Day 11: #30GratefulDays | Sparking Innovation


I was lucky to be one of the participants in the Spark Think Camp organized by the Asian Institute of Management. I was able to diversify my idea of innovation as merely the territory of scientists and those in the academe. As a design thinking enthusiast, I am eager to learn how I can practice innovation in my life, especially in my blog. My wellness journey also requires innovation as I choose to be fit, healthy, and active. It is my desire to share my knowledge through technology (my home here on the interwebs) and activities such as this Think Camp. 


Sustainability is now a hot buzzword, but most people think it is a lofty idea. I have fully embraced sustainability through my passion for social enterprise, particularly with Human Nature. As technology creates opportunities, innovation is key to ensure that sustainability is truly practiced and business continues to develop.

From the perspective of my blog, I make sure that I do not solely focus on hypothyroidism. I write about my other interests as well, such as food, inclusive business, literature, music, culture, and art. Design thinking drives me to have empathy for myself and my audience. I realized that my fitness journey can be more than just eating right and working out. It should be a planned journey revolving around my interests and how I can share my life to inspire more people to achieve wellness through mindfulness.

Innovation increases a brand’s value. My blog is my own brand, so my key takeaway for today is that Innovation increases my content’s value. I cannot just focus on wellness. I have to incorporate my whole lifestyle to show that mindfulness is essential in the process of being healthy. I have to have the discontent, as Mr. Mikko Perez of Ayannah has said. The attitude of discontent opens doors for questioning, research and change. This mindset will shift my blog from being just a diary to becoming a platform for sparking wellness through mindfulness.

Design thinking has also driven me to have a problem solving mindset. Finding solutions is a process. Solving a challenge requires empathy. Applying it to myself, I want to be thin. I want to be fit. And by solving this need through exercise and healthy eating, I eventually created a lifestyle which led me to becoming a better hypothyroidism patient. Now, if I will apply this to my blog, I recognized the need for my wellness journey to be shared to a wider audience. My blog addresses that need, and it is promoted through social media. To incorporate UX, I want to delight my audience and primarily, myself. So, I am also including my lifestyle and interests to spice up my journey.

The challenge for me is to grow and adapt to change. While daily blogging is necessary for my website, I have to be educated with the latest trends. For example, I enjoy reading so I attend book fairs and interact with authors online. I also attend forums like this one at AIM to learn more about innovation. These simple steps ensure that my content is continuously evolving and improving.

I should never lose focus of my WHY. What makes Sam speak out, and why?


Wellness through mindfulness may be my battlecry, but my blog is named SPEAKOUTSAM. I blog to speak out to the world about my battlecry. Innovation drives me to evolve and ride along with change. I have embraced technology to house my thoughts, share my life, and interact with my audience. I am here because speaking out cannot be achieved alone, and wellness through mindfulness is better achieved when there is interaction. No matter what changes will emerge, I will continue to innovate through design. 

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