Boost Your Confidence Boot Camp Batch 16

I invested in my personal development by enrolling in Jonathan Yabut’s Boost Your Confidence Boot Camp: Public Speaking & Business Writing last August 28, 2021. I was part of the boot camp’s sixteenth batch. The goal was to learn the best practices of communication during the time of the pandemic, wherein most of us are on WFH (work from home) setups.

I made the right decision because the two-hour boot camp was a goldmine of information and practical tips. My favorite was the positive way of apologizing because I am the kind of person who apologized for every oversight. Instead, I must say “thank you for spotting that”, or “thank you for your patience” instead.

Voice modulation was also tackled during the session, as well as speaking directly to the point. I highly recommend this for prolific writers like myself whose skills may be in demand when practicing creative writing, but cumbersome during real-world business communication.

Please consider participating in the future batches of this boot camp! It is worth the investment. I also recommend Jonathan’s motivational books which you can purchase here.

May we all continue learning, growing, and thriving amidst the challenges of the pandemic!

Toastmasters and Food Trip

Yesterday, I ate breakfast at Mister Kabab. I had my usual special chicken chelo kabab, double ground! It was the perfect way to start my day. 


Then, I drove to the Pink Sisters Convent in New Manila to pray for my intentions. 


I was my BFF’s guest to the Camanava Brunch Toastmasters Club meeting at Kitchen of Cakes and Coffee. 


It was actually enjoyable!


Of course, I ate dessert first. Their cheesecake was to die for. 


For lunch, I had the salted egg linguine. It is must-try!


Then, my BFF and I had crepe and lemonade. I had my usual strawberry choco crepe at Crazy Crepes. 


That was a fun Saturday! Here’s to more happy days ahead. 

Fear and Friendship

Yesterday was a fun one. I started my day with a visit to Philippine Artisan Trade, where I saw these cute plushies from Knitting Expedition. I knitted with them at Banaue last February, so it felt like a homecoming. 


Afterwards, my friend Luti and I settled down over Bukidnon coffee and cinnamon rolls at Hineleban Cafe.  


Hineleban was the venue of this month’s Word of Mouth night. The topic was fear, and I spoke about overcoming my fear of heights, being single, and expressing my feelings. 


I was grateful to speak in front of my high school friends Luti and Jamie. My childhood friend Chesca was also there. It felt awesome to have my friends with me.  


I love having different friends together!


We then transferred to Milky Way for some halo-halo and catching-up.  


I crashed at Luti’s pad for the night, and woke up feeling fabulous after being with friends.  


I had so much fun! I need more of this. Here’s to  more coffee and excellent company!

Day 4: #30GratefulDays | Word of Mouth


Do you enjoy public speaking and listening to true to life stories? I do, and last night, I was privileged to be one of the speakers for Word of Mouth. It is a monthly gathering of storytellers and friends who are asked to observe a "no judgement" rule. The topic of the evening was "Modern Romance", and I spoke about my tendency to join workshops and realization that my return to traditional crafts has helped me focus on face-to-face love. I depended less on technology and focused on loving myself more in order to be able to share that love to others. It was freeing to tell my story even if I am not really the typical heroine in usual romance settings.

What made the night special though was listening to the other storytellers. It was refreshing to unplug from the mundane and simply appreciate the sincerity of their personal love stories and perspectives. Not to mention that the coffee at the venue, Cool Beans, was comforting. It was a relaxing and intimate evening of genuine human connections.

Word of Mouth is something I like being part of, whether as an audience member, a speaker, or online follower. I admire how the people behind this movement has brought together various storytellers in order to broaden our mindsets and open our hearts to the different facets of humanity. It is here that I have met the most honest people and have been moved by the rawness of each sharing. I look forward to more Word of Mouth nights and hear more stories without judgement and reservations.