One Barkin’

Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe has recently merged their two branches into one solid branch. Their north branch, which is located at SM North Towers, remains strong.

Their dogs from the east have all transferred there, much to the delight of their regular customers. Now, everyone can enjoy all of the Barkin’ Buddies under one roof.

The author gets kisses from Piolo

The author gets kisses from Piolo

I am a longtime fan of the cafe, and I am really excited to see all the dogs in one place.

Forrest enjoys scratches from the author

Forrest enjoys scratches from the author

The author is all smiles with Bubbles

The author is all smiles with Bubbles

The dogs have provided me with much-needed comfort during the darkest days of my life. They have also provided joy during my times of bliss.

Forrest likes kissing the author

Forrest likes kissing the author

The author snuggles with the sleeping dogs

The author snuggles with the sleeping dogs

One last kiss from Forrest

One last kiss from Forrest

I do hope that you will also visit their north branch one of these days! Promise, you won’t regret it.

Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe

Instagram: @barkinblends

Cuddling Through 2020

I frequently visit Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe because I can’t have a dog of my own. My family is allergic to dogs, so the short-term solution is to hang out at a dog cafe.

My visit last Sunday was a real treat because my favorite dog at Sta. Lucia was at the SM North Towers branch for a limited time.

Piolo the Labrador retriever is my favorite at Sta. Lucia because he was the one who hugged me at the very moment that my father passed away.

The author cuddles to Piolo, the Labrador retriever

The author cuddles to Piolo, the Labrador retriever

I realize that life is too short, and my visits to the dog cafe help me appreciate the beauty of simple moments. Aside from helping me cope with grief and stress, the dogs at Barkin’ Blends have reassured me that loyalty and love still exist in this world.

Thus, I am continuing my coffee with dog visits in 2020!

Piolo is very clingy

Piolo is very clingy

My original favorite is Ella the chiweenie, who still continues to hug me whenever I visit the north branch. I always make time for her, even if there are other dogs in the cafe who beg for my attention.

Nothing beats my first doggo love!

The author always hangs out with her favorite dog, Ella the chiweenie

The author always hangs out with her favorite dog, Ella the chiweenie

I hope that you will also visit Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe at Sta. Lucia Mall or my home base, SM North Towers. They also sell healthy homemade treats for your dogs. For more information, please visit their website.

Happy new year!


Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe has became my destination for good vibes. I have been a regular since 2014, and I have spent my Christmas breaks with their dogs for five years now. This year is no exception, as I braved the MMFF mall crowd to hug my furry faves Ella and Piolo. It is indeed a Merry Christmas with these dogs around.

You will definitely find me here even when the holidays are through! Hope you can also visit one of their two branches soon.


Doggo and brew

I am not a big hugger with people, but it’s the complete opposite when it comes to dogs! I am a total softie when it comes to pups, and this is evident in every visit to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. I can’t resist their dogs, and each visit uplifts my mood.


I also enjoy a cuppa, whether it’s the weekend or not. If it’s a Sunday, you can usually see me sound tripping on ‘90s throwback FM while sipping my coffee. The combination of sentimental tunes and strong coffee just relaxes me.

I look forward to my next weekend with the same enthusiasm for my usual activities. I hope that you have also perfected your off-duty routine, as this will save you precious free time and energy.

Have a pleasant week ahead!

Barkin’ Sunday

I spent my Sunday afternoon with the dogs of Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. As usual, it was a lovely time to reflect on the past week and move forward with my plans for the upcoming one. These dogs help me stay thankful for all the opportunities that come my way, and hopeful for the days to come.

In a world where negativity thrives, I choose to stay positive with creatures whose job is to make me happy.

If you also need a place to unwind, visit Barkin’ Blends! If you have your own dog, they have healthy doggo meals and treats available for dine-in and takeout. Hope you can visit soon!


