Day 13: #30GratefulDays | Coffee with a Conscience


Yesterday was the first workday of the month, and it also meant that it was my shopping day at Human Nature, a brand which I have been supporting since 2013. I am now a Core Advocate, which means that I am not just a dealer, I am also a partner in spreading the word about their Pro-Philippines, Pro-Environment, and Pro-Poor advocacy. I patronize the brand by purchasing almost all my toiletries from them. Every purchase in their branches entitles the customer to a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and I am a fan of their local cuppa. I always bring my own mug or tumbler though, and yesterday, I brought my pink one from Craftsmith Living. As I sipped my coffee, I reflected on the years I have been supporting Human Nature and how I have switched from using imported, chemical products to all-natural, Philippine-made essentials. 


Human Nature prides itself in sourcing the best raw materials from Mother Nature. What’s more, these wonder ingredients are mostly found in the Philippines. Like the oils shown in the photo, each raw material has a purpose to heal, renew, and restore. I am a huge fan of their products as most of them are infused with sunflower oil, which is kind to my sensitive skin. From sleeping with their sunflower oil on my face to using baby lotion with the same oil, I am making sure that my skin only receives the best care from the brand’s organic items. 

I am using Human Nature products even when I am jobless. They have affordable price points so I can still enjoy using my essentials even when I am on a budget. I am glad that I am also able to relax at home with my favorite spa-quality products like their body scrub and cooling gel.

Indeed, there is no need to splurge for natural products. Human Nature has given me the best local essentials which are kind to my skin, wallet, and social conscience. I get to have a cuppa or two as well after shopping. Coffee with a conscience has never been more in style.  

Day 7: #30GratefulDays | Sharing Socially


I was overjoyed that my favorite charity, World Vision, has shared my blog entry on child sponsorship. Their social media pages are virtual hubs for child sponsors, former sponsored children, and influencers. Being given this opportunity to share my testimony to a large audience of advocates is a priceless gift.

I have been sponsoring one child since I was in university, and I have carried on, even during those times that I had no income. Now that I am unemployed, I still sponsor my girl because it is a commitment that is meaningful to me. Knowing that I am partially responsible for the education of a child motivates me to never give up on job hunting. I am not only here to support myself; I am also looking for work to inspire a child.

Child sponsorship has allowed me to pay it forward as my family has supported my education until my bachelor's degree. I am honored that my story was shared on social media platforms and I hope that people will realize that anyone can be a child sponsor. Even students on a small allowance can contribute to the education of a child.

I am hoping that I will be employed soon so I can continue supporting my girl and carry on with my advocacy. For now, I am working out and having dessert (sponsored by family) because life is not just about sharing, it is also about caring for oneself. 

Day 2: #30gratefuldays | Magnets

Magnets from my BFF

Magnets from my BFF

My magnet collection  

My magnet collection  

Magnets from my recent trip to Singapore  

Magnets from my recent trip to Singapore  

I collect magnets from all my trips. Since my loved ones know about this hobby, they tend to buy magnets for me as tokens. Yesterday was memorable as I had lunch at Italianni's with my best friend from college. He recently went to Baguio for business, so he got me three magnets from there. I am happy to be remembered and it warms my heart that my collection is growing, one memory at a time.  

Collecting magnets gives me a tangible connection to the places I have been to and the memories created in each location. For those that were given to me, I am grateful to be in my loved ones' minds. I look forward to growing my collection with the desire that my passion for life with magnetize me to better experiences and meaningful pursuits.