Innovation Journey


Yesterday, I visited the newly-opened HiFi Campus at the College of Saint Benilde. I was there for two talks: the Innovator’s DNA Coffee Collab and The Founders’ Journey to Impact Entrepreneurship Engaged Talk. Both forums were informative, but it was the first one that really resonated with me.

Ms. Judith Claridades hosted the Innovator’s DNA afternoon. We were composed of individuals from various backgrounds, age groups, and perspectives. We had an interest in how innovation and the mindset that commands problem solving through design can improve our lives and uplift our present human condition.


Ms. Claridades focused on the importance of the self in the innovator’s journey. Being self-aware is the first step in bringing forth positive change. After all, it is only by effectively improving our own selves that we can begin sharing our skills, talents, and ideas to help others along the way.

It was also worth noting that empathy is essential in innovation. We cannot influence others if we are stuck in our own worlds and refuse to feel the pain that others have. It was humbling to be reminded that innovation is not just an act that benefits our physical beings, but our spiritual growth as well. When we help others, we feed our soul, and this is how we leave legacies that make the world a better place.


The Founders’ Journey to Impact Entrepreneurship was also interesting as Anna Meloto-Wilk, the president of Human Nature (a brand I love so much, that I actually sell their products on my online store- BUY NOW!) was part of the panel. I’ll never get tired of listening to Human Nature’s story from its humble beginnings to being one of the leading social enterprises today. As a Core Advocate for the brand, it is inspiring to watch our president unceasingly sharing our values to audiences that need more goodness in their lives.

As a blogger and freelance writer, I am always looking for inspiration to improve my craft and grow my mindset. It is always a treat to feed my brain with stories that uplift others while discussing how problems were solved through design thinking and empathy. Innovation should not be a big, lofty idea that is beyond everyone’s reach. Rather, it must be something that we practice by habit and instinct with each endeavor that we tackle each day.

We can all be innovators, if only we are determined to share what we know and believe in!


Sustaining Inspiration

Start your day with positivity ➕ 

Start your day with positivity ➕ 

Breakfast at the caf

Breakfast at the caf

Networking coffee

Networking coffee

How do you sustain inspiration? For me, it simply means that I have to continue acquiring knowledge. I continuously read books and magazines, attend seminars, and participate in conferences such as the 2nd Asia Finance Forum, which ended yesterday. I shared how the talks have inspired me to seek opportunities that far outweigh the risks. I felt inspired because I was a Risk Management practitioner. The challenge lies in finding these opportunities and to ensure that they develop in a sustainable manner. 

 My Rags 2 Riches bag at the ADB Library

 My Rags 2 Riches bag at the ADB Library


I think the answer lies in innovation. 


It is my goal to continuously innovate. I write about achieving wellness through mindfulness, and doing so entails a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy working out and eating a balanced diet, but I also incorporate mindfulness so that living with meaning becomes a conscious process. Yes, I thrive in routine, but I amp things up by including my passions for reading, writing, music, art, film, and food in my life. By making my blog an extension of my life, I am inspiring myself to carry on. And it is in this inspiration that I am constantly practicing innovation.

I can always settle for being a lifestyle blogger, but I want to be more than that. By attending this conference, I have learned that taking risks is the beginning of infinite possibilities.

Coffee break snacks

Coffee break snacks

Technology can thrive along with Finance. The world is more connected now more than ever. And by taking a risk with blogging, I am embracing opportunities in communication, meaningful pursuits, and a balanced life. 

Happy to have A with me today! 

Happy to have A with me today! 

I am thankful that I was able to join this conference. It warms my heart that institutions like the ADB organize events for the public, and I look forward to joining more conferences to enrich my life. I am excited for new beginnings, and I am definitely giving myself the chance to innovate both online and offline.

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery 

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery 

Online Conferencing


Yesterday was the first day of the 2nd Asia Finance Forum at the Asian Development Bank. Due to the overwhelmingly large amount of participants, some delegates from the private sector were given a livestream link to become an online participant. I was skeptical at first, because I never experienced being an online conference delegate before. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to remotely follow all the plenary talks and learn from them in the process. 

Being a remote delegate while I was still in pajamas was a novel experience. I was able to sip my morning coffee while learning on FinTech trends and how they can support Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs). While I do have a background in finance, I am still fascinated with how different leaders simplify finance for the digital consumer. To hear them speak and share their latest innovations uplifts me because in this age where security risks do challenge developers, the world is becoming more convenient and inclusive for all consumers, even for those with limited access to standard payment platforms. 

While I still prefer being physically present in a conference, it was fascinating to follow talks on my iPad because I was able to do so in the comfort of my own home. Conferences open up my mind and provide me with new perspectives on relevant matters. This will definitely not be the last time I will be joining one.  

