Embroidery Day 4

I recently made my third embroidery piece as The Craft Central’s pattern tester for their Daisies kit. I enjoyed this project, and I even learned some life lessons along the way.

Here were the lessons that I have uncovered while learning embroidery:

  1. It is okay to be a beginner at something new.

  2. Learning a new skill grows our mindset and improves our adaptability.

  3. Starting something new as an adult teaches humility.

  4. Finishing a project gives satisfaction and joy, especially during the global pandemic.

So, if you think that you need some time away from your gadgets, I highly recommend embroidery! Visit The Craft Central to browse their embroidery kits. Stitch tutorials can be found on YouTube! This is a skill that will help you relax as you expand your mind.

Enjoy embroidery!

Embroidery Day 3

I recently finished my second embroidery piece as a pattern tester for The Craft Central. So far, I learned that embroidery takes a lot of patience for the stitches to look polished. Also, I was able to stay away from my phone as I was making this project. It was a lesson on focus and determination during the lockdown.

I recommend this project to beginners like myself, as well as to anyone who wants a new hobby that is not gadget-related! Check out The Craft Central for embroidery kits and future announcements regarding pattern testers.

Embroidery Day 1

They say that you have to do something that terrifies you every now and then. Guess what- embroidery scares me! I may be skilled in crocheting and knitting, but embroidery just intimidates me. So, I challenged myself by signing up as The Craft Central’s pattern tester for their Daisies beginner kit.

First impressions: the kit was packed in bubble wrap. It arrived on September 1st, and I think I have enough time to overcome my fear of embroidery by the challenge deadline on the 30th!

The kit came with carbon paper, three pieces of cloth, two embroidery needles, embroidery floss, stitch guide (in English!), patterns, and embroidery hoop.

The first step is to trace the pattern onto the cloth. Since I used to work in a bank, I am familiar with carbon paper! I can do this, no worries!

I got the tracing done in one go. Now on to the actual stitching!

I used the color guide to match the thread to the appropriate parts of the pattern. Since the first stitch needed was the satin stitch, I did not have any problem with just doing it. Before I knew it, I was stitching yellow petals and I felt confident with my progress!

I may be a slow stitcher, but I will get there! Slowly but surely, I will overcome my fear of embroidery and finish my first pattern.

Wish me luck!


I recently finished reading Unlove: Healing Yourself from Toxic Romance and Love in a Healthy Way by Marjorie Duterte. The inspirational author has been on my radar for quite some time now, but I did not have the courage to read her books- until now. The lockdown has provided me with the perfect opportunity to learn from my mistakes and to improve through reading. This book has worked wonders in helping me let go of self-sabotaging habits that prevented me from loving myself and attracting a God-fearing partner.

It was only when I started working on myself this year that I began to let go of hatred, envy, bitterness, anger, and pessimism. The pandemic has taught me that life is too short. I should start being the best version of myself now in order to thrive in the new normal and beyond.

A huge part of thriving is the social aspect of my life. I have been vocal about my desire for a life partner, but I carried with me negative baggage (hatred, envy, bitterness, anger, and pessimism) which became my roadblocks in my dating journey. However, God has been good to me and He sent me my partner Lorenz this year. Not only is Lorenz God-fearing, but he is caring, intelligent, strong-willed, and tenacious. He has accepted me for who I am whole-heartedly, that is why I wanted to let go of the negative forces that has pulled me down. This was why I bought this book and answered all the journaling prompts at the end of each chapter.

Armed with a pen and my journal. I healed myself through the book’s guide questions. I felt lighter after completing the book and the exercises. It was cathartic.

I highly recommend this book to every woman who has ever been hurt and would like to improve herself. Buy the book here and learn from home today!

Stay safe and healthy, everyone! May God bless us all.

One Month Of Journaling

Today marks the first month of my daily journaling habit. This is my first daily journaling experience with a paper notebook and an actual pen. I must say that physical, tangible journaling has been helpful in the following ways:

  1. I am able to share my stress management routine.

  2. I am able to process anger.

  3. I am able to break down what grief means to me and how it affects me.

  4. I am able to plan the things that I still want to be better at for the rest of 2021.

  5. I am able to share my favorite songs.

  6. I am able to share my desk essentials and how they help me.

…and many more! I did not expect journaling to be a roadmap during the pandemic. It has become my guide to becoming a better person. I have built a habit that invites me to be kinder to myself. As a result, I am able to pass on this kindness to other people.

