Memory Lane

Yesterday was a busy one. I had a series of interviews at Makati and Ortigas, and I started with the one at Makati.  

I took the P2P to get there as the MRT was already full at 6:00 AM.  


I had taho and crocheted for a bit to perk me up.  


It was a beautiful day, and I got to walk around the city before my appointment.  


I even got to visit my old office building, RCBC Plaza. 


I had breakfast at the convenience store that I used to frequent. 


It was nostalgic because I used to buy food and coffee here during my first job.  


After my Makati interview, I went to Ortigas by train for two other interviews. But first, I dropped by my alma mater UA&P. 


I had some documents photocopied at the library. For the second time that day, I was overcome with nostalgia. 


I had lunch at the cafeteria before proceeding to my two other interviews. 


I finished early, so I still had time to visit St. Clare Monastery to pray for a job and for more blessings for me and my family. 


And for dinner, I had sizzling burger steak, which is my weakness at the food court. 


Here’s hoping that I’ll find the right opportunity for me soon, and that I’ll be able to join the workforce again. For now, I am taking care of my family and not giving up!

A Fresh Start

Back when I was still working at Ortigas, I would have lunch at Juju Eats Podium. Their pesto pasta salad was my favorite as it was filling and refreshing! 

For my last lunch of the year, I had it again. I love their sticker: GOOD JUJU!  


I missed this salad so much!


It brought me back to the good old days. As I welcome 2019, I remain optimistic that the days will be good, bearable, and blessed. 


I knitted while having coffee.  


Then I had a chair massage after running some errands! 


I am welcoming the new year with a new bag and wallet. I chose local brand Heartstrings because all of their bags are designed and made in the Philippines! Also, this colorful rainbow design is cheery and bright. I am straight, but rainbows just resonate with me. 


I know that it’s up to me to make 2019 better than the last! So with a growth mindset and optimism, I know that I got this!

Climate Change Forum Day 3

Yesterday was the conclusion of the Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2018. I focused on risk management in the age of climate change, and I was able to listen to experts from the government, the academe, and business talk about utilizing risk management to prepare for changing times. 

I have already made it a personal tradition to have full-body photos taken by ADB’s signage outside the auditorium. 


I was able to crochet in between sessions to keep my brain alert. 


The talks I attended have inspired me to have a resilience-based mindset in order to adapt in a fast-changing world. 


Before leaving, I reconnected with my new friend Shayne for some photos around the bank. 


I had a wonderful time this week at the ADB, and I hope to have more chances to return! There are heaps of topics being covered in their conferences, and it is always a pleasure to represent my blog.

I look forward to keeping the conversation on climate conservation going. 

Climate Change Forum Day 2

The second day of the Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2018 was just as insightful as its first one. In keeping with the theme of the event, I chose to wear my fanny pack which I bought from eco-conscious social enterprise Rags 2 Riches


I learned that skills training is essential to sustain a green economy. Many jobs will be developed when there are skills acquired from education and training. A couple of decades ago, it was difficult to imagine a paperless office or a massive BPO industry. But thanks to technology, both are now the norm. If technology can revolutionize how we work, then surely the environment can also influence businesses to create jobs which can support green industries.

Social protection in the form of jobs and livelihood training is crucial to ensure that no one is left behind. Tech also plays a crucial part in ensuring that those in remote areas enjoy green jobs. An example of which are electronic cash transfers and app-based jobs such as Grab.  

Governments in the Asia Pacific region must incentivize companies that support the green economy. An example of which is the Green Jobs Act in the Philippines, which is a pioneering law in the region.

If the public and private sectors will work together to ensure that there will be a chance for green jobs to be created, then environmental, economic, and social connections will emerge. The goal is to thrive, not just survive in the age of climate change. And while we cannot prevent it from happening, we can all do our part to limit the negative effects of climate change. 


I was able to meet new friends during the cocktail reception after the second day sessions! It was great to network with colleagues who are also passionate about integrating eco-consciousness in our work and lifestyles. 

I hope that the third day will also be as inspiring and fulfilling. 

