Saturday Finds

Yesterday, I woke up before the alarm clock was supposed to ring. I headed to my Zumba class with zest and energy which I haven’t felt in ages. 

I must say, this morning person project has really motivated me to get moving! 


I also walked around the weekend tiange or bazaar. 

I saw some colorful bags.  


And I found a stall that sells Japanese surplus ceramics. 


By the time I got home to freshen up, I was already looking forward to do some creative journaling. 

I sketched this part of our townhouse on my Traveler’s Notebook. 


Later during the day, I had this Dos Espesyal breakfast meal from Via Mare, which I also sketched.  


I had a fabulous Saturday. My finds inspired me to think of a more charmed life for myself. I also realized that food and home mean more to me now that I have been sketching them on my journal! Here’s to a more meaningful life, one that is sketched and painted in bursts of color.  

Faith and Fitness

Yesterday, I started my day with another workout at 6am. 


I finally got the hang of waking up at 5am, so I can say that I have already adjusted to my plan to become a morning person. 


I ate breakfast again at Tropical Hut, and I had their corned beef breakfast meal.  


For lunch, I had the Salisbury steak with egg at Steak Break.  


Then, it was time for my thanksgiving church tour! A favor which I have been praying for has recently been granted. For my first stop, I dropped by St. Joseph’s Shrine at Anonas, Quezon City.  


Their giant statue of the sleeping St. Joseph always reminds me to stop worrying and lift it all up to God.  


Next, I offered eggs at St. Clare Monastery.  


I was able to spot my lucky number, 13! I queued at that platform number, because while I believe in God, I also think that creating my own luck is important. This blog has been an opportunity that I have created for myself. All the events, conferences, and offers which I have attended and received were because of my blog, and that is why I think that luck is merely claiming the chances which I have allowed to happen. 


Then, I visited the National Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus. 


I viewed their collection of reliquaries.  


And for last stop, I went to the Our Lady of Montserrat Abbey.  


It is overwhelmingly beautiful.  


For dinner, I had the limited edition herb and bacon pizza from S&R. 


I enjoyed working out, eating well, sketching my food, and touring churches! I hope that I will continue to create more opportunities for myself in the coming days. For now, allow me to carry on with mindful living as I ease my way into the daily grind.  

Morning Person

I have been waking up at 5am for the past few days, and I should say that I am proud of my transition into being a morning person. I am still committed to my workouts, and lately, Zumba has been my secret weapon against sluggishness. 

I even wake up refreshed and more confident to face the day ahead.  


I have been eating heavy breakfasts such as this breakfast burger steak from Tropical Hut.  

I have also gone back to sketching my food!


I have also found time for crochet. My Pony bamboo hook and yarn were purchased from Gantsilyo Guru


So far, the bamboo hook has been kind to my hand. It is weightless and comfortable to use. 


For lunch, I had chorizo and olives pasta and an americano from Mary Grace. I also sketched my food and knitting. 


Since I had extra time, I squeezed in some yarn shopping at The Craft Central. Buying yarns in person allows me to be inspired with the possibilities I can create with my hands. It cannot replace the tactile shopping experience which online shopping can never offer. 


I am fueling my imagination by sketching, knitting, crocheting, and working out! I get to accomplish more now that I am back to being a morning person.


If you also want to finish more tasks during the day, wake up earlier than usual! Before you know it, you are already committed to becoming the morning person you never knew you could be. 

Starting Over

I have been training myself to wake up early. While I have always been consistent with my daily workouts, I felt that the best way to practice being a mornng person was through Zumba at 6am. 

I have been coping with my 5am wake up time so far and it feels incredible! 


I also make it a point to eat a hearty breakfast after exercising. And coffee helps me adjust to the early morning lifestyle. 


I also started knitting a new scarf featuring chunky yarn and 10mm knitting needles from Dreams Yarnshoppe


Every new project feels like starting over. Just like my new wake up time, I am adjusting to the changes in my life. So far, Zumba and knitting have been helpful in my transition to becoming a morning person again.  


My recovery lunch was the corned beef hash at Pancake House. I knitted as well in between spoonfuls.


And I sketched my lunch on my Traveler’s Notebook. 


I embrace change with creativity and fitness. Here’s to more early mornings and sunny opportunities! 

Friendship and Food Illustration

Yesterday, I started my day with Zumba at my local park. 


After a hearty breakfast, I proceeded to the Pink Sisters Convent for some quiet prayer time. 


I freshened up, and proceeded to have lunch with my good friend Jane. I ordered coffee... 


 ...and the pancake set with longganisa. It was delicious!


Jane was my art teacher at one of my workshops. We have kept in touch, and she gave me one of her nifty handmade pocket sketchbooks. 


These are some of Jane’s works!


I gave her a beanie which I knitted myself. 


And since it was recently her birthday, we celebrated it at Breakfast Bin, my favorite brunch place. 


I later had a foot massage which helped me relax. 


Then, I sketched my lunch on Jane’s gift. 


I also sketched my favorite creamy curry chicken bibimbowl. 


This looks like a great way to jumpstart my return to food illustration!


I am thankful for friends like Jane who encourage me to sketch, paint, and laugh! Here’s to more memories with people that matter, and food that nourishes the soul. 

Fitness, Food, and Friends

Yesterday, I was able to return to my Zumba workout at my local park. It was fun, and I missed burning calories outdoors. 


I also got to have my favorite breakfast burger steak from Tropical Hut. 


I got to visit Diane, and I left her a post-it, following our custom. 


I had lunch with my family at Soban


And I had this beef korilog. It was delicious!


I got to use my new Addi circular knitting needles for the first time. I bought mine from Dreams Yarnshoppe


The Addi needles were a joy to use! They’re definitely worth the premium price tag. And yes, they’re comfortable to use.  


For dinner, I had spinach tartufina carbonara and this yummy pesto pasta from Salta! with my best friend Luti. 


Yesterday was productive and relaxing at the same time. It was also valuable to spend time with my loved ones, and even try out new notions. All the food made my workout worth it. I look forward to more balanced days like this one. 

Just Dance!


Today, my Zumba group was featured at Bagong Pilipinas, a morning show. It was fun to dance in front of a live video camera and I enjoyed grooving to the beat as our instructor was being interviewed. I used to be conscious about my dancing because I am not a skilled one, but I realized earlier that I no longer care. Here's to letting go and dancing to the beat of life! 


Exercising Happiness


I have observed that it has become more challenging for me to be motivated if I stick to one kind of workout routine. I have decided to give myself a variety of options by following a different workout video each day. I have noticed that my body responds well to barre and Zumba so I rotate videos from different instructors featuring both workouts. I also make sure to exercise at my local park when I can afford it. It is cheap, but since I am still unemployed, I have to be mindful of my spending. I am prioritizing health and wellness, specifically my food and fitness expenses. I have hypothyroidism, so it will be more expensive in the long run if I neglect my health and settle for an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Working out has given me good vibes especially now that I am still facing the uncertainty of job hunting. Money cannot buy happiness, but it could pay for workouts so it is really the same thing for me! If there is no budget for that, then I can still follow my workout videos. Either way, I get to stay fit, healthy and happy.