I remember having this portrait of me sketched four years ago.
A lot has changed since then.
- I have since donated my hair to make wigs for cancer patients
- I have kept my hair short since October 2014
- I have switched careers and I am now the Office Manager for an American BPO
- I have kept my face makeup-free
- I now have this blog to document my life
These changes did not occur overnight. In fact, I have initiated these changes slowly, but the results have appeared fast. I believe that achieving positive impact happens when I set the stage for all circumstances to work in my favor.
I blogged, I attended seminars, I applied for good jobs, and continued supporting my advocacies. In no time, I was able to see changes in my life, and I have also improved my outlook as a whole.
I hope that my life will continue to get better, and that I will keep on aspiring for greatness. For now, I am focusing on getting things done, and blogging about the things that make me speakoutsam!