ECQ Essentials

The Enhanced Community Quarantine or ECQ has been challenging for all of us. We have been spoilt for choice when it comes to activities and events pre-pandemic, so spending the whole day at home could be daunting for many of us. As our frontliners battle the Covid-19 virus at the hospitals and essential workers keep our communities up and running, let us continue to stay at home to flatten the curve. And let me make life a little bit easier for you by delivering natural toiletries and home essentials straight to your doorstep via my Human Nature online shop.

Not only can you shop my favorites such as our shampoo bar and hand sanitizer, you will also support the livelihood of our amazing employees. And you will also help me bounce back with every purchase you make! My small business enables me to stay afloat with essential products, and I hope that you will buy your self-care needs from my shop.

Thank you in advance, and I hope to see you on my online store soon!


Limitless Entrepreneur Day 5

I just finished the Limitless Entrepreneur Retreat! It was created by mastermind coach Melyssa Griffin to train creative entrepreneurs to have an abundance mindset. I personally took it because I wanted to develop my entrepreneurial mindset.


Here are some of my answers to Melyssa’s questions for Day 5:

What is the offer that you’re going to launch?

  • My offer is WRITING! I aim to utilize my communication skills primarily in writing and public speaking to become an asset to my future employer.

What impact will this product make in the lives of your buyers?

  • I will ensure that my clients will notice that I practice empathy when dealing with them and producing output for them. By putting myself in their shoes, I can create effective copy that they can use for their businesses.

How do you want your customers or clients to FEEL after purchasing your offer?

  • I want them to feel good as they know that they can trust me to help them communicate effectively to their target audience.

Imagine them chatting with a friend after purchasing your offer. What do you hope they say to their friend about what it was like to purchase from or work with you?

  • “Sam is able to help us provide better services to our clients by producing effective and concise messages for our marketing emails, social media posts, and customer service templates.”

How can you incorporate this “vibe” into your onboarding and sales process? What can you do to make sure your clients or customers FEEL the way you want them to?

  • I will make sure that I will ask my clients what they want, how they want to be perceived by their clients, and who their clients are. I want my clients to feel like I am a friend whom they could trust to help them communicate better to their customers.

Which onboarding tactics are you going to implement to ensure that your buyers feel taken care of?

  • I will confirm that they receive my services and that they are satisfied with my work. I will make sure that this is done in writing, preferably via email between me and my clients.

  • I will ask for feedback and if they are satisfied, I will request for testimonials for my future clients’ reference.

I really enjoyed this course, and I hope that you will also learn from it! Click here to take the course yourself and watch your mindset shift from fear to abundance! Enjoy!

Knitting Warmth

I started knitting again yesterday. It’s been quite a while since I busted out my knitting needles as I have been hooked on crochet for months now. Anyway, the cabin fever has caused me to return to knitting.


I love using these Furls knitting needles because they are handsomely crafted and they do feel good to touch. They make my Attic Yarn and Craftery yarn glide seamlessly with every stitch. The knitting experience with these tools is absolutely meditative.


Instead of feeling helpless with the extent of the corona virus, I am continuing my hobbies at home. There is joy in these simple crafts. Someday, I will look back on this quarantine as a time of enjoyment and self-assurance.

Breathing At Home

Being under quarantine does not have to be boring. I have recently started playing my flute again, and it has been fun so far.

I post my flute performances on my Instagram page. I hope you can check them out!


I have also been working out everyday, because being at home does not mean being complacent. I do mostly cardio, which has been effective in passing the time.


I know that this quarantine is a little breather from life. I will do everything I can to make this a season of growth and self-improvement. Things will get better. I just know it.

2020 Fitness Goals


This year, I do not have grand fitness goals or exercise challenges for myself. Rather, the plan is to stay consistent by working out daily. Yes, every single day.


Consistency is better than out of this world goals or unattainable records. I simply want to continue what I have already started years ago. Exercising daily is key to maintaining a healthy body, mind, and soul. When I am fit, I am able to balance my priorities and also see clearly as far as other aspects of my life are concerned.

Fitness has also enabled me to try new activities with no fear. My love for cardio means that I can walk for miles without breaking a sweat, and continue being a foodie without fear of gaining weight. My confidence has also been reinforced by my daily workouts, as I have no self-doubt on what my body can do and achieve.

I am also aware of my limitations, and I am working on my shortcomings. My workouts keep me focused on what’s important so that I can improve, day by day.

This year, I will continue being my own fitness inspiration. The goal is to burn calories daily and be better than who I was yesterday, so that I can continue enjoying the present which will lead to a brighter and more stable future.


Insecure No More

I just realized a few days ago that I finally got over my insecurities. I used to hate my bushy eyebrows. Now that it’s on-trend, I don’t tweeze them anymore. I used to hate my skin. I have since stopped wearing foundation and loved my imperfect face. I used to hate my thick lips. Now, I celebrate them with bright lipstick.

