Limitless Entrepreneur Day 2


I just finished Day 2 of The Limitless Entrepreneur Retreat by mastermind coach and podcast host Melyssa Griffin. I accomplished this after a Zoom meeting and in between crocheting earsavers.

I am on this short course not because I want to launch my own coaching business, but because I want to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. I already have a Human Nature online store (yes, please support my small biz!), and right now, I am busy with my freelance writing job.

After the enhanced community quarantine period, I am planning to return to the workforce. I cannot do so without knowing what I can offer to my employer and how I can apply my entrepreneurial mindset to thrive in my career. This is why I am attending webinars, completing courses such as this one, listening to podcast, and taking ownership of my volunteer work for Earsavers for Lifesavers while on quarantine. Every aspect of my life leads to this shift in mindset which I hope can push me to achieve greater things and maximize my potential.

Here are my answers to some of the questions Melyssa asked on Day 2:

What struggle or problem will you focus on solving for your audience? Alternatively, what desire or longing will you help them achieve?

Remember, aim for something they need help with *right now* and that is essential for them. This will help you offer them what they need, exactly when they need it the most.

  • I have writing and communication skills which can benefit my employer

  • I am able to creatively pivot during difficult situations. An example of this would be my task to make earsavers for frontliners while on quarantine.

    • This has further strengthened my desire to get involved with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Who’s the ideal client for this offer? What’s the outcome or transformation your future clients will experience after purchasing your products or services?

Describe what their life is like before working with you and what it looks like afterwards. What has changed? How has their life improved? How do they feel now that their problem is solved / their desire is fulfilled?

  • I want to make my employer or supervisor feel that they can trust me to communicate their message to their target audience through my output.

    • I will do so by practicing empathy. This will let me know how my client actually feels and let me produce more effective output for them.

Which format would fit your offer the most?

There are quite a few online options you can select from, such as one-on-one services, group services, online courses, e-books, templates, workbooks, and more. If you let your intuition guide you here, which format sounds the most enjoyable to you? Also, which format works best for the content or information you’d like to sell?

  • I still prefer to work in a traditional 9 to 5 job for a corporate or SME setting. A social enterprise, startup, or education company will also be suitable for my work ethic and thinking process.

  • I enjoy writing blog posts, articles, researching on market trends, CSR practices, and watching webinars to learn from industry experts in real time.

  • I can also multitask. I am able to balance work with volunteer work.

This course has enabled me to pinpoint my communication skills as my top employable feature. I know that getting employed after the lockdown will be challenging, but I know that it is possible through technology and design thinking.

I also realized that my passion for volunteerism is an asset. I can help my employer serve their community while realizing the corporate values of our company. This will also fuel my personal life as I find joy in serving others and those in need.

I have faith in myself now, even amidst this pandemic!

Crocheting Discipline

I dispatched 50 earsavers to the Karangalan Health Center today. It is an important hub to contain the Covid-19 outbreak in Pasig City. My grade school friend, Tosca, is a nurse and frontliner at this health center. It is my hope that my earsavers will somehow bring comfort and joy to amidst the challenges that come with flattening the curve.


This lockdown has been full of surprises for me so far. I am religiously posting my flute covers on my Instagram account on a daily basis. I have finished a couple of scarves while at home, including this crocheted scarf which I am particularly fond of because I stitched it while watching Crash Landing On You. My Human Nature online store (please buy and support my business!) has been doing well as I still ship orders via LBC during the enhanced community quarantine. I have even completed a t-shirt yarn basket to hold my works-in-progress or as we fondly call them in the crafting world, WIPs. Most of all, I finished crocheting an amigurumi Frontline Hero Bear (pattern can be downloaded for free here).

However, the biggest quarantine surprise for me is Earsavers for Lifesavers PH. I never imagined that I would still be able to help flatten the curve from home, but I managed to do my share. So far, I have already crocheted 343 earsavers to 7 partner institutions that are fighting Covid-19. I am one with the frontliners in their selfless service to caring for the sick.


Making earsavers (pattern is from crochet entrepreneur and teacher AmiEriCrafts) has instilled in me the discipline to create during an uncertain time. It has empowered me to help our frontliners in the comfort of my own home. This has given meaning and substance to a seemingly endless quarantine period.

I must say that I have also improved my multitasking skills because I was able to finish batches of earsavers while watching educational webinars, listening to podcasts, joining meetings via Zoom, watching movies, and get this- enjoying concerts from my favorite artists such as Ebe Dancel and Lea Salonga via livestream.


Crocheting earsavers has also been an application of design thinking. The problem of ear pain from wearing medical-grade masks has motivated crafters to make earsavers. I personally applied a pattern which I saw on YouTube, and continued making them using materials which I already own.