ADB Deep Dive Workshop

Yesterday, I attend the Deep Dive Workshops for the 2018 Climate Change Adaptation Forum at the ADB. I have learned that women must be included in development because we are the foundation of the family, which is the basic unit of society. I have also learned that renewable energy is the way to go, because sustainability is key to prevent further damaging our environment.

We must all do our part to prevent climate change from getting worse by researching on ways that we could help. We must live on less in order to enjoy our resources more. And as a woman, I feel empowered that I can do more in my own capacity now that we are being included in development. 

I look forward to the rest of the forum, and I hope to meet people who can keep the conversation on sustainability going!


ADB Transport Forum Day 3

Yesterday, I attended the last day of the Transport Forum 2018 at the ADB. I learned that people should see transport as more than just a means to go from point A to point B- it is actually the way to ensure that we are all able to show up to improve our lives and achieve sustainable development in the region. So aside from enjoying the delectable food and crocheting during the panels, I did absorb all the points presented by the speakers from the different fields in the development sector. I was fortunate to have been part of this event along with my high school friend Luane from UP Diliman. I hope to join more similar events in the future, and that I could also contribute to furthering the cause of sustainability in my own small way.  


ADB Transport Forum Day 2

Yesterday was the second day of the Transport Forum 2018 at the ADB. I continued learning on how technology is advancing the cause of transport efficiency in the Asia Pacific region.

As a blogger and daily commuter, I understand how simple posts online could inform others on traffic, train station queues, and safety concerns. I am more determined to continue sharing my experiences on getting from point A to point B to hopefully reach those in authority in order to improve our transport system.


I also got to attend the second day of the Manila International Book Fair. I was only there for ten minutes. I will go back on the weekend, should the weather improve.  


I am thankful for opportunities to learn and grow at the ADB. It was also fun to spend the conference with my high school friend Luane. I can’t wait to continue learning at the third day of the forum. 


Yesterday, I began my day with a workout. 


Then, I had a hearty brekkie.  


I proceeded to a meeting which was so productive, I was moved to go to St. Clare to give thanks.  


I am thankful for the opportunities that are pouring into my life right now. 

I celebrated with bopis at Rodic’s.  


And I continued crocheting with this cool turquoise yarn.  


I took a couple of selfies through the power of self-timer.  


I purchased new kicks from local leather sandal brand Renegade Folk. 


Finally, I had Sunnies funfetti and a flat white at a Sunnies Cafe.  


I carried on with my crocheting.  


And I ended my day with some neon selfies at the cafe’s infamous selfie powder room. Hahahahaha  


I am overwhelmed with all the blessings in my life right now. I realized that the best way to celebrate is by continuing my regular routine of prayer, crafting, and selfies. There is empowerment in being able to take one’s own selfies without a man’s help. If I can be my own Instagram husband, then I can surely power through life. 

I can hardly wait! 

On Top of Things

We had Mother’s Day lunch at a nice restaurant inside a five star hotel. While we were enjoying the sumptuous food, we also had the chance to view our city from this vantage point. 


It is quite humbling to note that while our urban sprawl is not the most striking of cityscapes, there is still beauty amidst the chaos. There are pockets of greenery and quiet places. I am reminded that there is hope in a city where you see the negative on the foreground. 

Because when you focus on the bigger picture, you will see the potential of your life in a place that is worth stepping back for anyway.  

May you also find your new perspective today, as we begin another week of hustling in this place we call home.  


Yesterday, I had to attend to some personal matters. I knitted while waiting for my appointment. 


After my scheduled meeting, I went to mass in this lovely chapel. 


The weather was conducive for walking, so I took a stroll along Ayala Avenue. I chanced upon these sunflowers! 


I had my eyebrows threaded, and I was pleased with the results. 


Then, I went to Barkin’ Blends Dog Cafe to celebrate this day of possibilities. Here’s Forrest being extra clingy. 


The next clingy dog was Robin! 


He demanded for belly rubs, which I obliged. 


My celebratory mood was heightened when Ella was handed over to me. She’s my favorite dog, and yesterday was her fourth birthday! 


She is the sweetest chiweenie. 


We spent the afternoon cuddling and “napping” (at least for me). 


