I am currently enjoying regular food after three years of diet delivery subscription. My drivers for this decision to eat normally but within diet portions are:
1) Budget- Food subscriptions are expensive! Especially now that my salary has been downgraded since working in the academe.
2) Convenience- As my food provider grew its reach, their delivery times became erratic. I work in a company that has strict security, so it will not be easy for the rider to bring my food up to my office.
3) Adaptability- I cannot be dependent on a food provider for life. After three years with them, it is time to let go.
I am fortunate that our cafeteria has vegetables, the half cup of rice option, and fresh fruit shakes. It has been a fortnight and I am already eating healthful meals. I get to enjoy guilty pleasures such as shawarma rice and sausage muffins, but only if I eat vegetables and half rice for lunch. It is about compromise and balance.