I guess it comes with age, as I am already 33. It was a long and winding road to being secure with myself. Strangely, getting piercings on my rook, helix, and conch have enabled me to embrace my own edgy style.

By wearing less makeup, staying fit and healthy, and maintaining a low key style, I became more at peace with my imperfections.

Here are some ways to begin feeling secure with yourself:

  1. Wear less makeup.

  2. Exercise daily.

  3. Stick to a uniform wardrobe. I stuck to some neutrals and that made everyday dressing effortless.

  4. Do something that will make you feel beautiful. For me, it was getting piercings!

  5. Always stay hydrated and take good care of your skin.

Life is too short to stay insecure! Love yourself, and your confidence will surely open doors for you.


Colorful Walls

I spent my Saturday painting walls at the Navotas Learning Lab of MoveEd. It was inspiring as I was able to make a pre-school in an underserved community more colorful. I also enjoyed being in the community for a day. Simple joys like buying a soft drink from a variety store was worth the early call time and traffic.
To volunteer or donate to MovEd, please click here! They are willing to partner with anyone who believes that education is a tool to nurture our future. I hope to see you in future MoveEd events, and may we all work together to help others learn, share, and grow!


Rook Chapter

Yesterda, I spent time with my doggo friends at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe.


I also got featured on tv and online as I was reacting to the movie Isa Pa With Feelings.


And finally, I got my rook pierced by renowned body piercer Rachel of Piercings.Ravana.


I’m just focusing on the best things in life. Dogs, piercings, and movies keep me going these days. I am being kinder and more forgiving to myself. If it takes a few ear piercings to get me motivated, then so be it.
This is simply the start of better things to come!

Conch Chapter

Yesterday, I had my conch pierced at 55 Tinta. I must say that the cleanliness and classy interiors of the tattoo parlor impressed me. I actually enjoyed my piercing session done by Elaine de la Rama. She has a really light hand and is thorough with aftercare.
Every piercing is a new beginning for me. This conch piercing symbolizes my continuous journey onward. It is also a reminder for me to listen more than speak, and that there is healing after every pain.
I highly recommend 55 Tinta for all your piercing needs!


Saturday Teacher

Yesterday, I lent my time to the scholars of HOUSE Foundation. I taught two classes Business Communication, and I managed to do so without coffee! This is totally out of my comfort zone as I am not a teacher by profession, and I have never handled a class before. Nonetheless, I was able to deliver and help these students in my own little way.
These scholars work for Messy Bessy, the social enterprise that enables these students to go to school. I am very proud to say that they are competent and determined to learn. They just need our help to continue thriving.
You may also help these scholars. Visit today to volunteer or donate!


Jolly Dogs

Ever since I resolved to be more thankful even before receiving the blessings that I am praying for, I realized that being happy is a choice. Part of that is choosing to be with dogs, whose calming presence has always helped me in managing my emotions.

I am still dealing with my father’s passing, the emotional demands of jobhunting, balancing freelance work, managing my online Human Nature shop (please support!), and ensuring that my widowed mom is doing okay. As a multi-tasker, it can be pretty laborious to check on myself. It is only when I am at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe that I am able to let my hair down and play with furry friends who are happy enough to be with me.

I feel content with the unselfish joy that these dogs share with me. My worries melt away whenever I hug Ella the chiweenie, or Piolo the Labrador Retriever. Actually, I am glad to cuddle with any dog in the cafe. It is only a bonus that they serve killer coffee along with my entrance to the cafe.

Being caffeinated with dogs is my idea of heaven, and I hope that you will also get to experience this by visiting Barkin’ Blends soon!


Barkin’ Tuesday

I always enjoyed bonding with my furry friends at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. Being with dogs has helped me process grief after my dad’s death. Now that I am moving on, I still visit the cafe for good vibes and simply because the dogs have become close to my heart.

Please visit them if you also love dogs! You won’t regret being with these furbabies.


Self-Care Friday

I have been taking care of myself since getting rejected from this job I’ve been applying for. Everything happens for a reason. The best way to move on is to practice self-care.

I went to a waxing salon, then I watched LSS starring Gabbi Garcia at UP. I enjoyed my me-time and I realized that life isn’t too bad at all.


Knitting Strong

I stayed at the hospital with my terminally-ill father and knitted this cowl for my uncle, who’s celebrating his birthday in Europe next month. 


I used The Attic Yarn and Craftery’s choco fusion yarn to complete this project. 


I also got to attend Easter Sunday mass at the Pink Sisters Convent with my helper, Racquel.  


We had brekkie at Mushroomburger, where I was pleasantly surprised by their delicious food, coffee, and buko panda macapuno sundae.  


I met up with my paternal relatives for lunch to celebrate my uncle’s birthday in advance. I also gave my advance birthday gift to my goddaughter, Kate. I got her a curvy Barbie doll, to teach her about body inclusivity at an early age.  


I also made her fit the beanie I was knitting for her for size. 


I drove home and it was a beautiful summer day! Here’s to more sunny days where I knit myself strong.  