Helpful Hugs

Yesterday, I went straight to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe right after my mural painting at Navotas for MovEd. I experienced the joy of hugging the resident dogs while sipping coffee. I am fortunate to spend time with them because my family is allergic to dogs! I found an alternative place where I can unwind and be with these creatures who never fail to make me smile.
Visit them soon so you will know what I mean! For more information, drop by their website and discover their healthy dog treats, food for doggo dine-in, and pawty packages.

See you there!


Barkin’ Experience

I have been a regular customer of Barkin’ Blends for five years now, and my weekly visits have been a constant source of happiness. It is my hope that more people will go to any of their two branches because of the following reasons:

  • Their resident dogs provide warmth and cheer to those who cannot have dogs at home like myself.

  • They have the sweetest dogs who are trained to cuddle and socialize with humans.

  • Their dogs have helped me cope with grief, and I know that they can also help other people going through personal challenges.

  • Their cafe has awesome burgers, pasta, and coffee for humans!

  • They sell treats for dogs.

  • If you have a date or a meeting, the dog cafe is a great alternative to the typical coffee shop as their dogs can provide comic relief and even zen.

I hope that you can visit Barkin’ Blends soon and experience the joy that I feel whenever I hug their dogs. You won’t regret it!


Sunday Barks

I spent my Sunday having coffee with my doggo friends at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. I enjoyed my afternoon and got to relax with these furbabies.
I know that I spend too much time with them, but I can’t commit to owning a pet dog. This is the responsible choice in becoming a dog lover and still getting to spend time with the puppers I love.
I can’t wait ‘til next weekend!


Furry Therapy

I’ve been experiencing a series of job rejections lately. The job market in Manila is really competitive, so I don’t take these rejections personally. I believe that I am simply going through a rough patch. I know that there’s a company out there that will eventually give me a chance.
For now, it’s up to me to take care of my mental health by going to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. Being with dogs has worked wonders in regulating my mood and optimism. Overall, I feel better after each visit. I can’t quite stress how important it is to continue pursuing our interests while overcoming tough times. Mine just happen to involve furry friends.
I know that preparing myself and my well-being is crucial so that when the right company and role comes along, I’ll be more than ready to be the best employee that I can be.


Jolly Dogs

Ever since I resolved to be more thankful even before receiving the blessings that I am praying for, I realized that being happy is a choice. Part of that is choosing to be with dogs, whose calming presence has always helped me in managing my emotions.

I am still dealing with my father’s passing, the emotional demands of jobhunting, balancing freelance work, managing my online Human Nature shop (please support!), and ensuring that my widowed mom is doing okay. As a multi-tasker, it can be pretty laborious to check on myself. It is only when I am at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe that I am able to let my hair down and play with furry friends who are happy enough to be with me.

I feel content with the unselfish joy that these dogs share with me. My worries melt away whenever I hug Ella the chiweenie, or Piolo the Labrador Retriever. Actually, I am glad to cuddle with any dog in the cafe. It is only a bonus that they serve killer coffee along with my entrance to the cafe.

Being caffeinated with dogs is my idea of heaven, and I hope that you will also get to experience this by visiting Barkin’ Blends soon!


Barkin’ Tuesday

I always enjoyed bonding with my furry friends at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. Being with dogs has helped me process grief after my dad’s death. Now that I am moving on, I still visit the cafe for good vibes and simply because the dogs have become close to my heart.

Please visit them if you also love dogs! You won’t regret being with these furbabies.


Weave and Woofs

Yesterday, I had a weaving brunch with my fellow workshoppers under The Art of Yarn. We ate at Motto Motto, a Japanese restaurant at Serendra. It was lovely to catch-up with our weaving teacher Judith and meet new friends, such as Tisha of Why Knot Craft. I enjoyed the experience, and I loved my chicken tocino and flat white.

After my brunch with the ladies, I proceeded to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe to hug my furry friends.

I had a wonderful Saturday filled with craft and dogs. There is joy in yarn and fur!


Critter Cool

Yesterday, I got to spend the afternoon with my furry friends at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. Their north branch has a special place in my heart as my favorite dog, Ella, stays there. Her hugs and kisses brought a smile to my face. Indeed, being with dogs keep me happy as their presence is therapeutic. I can’t wait to go back!