Being with Ella has reminded me to celebrate the small wins and look forward to the possibilities in my life. With a dash of prayer and a lot of pixie dust (I have the hairstyle to boot!), I am surely going to conquer greater heights, one day at a time. 

Embracing Change


I am going through some changes in my life. I have recently left an unhealthy situation, and I have pledged to practice self-compassion in order to help myself thrive. I have learned through my 21-day self-improvement project that it is important to design my life with intention. This will allow me to filter out the negative factors and avoid repeating the same mistakes. I am also striving to stay strong. I have chosen to spend more time with family and friends, while being open to the idea of meeting new people. I cannot continue being in a bubble all my life. It is time for me to step up and explore new groups, experience new cultures, and embrace change. 


I will never be able to move forward if I am stuck in one place. I have previously been held back by factors which were not good for me. I am excited to be free again, so to speak. Of course, there are times when I am scared of the future. I am scared of being alone. But I dispel those fears with my conscious decision to choose happiness for myself. 

I am embracing change with an optimistic mindset and a risk-oriented attitude. I will be resilient, and I will continue blogging about living life to the fullest. For now, I am open to possibilities and opportunities that will come my way.

Day 6: Magnetized


I have been through a lot of changes in the past year. I launched my blog in a low-key manner, became a freelance researcher while looking for career options, continued exercising, and attended some awesome seminars and conferences as a form of continuing education. I realized that it was way too easy to get lost in all of these transitions, but I chose to remain centered through my wellness through mindfulness battlecry. 


I have made a commitment to living deliberately. It is a process which I am undertaking because I want to make better choices from now on. I would like to have more blessings in my life, so I read Bo Sanchez’s book How to Be a Blessing Magnet. Do you also want to design your life with the intention of attracting more blessings? 

Let me teach you how! 

This book reinforced my belief in *magic*. You see, I have always seen wishing as more than just a fairytale storyline. I believe that wishes can come true, especially since miracles have been present in my life. Of course, we have to have a healthy dose of reality in the wishes we make (ex. I cannot wish to become invisible!). So I was glad that Bo wrote in this book that “wishing has power”, because the impact created through wishing releases energy which attracts blessings. 

To begin attracting blessings, you have to live with a thankful heart.

Wealth is a feeling. It does not matter how much you have in your bank account or how successful you are in your career. If you feel like a winner, you internalize the perception that you are rich. And when you live like a winner, you will be grateful. You will thank God more! And you will aspire for incredible things and opportunities because you know by now that you deserve more. 

Do extraordinary things.  

Take initiative. If there is nothing happening in your life right now, create opportunities! For instance, my blog has become my full-time job when I resigned from work. And guess what- having my own website has become a dress rehearsal for being my own boss! By learning how to manage my website, plan content and write my blog entries every single day, I learned how to be my own boss and by doing so, I am also becoming a better worker. 

By the time I will be employed again, I will be a better follower because I learned first-hand how it is to direct myself and to be responsible for something that is entirely my own. I look forward to applying this sense of responsibility to my next job.  

So I urge you to begin something extraordinary today for yourself and you will be surprised on how it will give you clarity on what you truly want in life. Let that clarity help you attract the right blessings.  

Create your own miracles.  

Take a look back and reflect on your challenges. List down what you have learned from your struggles and use them to propel you forward.  And use your suffering to have compassion for others so that you will not just attract blessings, you will also share your blessings!

Failure is a redirection.  

Change your strategy if your life needs to be fixed at the moment. Again, reflect on your setbacks and strategize on how you can rise from your challenges. Remember, you can only redirect your path if you act on your plans. So go ahead and keep moving forward!

Be hopeful.  

Remember this formula to sum up Bo’s powerful promise that your future can be beautiful: 

+ Hope = + Happiness

Increase your hope, and it will lead to an increase in happiness. Once you are hopeful, you begin to have a sense of gratitude which enables you to live with intention. When you are able to fulfill your dreams, you become happier. And when you give hope, you make other people happy too!  

