How do you sustain inspiration? For me, it simply means that I have to continue acquiring knowledge. I continuously read books and magazines, attend seminars, and participate in conferences such as the 2nd Asia Finance Forum, which ended yesterday. I shared how the talks have inspired me to seek opportunities that far outweigh the risks. I felt inspired because I was a Risk Management practitioner. The challenge lies in finding these opportunities and to ensure that they develop in a sustainable manner.
I think the answer lies in innovation.
It is my goal to continuously innovate. I write about achieving wellness through mindfulness, and doing so entails a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy working out and eating a balanced diet, but I also incorporate mindfulness so that living with meaning becomes a conscious process. Yes, I thrive in routine, but I amp things up by including my passions for reading, writing, music, art, film, and food in my life. By making my blog an extension of my life, I am inspiring myself to carry on. And it is in this inspiration that I am constantly practicing innovation.
I can always settle for being a lifestyle blogger, but I want to be more than that. By attending this conference, I have learned that taking risks is the beginning of infinite possibilities.
Technology can thrive along with Finance. The world is more connected now more than ever. And by taking a risk with blogging, I am embracing opportunities in communication, meaningful pursuits, and a balanced life.
I am thankful that I was able to join this conference. It warms my heart that institutions like the ADB organize events for the public, and I look forward to joining more conferences to enrich my life. I am excited for new beginnings, and I am definitely giving myself the chance to innovate both online and offline.