The best part is knowing that I am able to help alleviate pain. I was able to chat with some of the frontliners who received my earsavers. I was relieved that my handmade earsavers are working fine, and that they no longer experience having rashes or blisters on their ears.

It is really rewarding to know that my small contributions have helped our frontliners cure the sick.


I reward myself after completing each batch of earsavers (a batch consists of 30-50 pieces) by knitting scarves. Knitting after crocheting is similar to programming using a different language after coding with another one. It is like a massage to my mind and a comfort to my hands.

I am thankful that I found this group of crocheters who simply want to help our frontliners through earsavers and crochet (or knitting and sewing). I am continuing the practice of making earsavers for as long as my yarn supply permits.

For now, let us all stay home and try to do our share to help flatten the curve!

Knitting Pink

I continued knitting after missing it for a while. I have been dealing with adulting lately, and crochet has proved to be a quicker craft to provide faster results. However, there is something deeply satisfying about knitting that brings me joy. Even finishing a simple beanie the other day has sparked a love for knitting which brings be back to my Banaue trip last February

I have come a long way since learning how to knit earlier this year. I still prefer knitting without a pattern, but I like seeing my growth as I process my thoughts, one stitch at a time. Being a knitter has allowed me to have conversations with myself while making scarves and beanies. And as I finished this bright pink beanie, I was able to make peace with myself. I was able to forgive myself too.  

Consider knitting as a hobby! It is great for thinking things through and reflecting on your life. It is also an excellent craft to take along with you. I bring my works in progress to events and it has helped me focus too. Do it for yourself, and start searching for tutorials or workshops today. You won’t regret it.  



Living Architecture Guided Tour and Talk

Last Wednesday, I joined the Living Architecture guided tour and talk on Gaudi at the UP Vargas Museum. I was curious to know how these structures integrate nature into their designs and how people keep them alive. 


I was happy to see a mix of students, professionals, and art enthusiasts. 


It was an engaging tour, where I learned that architects design structures to be living by integrating the natural environment and allow people to use it in a flowing manner. An example of which are buildings that utilize green energy, contain markets and food halls, and combine cultural centers with public spaces like skater parks amidst an arresting natural landscape. 


We then proceeded to a talk on Gaudi and his groundbreaking work, the Sagrada Familia.  


The speaker, Architect Choie Funk, discussed Gaudi’s natural influences and how she has applied them in the design elements found all-throughout his work. 


My key takeaway from this experience is that “design solves problems”, as Ms. Funk explained to us. If we can use our knowledge in design to tackle issues not just in our personal lives but in our society and environment, then the world will be a better place.


Design and structures live on as we make use of them and integrate them into our routines. I look forward to letting nature influence me more as I go about my day-to-day life. And of course, I will keep on applying design thinking to solve problems with a dose of empathy. 

Day 11: #30GratefulDays | Sparking Innovation


I was lucky to be one of the participants in the Spark Think Camp organized by the Asian Institute of Management. I was able to diversify my idea of innovation as merely the territory of scientists and those in the academe. As a design thinking enthusiast, I am eager to learn how I can practice innovation in my life, especially in my blog. My wellness journey also requires innovation as I choose to be fit, healthy, and active. It is my desire to share my knowledge through technology (my home here on the interwebs) and activities such as this Think Camp. 


Sustainability is now a hot buzzword, but most people think it is a lofty idea. I have fully embraced sustainability through my passion for social enterprise, particularly with Human Nature. As technology creates opportunities, innovation is key to ensure that sustainability is truly practiced and business continues to develop.

From the perspective of my blog, I make sure that I do not solely focus on hypothyroidism. I write about my other interests as well, such as food, inclusive business, literature, music, culture, and art. Design thinking drives me to have empathy for myself and my audience. I realized that my fitness journey can be more than just eating right and working out. It should be a planned journey revolving around my interests and how I can share my life to inspire more people to achieve wellness through mindfulness.

Innovation increases a brand’s value. My blog is my own brand, so my key takeaway for today is that Innovation increases my content’s value. I cannot just focus on wellness. I have to incorporate my whole lifestyle to show that mindfulness is essential in the process of being healthy. I have to have the discontent, as Mr. Mikko Perez of Ayannah has said. The attitude of discontent opens doors for questioning, research and change. This mindset will shift my blog from being just a diary to becoming a platform for sparking wellness through mindfulness.

Design thinking has also driven me to have a problem solving mindset. Finding solutions is a process. Solving a challenge requires empathy. Applying it to myself, I want to be thin. I want to be fit. And by solving this need through exercise and healthy eating, I eventually created a lifestyle which led me to becoming a better hypothyroidism patient. Now, if I will apply this to my blog, I recognized the need for my wellness journey to be shared to a wider audience. My blog addresses that need, and it is promoted through social media. To incorporate UX, I want to delight my audience and primarily, myself. So, I am also including my lifestyle and interests to spice up my journey.