So act on your dreams and say this powerful declaration at the start of each day:

I’m God’s beloved and it’s His great pleasure to bless me. God’s river of blessings is flowing to me at every single moment of my life. Everything I need comes to me. I’m a blessing magnet.  

-Bo Sanchez  


“How to Be a Blessing Magnet” by Bo Sanchez is available at National Bookstore. I bought my copy from the Shepherd’s Voice booth at the 2017 Manila International Book Fair. It is also available online at


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Day 4: Designing my Life with Intention

I am at a point in my life where everything has to be intentional. I am already thirty-one years old. I know myself well by now and I am no longer wasting my time with people, experiences, and things that are not going to positively influence me.  

Today, let me teach you how to begin designing your life with intention so that you can live more meaningfully.  

I am inspired to design my life with intention!  

I am inspired to design my life with intention!  

Reese Fernandez-Ruiz of R2R was so sweet to have included this handwritten note.  

Reese Fernandez-Ruiz of R2R was so sweet to have included this handwritten note.  

I love this book so much, I have given copies as Christmas presents in the past! 

I love this book so much, I have given copies as Christmas presents in the past! 

With Word of Mouth friends Char, Dianne, Brian, and Rucha  

With Word of Mouth friends Char, Dianne, Brian, and Rucha  

My first time at NCAA!  

My first time at NCAA! 


I was into philately back in grade school. I guested on the show Tipong Pinoy back in the day (and I spoke about my love for stamp collecting) so it was a treat to pose by this backdrop!

I was into philately back in grade school. I guested on the show Tipong Pinoy back in the day (and I spoke about my love for stamp collecting) so it was a treat to pose by this backdrop!

My delicious mushroom risotto from Ilustrado  

My delicious mushroom risotto from Ilustrado  

  1. Live like a winner. I won this R2R passport case and signed copy of The Genius of the Poor by Tom Graham. It all started when I listened to the In Good Company podcast. I supported the podcast since they began releasing episodes because I have been supporting social enterprises like R2R for nine years now (my first R2R purchase was a clutch in 2008!). When they had a giveaway, I joined and of course, I was glad to be one of the lucky winners. Now, you might be thinking what this has to do to “Living life like a winner”. Well, I would not have intended to support social enterprises and handmade business if I did not have a healthy dose of self-respect and self-love. By buying from these social enterprises, I am sharing this love to the artisans and communities whose dignity is being restored with every purchase made. This makes me feel like a winner because I get to share my love. I listen to podcasts that spark joy and uplift my mood. In the end, I live life like a winner and I am inspired to design my lifestyle around my intention to thrive, grow, and win!
  2.  Attend events that can inspire you. I am inspired by cultural and artistic events which could inspire me to elevate my taste for a quality life. By immersing myself in stories, artworks, performances, and music, I get to feel, process how these feelings correlate to my experiences, and have a chance to empathize more as I go along. For example, I attended a Word of Mouth storytelling event at the NCAA auditorium at the beautiful walled city of Intramuros. I got to see my friends Char, Dianne, Brian, and Rucha and we also had lunch at Ilustrado. I felt renewed and restored after listening to stories and catching up with friends over delicious food. I couldn’t really ask for more on a rainy Sunday. 
  3. Be mindful of the choices you make. My Girlboss Workbook by Sophia Amuroso begins with an oath, which allows me to promise to myself that each choice I make must be deliberate. I blog about pursuing wellness through mindfulness, so I’m all for being deliberate with my choices. It begins with asking yourself if each choice is going to be good for you. If it will help you become a better person, then go for it! Remember, mindfulness begins with self-love. Separate your emotions from the love you feel for yourself. Make sure that you love yourself first. From there, all your choices will be deliberate. 
From the Girlboss Workbook

From the Girlboss Workbook

Design your own life with intention, and be sure that each choice you make is deliberate. Don’t ever lose sight of your self-love. Lastly, do not give up when you experience setbacks. Choose to move forward. After all, each new day is another chance to redesign your life!

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Day 2: Vision Boards

I made a couple of vision boards when I was still working in the BPO industry. I kept these boards with me, and they still inspire me until now.

My love for vision boards boil down to the process of making one. 