I am optimistic with how FinTech is currently changing the lives of many people in the developing world. With the help of institutions like the ADB, the developing world can keep up with the speed of technology and the convenience of digital finance. I am grateful to be part of this conference, and I look forward to the remaining two days of talks and innovative learning.  

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Day 30: #30GratefulDays | Create Philippines Conference


I was fortunate to attend the Create Philippines Confernce yesterday at the HallOne, ITC Center, Pasay City. You might be wondering why I attend conferences whenever I can. As a job seeker, I believe that I have to continue learning. Now is the best time to focus on self-improvement, as I have plenty of time to do so. I have committed myself to learning whenever I can, through books, periodicals, websites, blogs, and podcasts. I am lucky that I have access to knowledge even when I am at home.


Conferences are valuable because I am exposed to industry expertise and trends. I also get to network and experience going out of my comfort zone in introducing myself and my blog. I have learned from design thinking that empathy is valuable in finding solutions to foster sustainable development. Thus, by listening to talks on creativity, I am enriching myself with inspiring ideas in order to empathize more with everyone I encounter. Given that I am now at the crossroads of my personal life and my career (yes, jobhunting is a career), I can utilize my creativity to diversify myself, my professional trajectory, and blog journey. Hopefully, my commitment to creativity can improve my chances of getting a wonderful career and enhance my website’s content in the long run. 

I am excited to innovate in the long run and of course, to keep up with the times. My blog is an example of my personal development while I am looking for work. I enjoy blogging so much, that I am now doing it on a daily basis. I plan to continue blogging even when I am already employed. That way, I continue to enrich myself through experiences that I can blog about, which can be separate from my job.  

I have experienced a lot of positivity when I started this blog this May, and I think it is timely that my 30th day in my Grateful Days Project ends in a conference on creativity. I am challenged to carry on with my blog as a more innovative thinker. I hope that you will also attend conferences so you can learn, network, and share your ideas. Who knows, you may also get inspired and even begin a passion project, just like how I started this blog.

To quote Mr. Eric. Cruz of AKQA Shanghai, create your own opportunity.  By blogging everyday and having the discipline to tell my story on a regular basis, I am diversifying myself, teaching myself creativity, and training myself on how to truly live. And that is bravery in action, because it takes courage to share my thoughts even I would rather hide behind the covers. 

Ms. Lucille Tenazas from Parsons talked about cultural ambiguity and how Filipino creatives can capitalize from it. 

Ms. Lucille Tenazas from Parsons talked about cultural ambiguity and how Filipino creatives can capitalize from it. 

To stay relevant, be creative! 

To stay relevant, be creative! 

Mr. Eric Cruz on saving us from boredom  

Mr. Eric Cruz on saving us from boredom  

Yes! 🙌🏼 

Yes! 🙌🏼 

College classmate Peepo David of AKQA Shanghai presented his humbling journey from struggling to get hired to being one of the best in his field. 

College classmate Peepo David of AKQA Shanghai presented his humbling journey from struggling to get hired to being one of the best in his field. 

Day 13: #30GratefulDays | Coffee with a Conscience


Yesterday was the first workday of the month, and it also meant that it was my shopping day at Human Nature, a brand which I have been supporting since 2013. I am now a Core Advocate, which means that I am not just a dealer, I am also a partner in spreading the word about their Pro-Philippines, Pro-Environment, and Pro-Poor advocacy. I patronize the brand by purchasing almost all my toiletries from them. Every purchase in their branches entitles the customer to a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and I am a fan of their local cuppa. I always bring my own mug or tumbler though, and yesterday, I brought my pink one from Craftsmith Living. As I sipped my coffee, I reflected on the years I have been supporting Human Nature and how I have switched from using imported, chemical products to all-natural, Philippine-made essentials. 


Human Nature prides itself in sourcing the best raw materials from Mother Nature. What’s more, these wonder ingredients are mostly found in the Philippines. Like the oils shown in the photo, each raw material has a purpose to heal, renew, and restore. I am a huge fan of their products as most of them are infused with sunflower oil, which is kind to my sensitive skin. From sleeping with their sunflower oil on my face to using baby lotion with the same oil, I am making sure that my skin only receives the best care from the brand’s organic items. 

I am using Human Nature products even when I am jobless. They have affordable price points so I can still enjoy using my essentials even when I am on a budget. I am glad that I am also able to relax at home with my favorite spa-quality products like their body scrub and cooling gel.

Indeed, there is no need to splurge for natural products. Human Nature has given me the best local essentials which are kind to my skin, wallet, and social conscience. I get to have a cuppa or two as well after shopping. Coffee with a conscience has never been more in style.  