Here’s to more months of journaling!

Limitless Entrepreneur Day 5

I just finished the Limitless Entrepreneur Retreat! It was created by mastermind coach Melyssa Griffin to train creative entrepreneurs to have an abundance mindset. I personally took it because I wanted to develop my entrepreneurial mindset.


Here are some of my answers to Melyssa’s questions for Day 5:

What is the offer that you’re going to launch?

  • My offer is WRITING! I aim to utilize my communication skills primarily in writing and public speaking to become an asset to my future employer.

What impact will this product make in the lives of your buyers?

  • I will ensure that my clients will notice that I practice empathy when dealing with them and producing output for them. By putting myself in their shoes, I can create effective copy that they can use for their businesses.

How do you want your customers or clients to FEEL after purchasing your offer?

  • I want them to feel good as they know that they can trust me to help them communicate effectively to their target audience.

Imagine them chatting with a friend after purchasing your offer. What do you hope they say to their friend about what it was like to purchase from or work with you?

  • “Sam is able to help us provide better services to our clients by producing effective and concise messages for our marketing emails, social media posts, and customer service templates.”

How can you incorporate this “vibe” into your onboarding and sales process? What can you do to make sure your clients or customers FEEL the way you want them to?

  • I will make sure that I will ask my clients what they want, how they want to be perceived by their clients, and who their clients are. I want my clients to feel like I am a friend whom they could trust to help them communicate better to their customers.

Which onboarding tactics are you going to implement to ensure that your buyers feel taken care of?

  • I will confirm that they receive my services and that they are satisfied with my work. I will make sure that this is done in writing, preferably via email between me and my clients.

  • I will ask for feedback and if they are satisfied, I will request for testimonials for my future clients’ reference.

I really enjoyed this course, and I hope that you will also learn from it! Click here to take the course yourself and watch your mindset shift from fear to abundance! Enjoy!

Limitless Entrepreneur Day 1

I am currently taking Melyssa Griffin’s Limitless Entrepreneur Retreat online. It’s day 1 for me, and I am excited to go on this learning journey whilst on quarantine. I will be sharing my progress here on my blog because I believe that sharing my vulnerability and areas of improvement can help others too.


I have a Human Nature online store (please support! We deliver during the Enhanced Community Quarantine!) that I operate from home. Aside from that, my motivation for completing this retreat is to get to know myself better and have a more entrepreneurial mindset. I strongly believe that this mindset will enable me to thrive better in a post-pandemic world.

Here are my answers to the journaling questions that Melyssa asked prior to joining the retreat:

1. What attachments do you have in your life that you are noticing more than usual? This could include your relationship with money, time, stability, certainty, routines, and relationships with people around you.

  • Dependence on routine

  • My relationship with scarcity as we live in a world with finite resources

  • My attitude towards pain and loss

  • My uncertainty about the future

2. What stories have you created around those attachments? Are you attached to money, and therefore fearful of spending? Are you attached to your role as a parent, and finding it hard to allow yourself to work with your kids home from school? Are you attached to your daily routine, and therefore feeling uprooted as things are changing quickly?

  • I am still living on a schedule to maximize my productivity

  • I am scared to spend money

  • I find it difficult to appreciate some blessings that I have because of the thinking that all of this will eventually disappear

  • Grief, which persists amidst this pandemic

  • I try to create small wins whilst at home to have some certainty during the present (ex. I make earsavers for our frontliners)

3. When you think of the story you have created from this attachment (for example, "I feel like I no longer have control over my schedule"), where do you feel it in your body? (It’s common to feel this in your chest or stomach area.)

  • I feel it in my chest.

    • There is a certain heaviness that I feel whenever I process how uncertain the future or my schedule will be in the world we live in.

4. What is a more empowering way you could reframe this story? For example, if your story says, "money is going to be hard to make right now, and I’m going to suffer because of it," perhaps you could reframe it to, "I’m being gifted an opportunity to think of creative, money-making ideas that I otherwise wouldn’t have thought of."Or "I’m always amazed by how money finds its way to me -- I’m a magnet for money!"