I ended my day with a new Starbucks Bearista bear in siren costume. I could not resist mermaids and bears, so a combination of both themes is absolutely irresistible for me. I bought the bear with my own money, and went home happy!

It does not take much to keep me going, as I am a fan of dogs and toys (even at thirty-three)! Being childlike is an asset in this day and age, as I know how to live life lightheartedly. It is up to me to see the beauty of life as I play the game of balancing adulting and being forever young.

Slay, Pray, Play

I had a productive Thursday. I started my day with a meeting in Manila. My brunch consisted of this hearty mac and cheese, which was topped with sunny-side up egg. I ordered corn and cheese jello for dessert. It was a delicious combo!


After my meeting, I headed to Sta. Clara to pray for my upcoming opportunities, and to give thanks for all the blessings that I continue to receive.


I proceeded to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe for some quality time with my furry friends from the east. Spending time with dogs is therapeutic for me, and it keeps me balanced.


I ended my day with some dirty ice cream at UP. I was in the campus to watch Pan de Salawal, an indie film which warmed my heart.


I make sure that I have enough hobbies to make life meaningful. Working all the time is not sustainable, so whenever I have time to spare, I visit the dog cafe, watch movies, and pray for more chances to slay. Life is about balancing my priorities and making each day colorful. And of couse, I show up daily to blog about it here on

Sunday Hugs

Yesterday, I spent time with the furry friends from the East! I went to Barkin’ Blends Sta. Lucia branch for some quality time with dogs.

I was warmly welcomed by Reese. 


I also missed Robin, my favorite golden retriever. 


Julia took a nap on my lap, and I felt very sleepy too. 


Bucci kept me awake when Julia woke up. She is still a puppy, and likes running around and begging for belly rubs. 


A hug from Martha before I left the cafe warmed my heart. 


After playing with my furry friends, I had some chicken mami from Ma’s Chicken Mami House.  


Then, I purchased some budget-friendly pocket notebooks for my bullet journal setup. 


I was delighted with their paper bag, which features a woman with a pixie- and she kind of reminds me of myself! 


I completed my Papemelroti purchase with new stainless steel earrings. 


By giving myself the entire Sunday to play with dogs, eat comfort food, and buy little things that make me happy, I am experiencing joy which will fuel me for the rest of the week. 

Here’s to more Sunday hugs in the future!

Happy Monday

I had a busy Monday. I found myself at Power Plant Mall yesterday for lunch, so I brought my starving self to Shawa Wama. 


I ordered the red beet falafel rice meal with a side order of fried cauli. It was delicious!


I later proceeded to Trinoma in Quezon City for a meeting. Later for dinner, I treated myself to this beautiful chicken and pasta plate from World Chicken. This outlet in the mall never fails to please me with their flavorful chicken and generous sides. 


And before calling it a day, I spent time with my favorite dog Ella and her friends at Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe. It is always a lovely time with these fur babies who love being with humans.  

Having a good Monday is a state of mind. Even if I’m busy, I find myself eating the food that I want, knitting, and swinging by my usual dog cafe. Life is too short, so let’s make our Mondays count! 

Knots and Dogs

Yesterday was my first visit to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe since my dad’s passing. It was bittersweet because I was at their other branch when my dad passed away. I felt the healing power of dogs and their dedication is admirable. Of course, the first doggo I hugged was my favorite one, Ella.  


Later during the day, I finished crocheting the scarf I was making using one of the yarns from my Rosario Yarn Adventure


With dogs and crafts, I know that I will be able to carry on just fine.  

Comfort in Sadness

My helper Racquel and I attended a healing mass yesterday to pray for my terminally-ill father. It was held at the Blessed Ivan Merz Reliquarium in Marikina City.  


After mass, we proceeded to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe to unwind over food, milk tea, and dogs!


I was in the company of angels tonight. Thank God for dogs, people who can help, and loved ones who care.