Day 3: Hard Skills

I have decided to continue my self-improvement journey by discovering what my hard skills are. These are skills which are standard employable traits, such as computer programming and report writing. I have shared with you how I discovered my soft skills the other day, so now, I am going to teach you how to determine what your hard skills are. 

I am on my second day of the free four-day course from The Bucketlist Bombshells. You may also take it as it could help you probe into your untapped skill set and dormant dreams regarding your career. Do not be derailed by their business model, which is to educate women on how to put up online businesses so they could travel the world full-time. Their free course and ideas work even to those (like me) who do not plan to be a creative nomad but would like to amp up their careers. Be sure to download the worksheets which are included in the course (I opted to use a notebook though to answer the worksheets). Lastly, have a notebook, pen, and highlighter (or coloured pencils) so you can take notes and answer the questions!

I am being 100% real here, so I am sharing with you my actual notes from the exercise.  


The exercise includes Mind Mapping, which is an effective tool to determine what tasks you are capable of doing. I have included some of my mind maps here to serve as examples. The middle box will state your role and the outer boxes will correspond to each task and sub task that you have. You have to make a mind map for every work, school, and passion project role you’ve had.

Once you have made your mind maps, use a highlighter or coloured pencil to highlight the tasks which you have enjoyed doing. Once you are finished, list down all your enjoyable tasks to make it easier for you to consider when you are looking for a job or putting up your own business.


You will then have to find the common theme among these enjoyable tasks and determine what made you enjoy them. 

After doing so, you will have to go back to your 16Personalities test result from yesterday’s lesson and see if any of these tasks correlate with your personality profile. 


I hope that today’s lesson has inspired you to apply your skills more effectively at work or while pursuing your passion project. And who knows, you might even end up being a Bucketlist Bombshell yourself! I know that I am a corporate girl for now, so I am on the self-improvement train to help me build a better career.  

Tomorrow, I will share another self-improvement lesson so do stick around and learn from (and with) me!

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