  • “I am being given all this time to help our frontliners by crocheting earsavers for them. By scheduling my crafting routine, I get to make earsavers while enjoying the things I love, such as watching movies, webinars, and listening to podcasts. I also improve my communication skills by coordinating with my team members at Earsavers for Lifesavers PH and chatting with frontliners online. I also ensure that my quarantine story is being shared in real time via my blog, speakoutsam.com.”

5. What does it look like for you to embody this new belief? What do you need to release?

  • It feels refreshing as it is a totally new way of reframing the quarantine for me.

6. What’s possible for you and your business now that you have adapted and embodied this new belief?

  • It is possible to thrive in a pandemic because communication and self-determination are still possible while staying healthy and safe at home.

Breathing At Home

Being under quarantine does not have to be boring. I have recently started playing my flute again, and it has been fun so far.

I post my flute performances on my Instagram page. I hope you can check them out!


I have also been working out everyday, because being at home does not mean being complacent. I do mostly cardio, which has been effective in passing the time.


I know that this quarantine is a little breather from life. I will do everything I can to make this a season of growth and self-improvement. Things will get better. I just know it.

First 10 Days

I’ve been stuck at home for ten days now as the Covid-19 virus continues to spread. I consider myself fortunate to have the privilege to stay home. This does not mean that I miss the outside world though. Some of the things I miss are:

  1. Working out at the park

  2. Street food

  3. Reading at a coffee shop

  4. Watching movies at a microcinema

  5. Commuting via river taxi


I am cooperating with the government’s instructions to stay at home and observe social distancing. For now, I am maximizing my time by doing what I love and appreciating the little things.

Someday, we will all look back on this period as a time for growth and self-awareness.

Kamayan Christmas

Yesterday, I spent some time with our loyal helper Racquel for a simple Christmas treat. I took her to my favorite restaurant Gubat, where we got to eat with our hands.


I had the longganisa (again!) with additional salted egg and burong kanin (fermented rice). It was perfect with my beer.


We took a quick stroll around the Diliman Bonsai Society after our meal. It was hard to believe that we were still in the city.


We also had some Starbucks coffees, and watched Sunod, starring Carmina Villaroel. It was a beautiful horror movie which was shot at Escolta, which we visited earlier this year.


I later finished crocheting the scarf I have been making all throughout the holiday season. It is finally done, and I am ready to begin again with a brand new colorway.


Christmas is better when with local food, handmade hobbies, and simple joys. May you find the season to be merry and bright with those who have been loyal to you.

He Cares This Christmas

Here are a few reasons why volunteering for He Cares Mission is a good idea:

You get to serve delicious lunch to underserved children.


You get to be with friends! Here I am with college friend Kath.


You will believe in God’s providence! Their kitchen is enough to restore my faith in a generous God.


You will bond with the kids who are essentially the heart of the mission.


You will be reminded of God’s mercy and love, with every plate you serve to these children!


Please consider being a donor or volunteer at He Cares Mission! For more information, please visit their Facebook page.
God bless you!

Slowly Improving

I remember having this portrait of me sketched four years ago.  

A lot has changed since then.  

  • I have since donated my hair to make wigs for cancer patients
  • I have kept my hair short since October 2014
  • I have switched careers and I am now the Office Manager for an American BPO
  • I have kept my face makeup-free
  • I now have this blog to document my life

These changes did not occur overnight. In fact, I have initiated these changes slowly, but the results have appeared fast. I believe that achieving positive impact happens when I set the stage for all circumstances to work in my favor.  

I blogged, I attended seminars, I applied for good jobs, and continued supporting my advocacies. In no time, I was able to see changes in my life, and I have also improved my outlook as a whole. 

I hope that my life will continue to get better, and that I will keep on aspiring for greatness. For now, I am focusing on getting things done, and blogging about the things that make me speakoutsam! 

Waffle Reward

Whenever I feel like giving up, I always remind myself that I am worth more than my mistakes. I have had my own share of shortcomings, but I have learned from them. I make sure to take note of my areas of improvement so that I will know what specific things I have to work on. I am determined to be the best version of myself by highlighting my strengths to reinforce my limitations. 

Having said that, I do reward myself for small wins! Recently, I have been slaying through my workouts. I have decided to eat my favorite food as a personal backslap. For instance, I had this delicious bacon, egg, lettuce, and tomato (BELT) waffle sandwich from Breakfast Bin. It was delicious and satisfying! 


