Day 12: Be Patient with Yourself


Today is my first week with the freedom to do what my heart desires. I started my day with a workout and a book. I also bought a birthday present for my grandfather at the Our Tribe Factory Outlet. The smell of leather makes me happy. I hope he likes the simple leather bracelet I got for him. 

I proceeded to the mall to watch Coco. It was heartwarming! I highly recommend it, even to those who aren’t big fans of animated movies. 

I am being patient with myself as I improve myself. I am doing things that make me happy, such as watching a Pixar movie and eating fried chicken with rice. I also tried a new brand of iced coffee, and I enjoyed it simply because it was random. I am finally making decisions for myself and this freedom is making me smile. I look forward to a life filled with joy, and the possibility to share it with others in the near future.