Stitch and Sponsor

There are simple ways for me to truly feel blessed. One of them is child sponsorship. I have been sponsoring this girl’s education for twelve years now. It feels amazing that I get to change one life’s trajectory, even in my own small way. 


I also feel blessed whenever I knit. I am thankful for the yarn that I turn into scarves, such as this chunky cowl that I made while attending meetings and focus group discussions this past week. I keep my hands busy by knitting while showing up to discussions that not only sustain me, but also enrich my life. 

When I keep myself going and thriving, I feel as if I can embrace my true self after all and conquer each day with a gratitude mindset.  


By stitching and sponsoring, I get to share my blessings and skill while living my best life. It is up to me to continue doing so, and these two passions inspire me to continue working and simply showing up everyday. 

Passing It On


I received a thank you card from my World Vision sponsored child. J is now a teenager, and she’s an honor student. I am proud of my girl, and sponsoring her has given me a sense of purpose through the years. Even if jobhunting and freelance work has been challenging, I still feel determined because my advocacy for child sponsorship has given my earnings more significance. 

Twelve years of child sponsorship has given me an appreciation for my work, blessings, and voice. I am thankful to have made an impact in a child’s life. She inspires me to continue job hunting and writing stories. She may be thanking me for a gift that I sent to her last Christmas, but I’m really the grateful one. Because of her, I am motivated to create a better life for myself, so that I can continue sharing my blessings with her.  

I hope that you will also consider child sponsorship with World Vision today! 

World Vision Christmas Card

I have been a World Vision child sponsor for more than eleven years now. What started as a way to share part of my allowance to educate a child in need has become a cornerstone of my career. I am inspired to hustle smarter because I have a child to support. It is already enough for me that my girl is happy and healthy in school. What makes this journey even sweeter is that my girl is an honor student and pageant winner at that. 


Child sponsorship has profoundly changed me. From simply caring about myself, I have learned to see the bigger picture whenever I make decisions. I always factor in my sponsored child whenever I think of major milestones, such as getting a job or entering a relationship.

As the holidays are fast approaching, and we welcome a new year soon, I hope that I will make better decisions and enter more stable relationships. And I also hope that you will consider child sponsorship with World Vision today. This is not a sponsored post, as I am simply advocating for this worthy cause.

Thank you for following my charity journey, and I will continue sharing about my advocacies in this blog and in real life. 

Child Sponsorship Goals

Yesterday, I received the annual progress report of my World Vision sponsored child. My girl is now fifteen years old and is very active in her community’s activities. They have livelihood and values seminars which train her to be a better individual. She is also enjoying school, and is excelling in reading and writing. 

I am very proud of my girl and I am confident that World Vision is supporting her development and education. As her sponsor, I feel motivated to continue providing for her learning opportunities. I a inspired to work hard to continue being her sponsor. I hope that as she progresses, I also improve and never stop learning!

To learn more on child sponsorship, click here.  


Purposeful Inspiration

I received a thank you card from my World Vision sponsored child. I treated her family to Noche Buena last Christmas. My gift also let her choose a present for herself. I was humbled when she asked for a water bottle as her gift.  

I always appreciate the letters I receive from my sponsored child because it allows me to see the bigger picture in life. I am looking for a corporate job not just to sustain myself, but also to support a child’s education. I am thankful that World Vision lets me share my blessings in the simplest manner. Being a child sponsor for eleven years has taught me the value of sharing and giving. I will never stop supporting World Vision for as long as I have the means to do so. 


In addition to that, I also received thank you letters from the Pink Sisters. They always pray for me, as I frequently drop by their convent to give them my letters containing my intentions. I am thankful that these sisters keep me in mind, and yes, I will continue visiting their convent for as long as I can!


Sharing, praying, and giving are just some of the ways that work can be meaningful. Having an income will let me support these causes, which will in turn inspire me to work hard and persevere in my job. It is my prayer that I will land the best job for me soon, and that I will continue to support my sponsored child and sisters in Christ.