am finding the will to live from fitness and mindfulness. Hopefully, I can emulate Ice and create something wonderful too as I trust the process of recovery. 

Watching this movie for the third time has made me realize that love is a journey which begins and ends with myself. If I will fall in love again, I will be able to share this love. As long as I continue loving myself, I will be fulfilled. Finding myself is a lot of BS because I have already found the secret to happiness. It is up to me to sustain it and pay it forward.  


Solo Enjoyment

I have written about solo dining in Manila, which only shows how much I believe in the empowering effect of going out alone. I have always enjoyed my own company, and this is practically a given as I am an only child. I think exploring places alone is a joyful experience. I was never scared to walk on my own, even in malls or restuarants where couples and groups are the norm. This is why even if I am in a happy relationship, I still find time to go out alone. 

Are you afraid to spend time alone? Or are you just looking for activities you can enjoy by yourself? Here are a few regular things I do alone.  



After a chair Zumba class

After a chair Zumba class

With little Ella

With little Ella

  1. Watch a movie. You might think that movies are best enjoyed with a date. I do watch movies with A, but there are times when I am compelled to spend time appreciating film alone. This applies to indie films and other movies which are not as conventional. Yesterday, I watched Loving Vincent. It broke my heart. It was so sad! But it was a visually stunning film as it is completely hand painted. “Starry starry night...” 
  2. Workout. I join Zumba classes at a local park. I am not even naturally coordinated, but Zumba gives me life! I enjoy dancing to Latin music and forgetting about my worries along the way. It is healthy to burn calories, and really, working out is unbeatable when it comes to bringing out the best in you. My best ideas come to me while I am exercising, and most of them are for my blog. So why not try a workout today and you might even be inspired to write, draw, or create! 
  3. Visit a pet cafe. Manila is now home to numerous dog and cat cafes. I frequent Barkin Blends because the dogs are trained to be playful with humans, even those who are not used to living with dogs. The staff are also helpful and efficient, so I always get a peaceful couple of hours with my favorite dog Ella, who is a chiweenie. I personally feel destressed after each visit. Cuddling a dog (or cat, if that’s more your thing) can give you a semblance of calmness, especially if the said dog snores on your lap! Not to mention, pet cafes serve coffee, so you can also get your caffeine fix while hugging your furry friend. 

These are just three examples of activities I enjoy alone. You should try at least one of them, as going out alone is therapeutic. Who knows, you might even learn more about yourself along the way. It should never be terrifying or lonely to be solo. As long as you are comfortable with your own company, you will definitely feel the incomparable joy of exploring the city by yourself.  

 ***Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***

Solo Dining in Manila

There is something oddly romantic about dining alone in Manila.  


It is uncommon to find a woman dining alone in our city. The esteemed writer Jessica Zafra has written  -and shared in her lectures at the Ayala Museum- about her experiences when enjoying a meal by her lonesome. She gets judgemental stares, condescending questions from dining staff, and odd commentary from other diners who think that their whispers are beyond her hearing. I have observed the same whenever I would venture into a restaurant without a companion. You see, I am an only child, and whether I am in a relationship or not, dining alone is definitely part of my routine. Both of my parents have their own lives and I prefer to eat healthful meals. Whenever I have the time to savor a leisurely lunch, I prefer to go to Maginhawa Street, where there are various indie restaurants to inspire my inner foodie. And yes, I never saw the stigma attached with women eating out without a companion until I have been doing so regularly. 

What I cannot accept are the questions from everyone. The staff usually asks me before, during, and after my meal whether I am still waiting for someone. I do hear comments from other people in the restaurants I have eaten in that I must be lonely, poor, or worse, left alone by a date. There was even a time when I was still single and someone from another table asked me if I am too single. I ignored the question, because why should I even bother, right? But as I was happily single then, I realized that women without companions in Manila are seen as a threat by some. It only stems from our patriarchal society, and by the collective perception by women in our society that it is “sad” to eat out alone.  

I have observed in my previous workplaces that eating alone even in the pantry is seen as “sad” or even “wrong”. I have turned down invites to join others for lunch when a book awaited my eager eyes. I have also spent many a lunch break with friends so I am not exactly a loner. However, I am also comfortable to eat alone. It is more than okay for me. It is also liberating, because I have already learned to be oblivious to the stares, the comments, the questions from seemingly Type A diners, and the condescending remarks from people who should not even bother.

There are more important matters to discuss rather than a woman dining alone in Manila. It is already 2017. I think Manila should leave the solo lady diner alone.  

I can finish the rice bowl I order in restaurants whenever I eat out alone, thank you very much. The latte I enjoy with my novel is best shared with the protagonist on the pages I read. My best ideas haunt me while working out, but I learn to love myself more whenever I dine alone. In the cruel and unforgiving world of Manila to women who are comfortable being out alone, I have learned to appreciate my guts and forgive myself. I have learned to delight in my own company. And yes, I have learned to find my voice for this blog, during the endless cups of coffee I would sip while planning my next solo food trip.  

Whether you are in a relationship or not, make sure to eat out by yourself. I guarantee you that it will make you stronger, empowered, and dare I say happier. Just ask the next solo female diner you see in the corner. Or better yet, don’t. She’s probably too engrossed in her own company to even care. 

 ***Comments are welcome at speakoutsam@gmail.com***