How do you self-audit your skills? What areas do you have to improve on? And how do you reward yourself for small wins? I hope that you will also find the balance between self-improvement and self-care! 

Big Bad Wolf

Last Thursday, I was fortunate to have the time and opportunity to attend the Big Bad Wolf Book Fair. I went there during lunch time, so I was able to buy food from the catering booth within the premises. After a hearty meal, I was energized to hunt for books to add to my collection. 


Despite having attended several book fairs in the past, I was still overwhelmed with the volume of books available at the fair. 


The price points were pocket-friendly! 


I was tempted to hoard, but I intentionally did not get a cart so I could avoid doing so. Instead, I decided to buy one from every genre in mind.  


That did not stop me though from perusing aisle after aisle of beautiful books!


As always, it was heartwarming to see many Filipinos buy books in fairs like this one.  


There was a short queue to the cashiers.  


This handwritten sign caught my attention. So true!


In the end, I paid for five books. One from art, self-help, adult coloring books, food, and fiction. 


I spend Php1,250 for five books. Not bad at all! I celebrated this with a latte (not pictured) and a butterscotch blonde from Where’s Marcel


If Big Bad Wolf will return to Manila, I will definitely be back! It was a fun, value-for-money experience. Here’s to more books and unforgettable reading-related events!

Metal Health

Last Saturday, I went on a tour at the San Sebastián Minor Basilica. As a heritage conservation advocate, I am constantly on the lookout for experiences which could enable me to witness restoration efforts first-hand. Since the church is undergoing extensive restoration, I joined the tour to help support the worthwhile endeavor. 


This beautiful church is located in Quiapo, Manila. It is the first and only all-metal building in the Philippines. 


It is important to help save the basilica as it is already a part of our history. 


I was there early, so I got to roam around the church and warmed up to my beautiful surroundings.  


I also bought merch from their souvenir tent. Proceeds from the sale of their Save San Sebastián merch go to the restoration fund.  


There was no shortage of beauty in this metal wonder. 


The lighting of the chandeliers signaled the beginning of our tour.  


We began our tour by testing out the metallic surfaces on the church. I used my souvenir magnet, and yes, the basilica really is all-metal. 


This is Ysabel. She is the one-woman restoration tour guide and tech person behind the cause.  


I opened the doors and it was fascinating to see the church with awe. 


Ysabel gave us a sense of place with vintage photographs from another era.  


All the walls, columns, and ceiling panels were painted to conceal the rivets and metal parts. This church is a beautiful masterpiece in concealment.  


The restoration is being undertaken by an international team of experts in their own fields.  


As you can see, the paintings on the wall are fading fast. 


They need to be restored using the latest techniques so that the grandeur of this basilica can be preserved and brought to life. 


Our tour continued to the choir loft, where the best view of the house could be enjoyed. 


I relaxed a bit on the pews and appreciated the majestic view. 


The gothic architecture resonated with my steampunk leanings, I must admit. 


We then proceeded to the upper levels, where the concealment ends. Here, the rivets are clearly visible, and the metal parts are bare. 


Even the hidden upper levels are filled with unexpected beauty.  


I found the upper part of the ceiling beautiful. It reminded me of a ship. 


This is a sample of the restoration undertakings.  


As you can see, rust is the enemy of a metal structure. This is why it is crucial that this gem gets restored stat.  


The dome is a piece of beauty amidst the urban skyline.  


I enjoyed this, and I highly recommend that you join one of their Saturday tours! It is a chance to appreciate history, architecture, engineering, and art all in one morning. Plus, you will help support the restoration as well. 


Join the tour, take pictures, and experience Manila as it should be- with a renewed appreciation for our rich heritage. 

Day 21: Making My Own Memories

Yesterday, I replaced my sad memories with happier ones at Baguio City with my family. I enjoyed eating strawberry taho again after so many years! I also got to take photos with one of the famous St. Bernard dogs at Mines View Park. I got to buy some souvenirs from the market and I also bought myself a sparkly ring from Ibay’s Silver Shop. I made sure to stop over at St. Joseph the Worker Church to pray for my upcoming return to the corporate world.