I find the process therapeutic, and I get to map out my dreams in a tangible way. With the exception of the virtual professionals phrase, I can say that my vision boards are still current. 


For now, I am focusing on building a corporate career. I am also seeking balance in my life. I have recently let go of difficult people in my life and I am attracting growth. Like what I have learned from Roma Agsalud last Saturday, “growth takes time”. I am now focusing on what I invest in and using my time wisely. That way, I am building a future for myself that is secure and full of opportunities. 


You might be wondering why I prefer to make old school vision boards when I can easily do so online. I am a strong believer that handmade is better. The process gives me a tangible connection to the visual representation of my dreams. You might think that they are just mostly makeup, accessories, and clothes, but these items inspire me to work hard. And of course, my vision boards will never be complete without my advocacies and faith.

If you have extra time and some old magazines, I highly recommend making vision boards. You will need a pair of scissors, glue stick, illustration board, and an outline of what you are looking for. If you prefer doing without the outline, that is also fine. You will definitely be inspired and your vision boards can be your visual guides to the dreams you want to fulfill.

Good luck!

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Lessons from Unemployment

I have been unemployed for three months now. I have chosen to be as positive as I can be in these trying times, but I also realized that I should be authentic here on my blog. I feel negative on some days, and I know that there are people out there who might learn a thing or two from my ordeal.

I have been working out everyday in order to be the healthiest that I can be. I owe it to myself to be in shape. The endorphins keep me centered and calm. Also, my best ideas usually occur while I am doing cardio. As I was working out today, I realized that I should share with you some lessons that I have learned from unemployment. Here they are:

Keep on praying! 

Keep on praying! 

  1. Haters are everywhere.  There will always be those negative people who will put you down. Don’t listen to them. You should know by now who to trust.
  2. If someone makes you feel instinctively bad, stay away from that person.  Chances are, your instinct is correct. There will always be people who have hidden agenda for their personal gain. They will use your vulnerability as a reason for you to comply. If someone makes you feel iffy, stop seeing that person and move on.
  3. Prayer is faith in action. Now is the best time to offer prayers. If possible, go to church. The mere act of kneeling down in front of an altar already demonstrates your resolve to improve your condition and overcome unemployment.
  4. Nothing beats self-care. Find your routine to relax and unwind. Job hunting can be stressful, so learn how to take care of yourself so you can bounce back with fierceness. I have a budget for toiletries, and I have rituals like scrubbing, applying face masks, and cooling lotion. These are little luxuries that can go a long way in maintaining your confidence and overall well-being.
  5. Update your CV. Attend seminars, conferences, trainings, workshops, and even online courses. Any form of learning can boost your chances of getting hired. List them down on your CV and keep your online employment profiles up to date. 
  6. Listen to those who love you. They know what is best for you.  
This cup of Sagada coffee from Papa Diddi’s soothed my soul while awakening my weary body. 

This cup of Sagada coffee from Papa Diddi’s soothed my soul while awakening my weary body. 

If you are losing hope right now, I suggest that you take a step back and examine the bigger picture. Is there anything you can do right now to improve your circumstances? It could be a workout, a shower, a hot meal, or a cup of coffee. Now is the best time to reflect and take care of yourself. Unemployment is not a permanent status. It is a short break, so make sure that you relax, keep fighting, and continue job hunting.

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One Week at a Time

It has been three months since I resigned from my last job and I am still actively looking for work. I live my life one day at a time, but I have noticed that I also thrive when I have an established weekly routine.  

For jobseekers like myself, it is important to be your own cheerleader. Your weekly habits must push you to succeed and look at things in a positive light. Here are some of my weekly to-do stuff to inspire you to establish your own routine. 