The challenge for me is to grow and adapt to change. While daily blogging is necessary for my website, I have to be educated with the latest trends. For example, I enjoy reading so I attend book fairs and interact with authors online. I also attend forums like this one at AIM to learn more about innovation. These simple steps ensure that my content is continuously evolving and improving.

I should never lose focus of my WHY. What makes Sam speak out, and why?


Wellness through mindfulness may be my battlecry, but my blog is named SPEAKOUTSAM. I blog to speak out to the world about my battlecry. Innovation drives me to evolve and ride along with change. I have embraced technology to house my thoughts, share my life, and interact with my audience. I am here because speaking out cannot be achieved alone, and wellness through mindfulness is better achieved when there is interaction. No matter what changes will emerge, I will continue to innovate through design. 

 ***Comments are welcome at***

Day 7: #30GratefulDays | Sharing Socially


I was overjoyed that my favorite charity, World Vision, has shared my blog entry on child sponsorship. Their social media pages are virtual hubs for child sponsors, former sponsored children, and influencers. Being given this opportunity to share my testimony to a large audience of advocates is a priceless gift.

I have been sponsoring one child since I was in university, and I have carried on, even during those times that I had no income. Now that I am unemployed, I still sponsor my girl because it is a commitment that is meaningful to me. Knowing that I am partially responsible for the education of a child motivates me to never give up on job hunting. I am not only here to support myself; I am also looking for work to inspire a child.

Child sponsorship has allowed me to pay it forward as my family has supported my education until my bachelor's degree. I am honored that my story was shared on social media platforms and I hope that people will realize that anyone can be a child sponsor. Even students on a small allowance can contribute to the education of a child.

I am hoping that I will be employed soon so I can continue supporting my girl and carry on with my advocacy. For now, I am working out and having dessert (sponsored by family) because life is not just about sharing, it is also about caring for oneself. 

Day 4: #30GratefulDays | Word of Mouth


Do you enjoy public speaking and listening to true to life stories? I do, and last night, I was privileged to be one of the speakers for Word of Mouth. It is a monthly gathering of storytellers and friends who are asked to observe a "no judgement" rule. The topic of the evening was "Modern Romance", and I spoke about my tendency to join workshops and realization that my return to traditional crafts has helped me focus on face-to-face love. I depended less on technology and focused on loving myself more in order to be able to share that love to others. It was freeing to tell my story even if I am not really the typical heroine in usual romance settings.

What made the night special though was listening to the other storytellers. It was refreshing to unplug from the mundane and simply appreciate the sincerity of their personal love stories and perspectives. Not to mention that the coffee at the venue, Cool Beans, was comforting. It was a relaxing and intimate evening of genuine human connections.

Word of Mouth is something I like being part of, whether as an audience member, a speaker, or online follower. I admire how the people behind this movement has brought together various storytellers in order to broaden our mindsets and open our hearts to the different facets of humanity. It is here that I have met the most honest people and have been moved by the rawness of each sharing. I look forward to more Word of Mouth nights and hear more stories without judgement and reservations.

Unemployed but Fulfilled


This morning, I woke up feeling grateful for another day. I do miss working, but while I have already accepted that I could not control my circumstances, I am thankful that I have a home, a family, friends, and of course A. I attended my workout feeling renewed and excited to begin a new day. It may seem trivial to most people, but having a daily routine works wonders, especially for unemployed people like me. My workout routine and reading help me stay aware of the world around me and most importantly, of myself. So while waiting for my job, I plan to exercise, keep on reading, and enjoy life!



I am currently reading a novel and a magazine. Not at the same time, of course. I alternate between chapters and features. I am treasuring my free time because I get to immerse myself in plots and portraits. I do not get to read this much when I am working, so this is a welcome respite. I am reading, I am enjoying, and I am coping. Being unemployed does not mean that my mind has to be stuck. I prefer to keep my imagination on its toes and my brain informed. There has to be a way to remain sharp even in leisure. For me, my method is reading. It keeps me focused and it inspires me to workout. Nothing like information overload can keep me going during workouts. Exercise is also a mental endeavor. So let me feed my mind while sculpting myself. Let me build my brain bank while saving myself from muscle atrophy. Let me be free, while finding my next opportunity.  



I am very thankful to celebrate my birthday. I am thirty-one! I am grateful for all the blessings I have received. The gift of life is precious to me, knowing that I have battled hypothyroidism for most of my existence. It was not an easy journey, and I know I will continue to be challenged along the way. Nevertheless, I am eager to be stronger, be more fit, and be more healthy.

I am not the easiest person to live with, so I am thankful to my family and A. I am grateful for the love and the joy I experience those who appreciate me.

I am also praying to find a good job soon. I hope that I can have a better one so I can have work-life balance. I am claiming it!