I had ravioli and coffee at Cantinetta. After resting at the Kamiseta Hotel, we drove to the Baguio Craft Brewery. I had the best beer I’ve ever had! It was the Message in a Bottle, which is definitely an upgrade from my usual dark beer. It was sweet, smooth, and perfect with my chicken inasal with red rice. 

Now that I am on my final day of my self-improvement project, I can say that I am better than when I was still starting this journey. I have escaped from a destructive situation, familarized myself with my skills, revisited my vision in life, redesigned my life with intention, reviewed how to get things done, and felt empowered as a woman again.

I am now entering a new stage in my professional journey, so it is important that I go back to the five things that I will need to build my career in order to never lose sight of my goals and of the resources that are already available to me. I will continue practicing self-compassion. Lastly, I will always rely on my family and show up for my friends

It is time for me to make more happy memories for myself. I deserve to have joy and to share it with others! I am so excited for the future. 


Day 20: Choose Happiness

I spent my Tuesday at Manaoag and Baguio with my family. We are staying at Kamiseta Hotel, which is so me. I fell in love with the colorful and over-the-top interiors. It is enough to jumpstart my revival of sorts. I have recently ended my stay in a difficult situation which was no longer empowering me as a woman. This trip was designed to inspire me to move on and to bond with my family before I begin my corporate journey.  

I am grateful for the influx of color and patterns. I am inspired to welcome joy into my life again, and I choose happiness. There is no joy in life if I am resentful. I have already let go of the negativity so that I can start afresh with a happy heart.  

I pray that I will find the right one for me. For now, I have to love myself more and choose happiness everyday! 


Day 19: Rationality

Yesterday, I was lucky to have been given the chance to attend the 30th Anniversary Symposium of the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of the Philippines Diliman. I was invited by my BFF Jay, who is a noted academic and scientist. I enjoyed the talks, especially the one by Dr. Ma. Cynthia Bautista on “Science and the Humanities”.

I have noticed that all the talks highlighted that innovation is necessary for scientific education to thrive. I was happy to hear from Dr. Bautista that imagination is the important factor shared by those in the humanities and in science. By having scientists with a humanities background, innovation can spark in a rational field. And by attending this symposium, I am encouraged to grow in an industry such as finance, because my humanities background can help me excel. I can also apply my design thinking approach in order to have empathy for my target market and provide solutions to their problems while supporting the data and research at hand. 

I was happy to catch up with my BFF over lunch and coffee. I have recently made some major decisions in my life, and it is always good to have a wise friend to talk to.

I had my blood test for my hypothyroidism shortly afterwards. 

After an interesting symposium, coffee date, and blood test, I went to the hospital chapel (which I have never visited before!) to have some quiet time with God. Rationality may help me overcome the challenges at hand, but it is my faith in God which strengthens me whenever I doubt myself. I know that He is still my boss, so I have to follow what I think is best for me, in accordance to His will. I prayed for a fantastic blood test result and continuous self-improvement for myself.  

Of course, I also hope that I can apply what I have learned today in my life, blog, career, and goals. I am ready to innovate and I know that with some creativity and imagination, I will go a long way for as long as I will never overanalyze things.  


Day 18: Unburdened

I finally got myself a smaller Rags2Riches yesterday at their UP Town store and I am so happy! I already own larger bags from the social enterprise, but I have been having back pains due to my congenital scoliosis. I was advised to use backpacks or smaller handbags instead. I am also going through a transition period from a difficult situation I have recently exited from. I need things that are aligned with my advocacy to buy from local brands, support handmade, and prioritize social enterprises. I believe that items which help uplift communities and support artisans can inspire me to weave joyful stories, as the card says. The bookmark card is included in every Rags2Riches bag, and it states their advocacy, the artisan’s name, and their WHY.  

It is important to know the WHY of the brands I support. I am glad that Rags2Riches’ why resonates with me, as I also want to have a better future for myself. I am excited for the upcoming changes in my life, and I need dependable and quality belongings for my journey. I know that a bag that has been joyfully made in a social enterprise can positively impact my lifestyle, and I hope it will spark meaningful conversations. 

I am unburdened and free, and I look forward to living out my own why, which is wellness through mindfulness. Mindful living starts with supporting an advocacy and letting the positive impact propel me forward. I look forward to better days ahead!
