Beer and Knitting

I recently took up freestyle knitting, and yesterday, I brought my yarn and needles to Cibo. I ordered beer and truffle pasta. While waiting for my lunch, I knitted mindlessly, as I mindfully processed my thoughts. 


I was lost in my thoughts when my pasta was brought to my table. Knitting has become my therapy because I get to think, reflect, and relax. It is also a convenient craft to take with me wherever I need to be.  

My truffle pasta and beer lunch was superb!


After lunch, I went to The Craft Central to purchase a couple more yarns and a pack of stitch markers. 

They also had this crafting nook that they use for workshops. Since the shop did not have anything planned for that day, I knitted on their table while listening to their Ed Sheeran playlist. 


That was a quietly fun day. I look forward to knitting in more places.