Sunday Recoupment

This week has been pretty intense. I survived a traumatic job interview with a company who misleads their applicants. I was lucky that I trusted my instincts and left. 

I also got into a violent incident in the train, which didn’t stop me from attending a seminar at AIM.  

These incidents made me feel tired, so I ordered Japanese food to keep my spirits up. I had the omu curry rice at Kimono Ken, which is a restaurant that I’ve been frequenting since my uni days. I had a delicious lunch and I will definitely be back!


I capped off my lunch with my usual Assam milk tea at Serenitea. 


It’s easy to bounce back from setbacks as long as I learn from them in order to prevent them from happening again. In this case, I learned to research thoroughly on the companies I apply for, continue to trust my instincts, and maintain my composure whenever I am attacked in public. I believe I was able to do so as I was offered a seat on the train by a kind gentleman. 

Here’s to more lessons, foodie adventures, and milk tea! 

Furry Kisses

Self-care remains to be my top priority. Amidst all the challenges that my family and I are currently facing, I find time to take a step back. I take short coffee breaks to see the bigger picture and work on my personal goals. 

One of my go-to rituals is visiting Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. I am already a regular in both of their branches. Since I was in Quezon City yesterday, I visited their SM North Towers cafe to have a cuppa with my furry friends.  

Milo the Yorkie was especially clingy to me yesterday. Of course, I also spent time with my favorite doggo, Ella the black chiweenie.  


Hugging dogs and receiving kisses from them can be therapeutic, and this dog cafe reminds me that life can be better as long as I continue to seek for my bliss. 

Presidential Car Museum

Yesterday, I spent the day exploring my local park. But first, I began my day with a hearty brunch of gyudon and milk tea coffee (yes, it’s apparently a thing!) at a Japanese restaurant.  


Then, it was time for some culture at Quezon Memorial Circle. It was my first time at the park’s newest museum, the Presidential Car Museum. 


The imposing modern building blended nicely with the park’s existing trees.  


I was in awe of the vintage cars inside the museum.  


As a history buff, this was quite a treat! 


It was also lovely to see stamps inside the museum.  


I enjoyed my time with the presidential cars, and I was pleasantly surprised to see cute souvenirs for sale outside. 


The souvenir shop also carried NHCP publications at reasonable prices.  


For my next stop, I went to Museo ni Quezon to reacquaint myself with the founder of my city.  


I was delighted with my history trip, and it was time to have a snack. 


I chose a coconut ice drop for merienda to beat the heat. 


Coconut House inside Circle sells local products made of natural ingredients.  


Then, it was time to go home, and savor the memories from my day tour of my local park. 


Having fun doesn’t need to be expensive! Sometimes, a trip to the local park can be an educational and enjoyable experience. Hopefully, you also have nearby places where you can enjoy an afternoon of culture and history! 

Knitting Anniversary

Today is my knitting anniversary! It’s been a year since my fateful Knitting Adventure at the Banaue Rice Terraces. It was where I first learned to knit. The lesson wasn’t easy for me, and I did struggle at first. But with a lot of practice, I did get the hang of it. And I even re-learned how to crochet along the way!


To celebrate this important milestone, I crocheted and knitted this infinity shawl using chunky yarns from my favorite notions store, The Attic Yarn and Craftery. The ladies behind this local shop has become my friends, and it is touching how this friendship has also become a source of strength and inspiration for me to keep going. 


My knitting and crochet abilities are in line with my goal to diversify myself through continuous learning of skills. You may be wondering how this connects to my goal to work in a corporate setting. Well, knitting and crochet has taught me patience, perseverance, resilience (especially when I would drop a stitch and have to start over!), creativity, and imagination. I have also learned these skills from scratch through workshops (like the advanced crochet one I attended with Mayown last year). If I can train my mind and hands to manipulate yarn, needles, and hooks, then I’m sure that I am ready to learn new programs, business platforms, and skills. 


I have also started a new scarf using the knitting needles that came with my kit at Banaue. Using these 6mm bamboo needles again is humbling, as I recall the awkward stitches that I have made 365 days ago in the mountains. Now, I am in my room in the city, with pop music blaring in the background. I have yarn from Pasig, the yarn bowl that I gifted myself with on Valentine’s Day, my first knitting needles, and the determination to keep going. I have amazed myself with how far I’ve come in my creative journey. 


I know that this is only the beginning. 


Last FURiday night

Last Friday night, I sipped on some milk tea while hanging out with the cute dogs of Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. I can visit them as often as I can as they help me relax and calm down amidst my busy schedule.   


Chocnut the chiweenie has an amusing angry face!


Ella, my favorite dog, still approaches me and sleeps on my lap- even if someone’s already snoozing there!


Visiting my furry friends is one of my self-care rituals. I have my own pet dog because my parents are allergic to them, but I can spend time with these friendly dogs when I have the time. I hope that you also found your happy place, and that you always have a reason to go back.