I try to visit Sta. Clara every week 💒 

I try to visit Sta. Clara every week 💒 

  1.  Visit a place of worship. You do not have to be religious to have a go-to place to pray and reflect. It could even be a library if that makes you think more. Make sure that your place of worship is quiet, conducive for reflecting and meditating, and of course, free from distractions. You need to pray, or for those who have other beliefs, to plot your next course of action. That way, you get to be guided with your decisions thanks to your belief in yourself and in a Power greater than you could ever imagine.
  2. Have at least one leisurely breakfast by yourself in a week. There is something about enjoying the first meal of the day by yourself. Do this weekly, with a book, a journal, or simply your thoughts. You will be surprised by the depth of your realizations as you munch on toast or sip that second cup of joe.
  3. Finish at least one book a week. I have always believed that reading is a powerful weapon against intellectual decline and negativity. There is no such thing as being too busy for a book. There are new releases each month, and ebooks usually cost lower if you prefer that format. I prefer ebooks because I get to read them while I am on the stationary bike. It really is a matter of preference, so choose the literary format and genre that works best for you. 

It’s not that difficult to cultivate new habits, as long as you are determined to improve your outlook and circumstances. Always be true to yourself. Weekly routines are there to help you move forward, so make the most out of them. Discover new things that enrich your life as well, and before you know it, you are already a better version of yourself. 

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Personal Prosperity Perspective

Try saying my post’s title in succession ten times. It’s quite a tongue twister, isn’t it? 


Like the way our speech gets confused whenever we attempt to say tongue twisters in succession, I have noticed that we have an innate tendency to dwell on what we lack. We tend to notice that we lack confidence, intelligence, schooling, privilege...the list goes on. 

But what if we can rewire our minds to naturally veer towards prosperity? 

I have candidly blogged about my unemployment. Not so long ago, my posts sounded pleading and almost defeatist. However, I applied design thinking into my personal development. Empathy is a key factor in this thought process. I felt that I was doing myself a disservice whenever I blogged about being unemployed, struggling with money, and running out of hope. 

I downloaded some podcasts, such as The Lavendaire Lifestyle and Pursuit with Purpose.  I spent the weekend listening to these insightful lessons and I learned that I lean towards negativity.

In order to create opportunities for myself, I have to have a Prosperity Perspective. 

Surrounding yourself with love helps too! 

Surrounding yourself with love helps too! 

It may sound unthinkable to imbibe a personal mindset that I am experiencing blessings during a time of emptiness. However, that is exactly why we should rethink how we view prosperity. It does not just happen to those who are already employed, successful, and living the life. In fact, prosperity belongs to everyone. It is just a matter of making it personal in order to enjoy the benefits firsthand.

Let me give you a couple of examples when the mindset that I am broke caused me to miss a couple of opportunities. I was at a museum in Singapore to view a popular exhibit, but I was told by the guide that I needed to donate a small amount of money. My disappointment took over and I told him that I was sorry because I was broke. I had missed the chance to view this exhibit because I felt that I did not have enough funds to do so, when in fact, I could have just donated money to enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime art experience. I ended up being sad because I missed that opportunity, and you would think that I have already learned my lesson, right?

Well, it took a second missed opportunity for me to grasp the meaning of having a prosperity perspective. A legendary cultural figure was invited by the government agency which was conducting a trade fair last week. I have successfully registered for a conference beside the said trade fair, and I was attending to represent my blog in various creativity workshops. Because I was concerned about being broke, I told the secretariat (who offered me a paid ticket to the said trade fair upon discovering that I was a delegate to the conference next door) that I could not afford it. Upon seeing the finished output of the legendary artist, I felt disappointed with myself. I could have paid the entrance fee with my savings in order to experience another once-in-a-lifetime artistic experience! The conference was insightful, but the opportunity to meet a living legend does not happen everyday. Besides, I could have returned to my seat at the conference anytime. It was a wasted chance, all because I was focused on being broke.

If I had my personal prosperity perspective in order, I could have seen the value of the opportunities being presented to me.  I could have said yes instead of missing out on these chances to broaden my artistic point of view. I could have enriched my life, but I chose to be conveniently broke.

From now on, I will no longer let the broke mentality blind me from the value of opportunities. My prosperity perspective will be personal in such a way that I will make it my own truth. In turn, I will eagerly await opportunities to come my way, and this time I will say yes!

You can try saying personal prosperity perspective  again and again, but the message is best understood by practicing this mindset. Shift towards prosperity and abandon your broke mentality today! Do it one day at a time, and tell me how it goes. I’d love to hear your stories.

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