Sustaining Inspiration

Start your day with positivity ➕ 

Start your day with positivity ➕ 

Breakfast at the caf

Breakfast at the caf

Networking coffee

Networking coffee

How do you sustain inspiration? For me, it simply means that I have to continue acquiring knowledge. I continuously read books and magazines, attend seminars, and participate in conferences such as the 2nd Asia Finance Forum, which ended yesterday. I shared how the talks have inspired me to seek opportunities that far outweigh the risks. I felt inspired because I was a Risk Management practitioner. The challenge lies in finding these opportunities and to ensure that they develop in a sustainable manner. 

 My Rags 2 Riches bag at the ADB Library

 My Rags 2 Riches bag at the ADB Library


I think the answer lies in innovation. 


It is my goal to continuously innovate. I write about achieving wellness through mindfulness, and doing so entails a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy working out and eating a balanced diet, but I also incorporate mindfulness so that living with meaning becomes a conscious process. Yes, I thrive in routine, but I amp things up by including my passions for reading, writing, music, art, film, and food in my life. By making my blog an extension of my life, I am inspiring myself to carry on. And it is in this inspiration that I am constantly practicing innovation.

I can always settle for being a lifestyle blogger, but I want to be more than that. By attending this conference, I have learned that taking risks is the beginning of infinite possibilities.

Coffee break snacks

Coffee break snacks

Technology can thrive along with Finance. The world is more connected now more than ever. And by taking a risk with blogging, I am embracing opportunities in communication, meaningful pursuits, and a balanced life. 

Happy to have A with me today! 

Happy to have A with me today! 

I am thankful that I was able to join this conference. It warms my heart that institutions like the ADB organize events for the public, and I look forward to joining more conferences to enrich my life. I am excited for new beginnings, and I am definitely giving myself the chance to innovate both online and offline.

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery 

Inside the ADB Archives Gallery 

Online Conferencing


Yesterday was the first day of the 2nd Asia Finance Forum at the Asian Development Bank. Due to the overwhelmingly large amount of participants, some delegates from the private sector were given a livestream link to become an online participant. I was skeptical at first, because I never experienced being an online conference delegate before. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to remotely follow all the plenary talks and learn from them in the process. 

Being a remote delegate while I was still in pajamas was a novel experience. I was able to sip my morning coffee while learning on FinTech trends and how they can support Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs). While I do have a background in finance, I am still fascinated with how different leaders simplify finance for the digital consumer. To hear them speak and share their latest innovations uplifts me because in this age where security risks do challenge developers, the world is becoming more convenient and inclusive for all consumers, even for those with limited access to standard payment platforms. 

While I still prefer being physically present in a conference, it was fascinating to follow talks on my iPad because I was able to do so in the comfort of my own home. Conferences open up my mind and provide me with new perspectives on relevant matters. This will definitely not be the last time I will be joining one.  

I am optimistic with how FinTech is currently changing the lives of many people in the developing world. With the help of institutions like the ADB, the developing world can keep up with the speed of technology and the convenience of digital finance. I am grateful to be part of this conference, and I look forward to the remaining two days of talks and innovative learning.  

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