Attitude for Gratitude


Earlier this week, I visted Padre Pio Libis to pray and give thanks. While the pandemic is still upon us, there are still plenty of things to be grateful for.

Here are some of mine:

  • I am grateful for family and friends who still care for me. While my family is not perfect, and my friends are busy with their own lives, I am still lucky to have those who take time to ask me how I am.

  • I am lucky to have love in my life despite the Covid-19 virus.

  • I am lucky to be free from the Corona virus!

  • I am thankful for the chance to volunteer while at home through Earsavers for Lifesavers PH.

  • I am fortunate to earn from home via my Human Nature Online Store (please support!)

  • I am thankful for the podcasts, webinars, and online resources that let me learn from home.

  • I am grateful that I have this blog, which allows me to freely express myself and have a home on the interwebs.

I realized that by focusing on my blessings rather than what is lacking at the moment, there is abundance in my life. Blessings do not flourish in an environment where there is negativity. By being positive and thankful, I am inviting more good things into my life and heart.

I hope that you also have plenty of things to be thankful for during the pandemic and beyond. Stay safe, everyone!


Thank You Mama Mary!

Amidst the challenges that I am facing with jobhunting, working freelance, blogging, and trying to date, I still find time to go to church. I have recently discovered the novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. I go to Baclaran Church whenever I am free on Wednesdays, and it has given me a sense of peace.
I have decided to thank Mama Mary for her powerful intercession even if I have yet to receive the blessings that I am praying for. I am also working on being more thankful despite the hellish commute in the city and the frequent rejections I receive.

I am fortunate to be alive and to still have food to eat. I have a family, a bed, a car (although I seldom use it now that I commute more), and household help.
I am thankful, and soon, I will receive more blessings to be grateful for!


Bright Gray

I love the color gray, and I own a lot of clothes in that color palette. I finished knitting a gray scarf, and it was a process that took me from coffee to dessert


I finished this scarf in less than a week as I used chunky yarn purchased from my favorite yarn store, The Attic Yarn and Craftery.  


The result was this beautiful graphic scarf that wraps warmly around the neck.  


Before going home, I managed to snag a pair of white sneakers from local brand So Fab! at 50% off during the 12.12 sale. I am thankful for the cash gift from a relative which I have used to buy these shoes.  


I stictched the scarf together by the time I got home. 


And I made it into an infinity scarf for easier wearing!


Before going to bed, I started a new scarf using yarn from the same store


Gray may be a drab color to some, but for me, its simple elegance makes it a versatile hue to work with. I am inspired to keep on knitting, as I enjoy life with coffee and things that matter. 

Friday Resilience


I walked through really strong rains last Friday morning. Good thing I was wearing boots and a blazer along with some tough clothes. I felt a bit shaken though because it was my first time to walk in strong rains in a long time. But I was happy that I got to work on time.

I was sad to hear yesterday that a friend of mine lost her house to a fire. It was devastating as she lost everything, and nothing was saved. At least she and her family survived the ordeal, and plenty of people have raised funds to help her.

When I experienced chills earlier after the rain. I realized that I am still fortunate. I have warm clothes, a job, and coffee. I am still very luck. And there is always something to be thankful for.

Prayer and Hope

Yesterday, I had a meeting in Ortigas. I knitted while waiting for it to commence, and as always, knitting was able to give me a sense of purpose and calmness. 


It turned out to be a productive morning filled with promising opportunities! Before proceeding to the rest of my day’s agenda, I dropped by Padre Pio’s relic and statue at St. Francis of Assisi Parish to give thanks. I also prayed for wisdom in discernment and guidance as I embark on changes in my life. 


I had the creamy cheesy penne, donut, and coffee combo from Mister Donut. It was a delicious and comforting lunch on a rainy day. I recommend that you try this combo as well, not just on rainy days! The pasta was indeed cheesy and creamy. And their donuts and coffee are always on point. 


I wrapped up all my tasks for the day and had dinner at Breakfast Bin. I opted for my go-to meal there: the toasted naked longganisa, with a runny fried egg, talangka brown rice, and spiced vinegar. 


I hope that you will never be afraid of exploring opportunities! Prayer works, and it helps in thinking things through. Meanwhile, knitting keeps my mind sharp with every stitch. 

And as always, food nourishes me and warms my soul.  

May you have a great weekend ahead, friends! 

On Top of Things

We had Mother’s Day lunch at a nice restaurant inside a five star hotel. While we were enjoying the sumptuous food, we also had the chance to view our city from this vantage point. 


It is quite humbling to note that while our urban sprawl is not the most striking of cityscapes, there is still beauty amidst the chaos. There are pockets of greenery and quiet places. I am reminded that there is hope in a city where you see the negative on the foreground. 

Because when you focus on the bigger picture, you will see the potential of your life in a place that is worth stepping back for anyway.  

May you also find your new perspective today, as we begin another week of hustling in this place we call home.  

Purposeful Inspiration

I received a thank you card from my World Vision sponsored child. I treated her family to Noche Buena last Christmas. My gift also let her choose a present for herself. I was humbled when she asked for a water bottle as her gift.  

I always appreciate the letters I receive from my sponsored child because it allows me to see the bigger picture in life. I am looking for a corporate job not just to sustain myself, but also to support a child’s education. I am thankful that World Vision lets me share my blessings in the simplest manner. Being a child sponsor for eleven years has taught me the value of sharing and giving. I will never stop supporting World Vision for as long as I have the means to do so. 


In addition to that, I also received thank you letters from the Pink Sisters. They always pray for me, as I frequently drop by their convent to give them my letters containing my intentions. I am thankful that these sisters keep me in mind, and yes, I will continue visiting their convent for as long as I can!


Sharing, praying, and giving are just some of the ways that work can be meaningful. Having an income will let me support these causes, which will in turn inspire me to work hard and persevere in my job. It is my prayer that I will land the best job for me soon, and that I will continue to support my sponsored child and sisters in Christ.