Day 12: #30GratefulDays | Sustainable Storytelling

Coffee while blogging  

Coffee while blogging  

Having a blog has helped me explore life as a storyteller. What began as a brain dump for my writing class output became my home in the interwebs. I challenged myself to write on a daily basis and after completing my 100 Day Project,  I realized that writing could be a lifestyle. It was at this moment that I evolved from becoming an occasional blogger to a storyteller. 

Hypothyroidism is one of the cornerstones of my journey. I would not have the hunger to be healthy without this health condition. Choosing to be unstuck from this reality motivated me to eat more healthful food, exercise, and just keep moving! Sharing my story only happened when social media became inseparable with mainstream communication. I realized that the only way to be understood better as a hypothyroidism patient is to tell my story. Of course, we all know that stories have a beginning, middle, and end. I can say that my beginning was my diagnosis at thirteen. My middle is my continuous journey with the condition I have embraced as my own. And the end is my battlecry, which is wellness through mindfulness.  

I refuse to succumb to the reality that hypothyroidism is a limiting disease. Rather, I am applying sustainability in my storytelling to ensure that I continue to push boundaries and surpass normal expectations. I plan to sustain my journey by selecting activities to participate in. My advocacy for propagating design thinking is a huge factor, and I am actively engaging in events which could enrich my knowledge on the matter. I am also driven to innovate so that I can cultivate an attitude of discontent. By constantly choosing to better myself and improve my craft, I am not just becoming healthier. I am also becoming a stronger storyteller. It has been said that work should not be about working harder, it is about working smarter. As I embark on job hunting, I am embracing storytelling in my blog SPEAKOUTSAM as a full-time role. It is my obligation to myself to be a sustainable storyteller, with innovation as my main motivator!

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Day 11: #30GratefulDays | Sparking Innovation


I was lucky to be one of the participants in the Spark Think Camp organized by the Asian Institute of Management. I was able to diversify my idea of innovation as merely the territory of scientists and those in the academe. As a design thinking enthusiast, I am eager to learn how I can practice innovation in my life, especially in my blog. My wellness journey also requires innovation as I choose to be fit, healthy, and active. It is my desire to share my knowledge through technology (my home here on the interwebs) and activities such as this Think Camp. 


Sustainability is now a hot buzzword, but most people think it is a lofty idea. I have fully embraced sustainability through my passion for social enterprise, particularly with Human Nature. As technology creates opportunities, innovation is key to ensure that sustainability is truly practiced and business continues to develop.

From the perspective of my blog, I make sure that I do not solely focus on hypothyroidism. I write about my other interests as well, such as food, inclusive business, literature, music, culture, and art. Design thinking drives me to have empathy for myself and my audience. I realized that my fitness journey can be more than just eating right and working out. It should be a planned journey revolving around my interests and how I can share my life to inspire more people to achieve wellness through mindfulness.

Innovation increases a brand’s value. My blog is my own brand, so my key takeaway for today is that Innovation increases my content’s value. I cannot just focus on wellness. I have to incorporate my whole lifestyle to show that mindfulness is essential in the process of being healthy. I have to have the discontent, as Mr. Mikko Perez of Ayannah has said. The attitude of discontent opens doors for questioning, research and change. This mindset will shift my blog from being just a diary to becoming a platform for sparking wellness through mindfulness.

Design thinking has also driven me to have a problem solving mindset. Finding solutions is a process. Solving a challenge requires empathy. Applying it to myself, I want to be thin. I want to be fit. And by solving this need through exercise and healthy eating, I eventually created a lifestyle which led me to becoming a better hypothyroidism patient. Now, if I will apply this to my blog, I recognized the need for my wellness journey to be shared to a wider audience. My blog addresses that need, and it is promoted through social media. To incorporate UX, I want to delight my audience and primarily, myself. So, I am also including my lifestyle and interests to spice up my journey.

The challenge for me is to grow and adapt to change. While daily blogging is necessary for my website, I have to be educated with the latest trends. For example, I enjoy reading so I attend book fairs and interact with authors online. I also attend forums like this one at AIM to learn more about innovation. These simple steps ensure that my content is continuously evolving and improving.

I should never lose focus of my WHY. What makes Sam speak out, and why?


Wellness through mindfulness may be my battlecry, but my blog is named SPEAKOUTSAM. I blog to speak out to the world about my battlecry. Innovation drives me to evolve and ride along with change. I have embraced technology to house my thoughts, share my life, and interact with my audience. I am here because speaking out cannot be achieved alone, and wellness through mindfulness is better achieved when there is interaction. No matter what changes will emerge, I will continue to innovate through design. 

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